Author Topic: More test renders  (Read 11612 times)

2020-04-21, 19:21:39


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I realize development of the plugin has been suspended, but I thought I'd post a few more images of some more tests I've been able to run on the plugin thanks to the pandemic lockdown in place and the extra time its afforded, as well as some thoughts (in case they're useful further down the road).
I really really love this plugin and it's sad that development has been frozen, as it shows such an incredible amount of promise and potential as well as robustness for being an alpha version build.

Hard to believe that these are straight from the ArchiCAD 3D window.
Just point and shoot, and no intermediary or third-party post-processing software (other than the screen-grab from the ArchiCAD interface) necessary.
All renders between 1.5 to 4 hrs rendertime (depending on when I did them and how much time I had available to let it run. Most of them were mostly resolved after half an hour of cooking)


1) As you can see, I made use of some (relatively) heavy polycount objects and entourage, which the program was able to handle only becauseI used them in limited fashion (and this is a small project/ house). However I was nonetheless impressed with the plugin's ability to handle and render them well and still manage memory in a relatively stable manner, as well as translating the geometry pretty well. Any artifacts or facetting is purely on the ArchiCAD's side and end of things due to its limitations (And my reluctance to convert most of these objects into morphs which would have allowed smoothing (at the cost of more polys).

2) You might already be aware that the interface (The VFB and the Corona render dialog) are still somewhat buggy. Whenever I went back to the plan to make a change and then went back to the 3D window, the settings would revert to some default values and I would lose all my previous settings. There's a relatively easy workaround with the VFB (just save your presets and re-load them when the settings reset) but the render dialog unfortunately has to be re-set manually.
At this stage I prefer to use the VFB as it allows adjustment of post-processing on the fly as the render is running to get a better final output.
Also, the same bug occurred when saving custom image view settings in ArchiCAD's navigator window.
It's not too unmanageable but if development ever gets picked up again I would hope this would be something that will be looked at.

3) I absolutely love the addition of the (new) Corona Light object as it allows for more control and more options (As with shape) and accurate light settings.
My only suggestion would be to add an option to use IES files with the Corona light as well (rather than using the ArchiCAD general light that accommodates the IES light files), as once again, I prefer using the Corona light over the ArchiCAD lights (even with IES files that I love using). For one thing, controlling the light direction is much easier with Corona light interactively in the 3D window rather than through a dialog.

4) The HDRI and environment issue I had with the previous build is now gone and I can use different HDRI's to light the scene and act as the background, respectively, without getting crashes as before (Thanks, Alex) - even though, I'm inclined to believe that was an issue more on the ArchiCAD side of things rather than the Corona side, as a lot of crashed and instabilities I was experiencing disappeared after Graphisoft released some hotfixes (service packs) for their various program versions.

Finally, even if you guys end up being unable to continue development of the plugin, I just wanted to share my appreciation for all the work you've put into it and into the general Corona project thus far.
You're all a model of professionalism, INSANELY crazy skill, and a pleasure to work with all around, and I hope all the best for everything you have planned going forward.
It's really been a great pleasure testing and using this plugin, and I really wanted all of you to know that for all the dedication and work you've put into it.

2020-04-24, 16:15:49
Reply #1


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where are those assets from?

how did you import them in archicad? Pic two sofa and blanket are in my interest.

2020-04-25, 11:48:13
Reply #2


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where are those assets from?

how did you import them in archicad? Pic two sofa and blanket are in my interest.

They're mostly from (formerly Google but now Trimble) Sketchup Warehouse, and you import them as .skp files directly into ArchiCAD using the "Merge" function under File > File Special on the menu.
Just be careful about polycounts as some of the more detailed objects have very high polygon counts, and using layers to help you organize stuff can be your friend.

Some objects are also from my 3ds max object library (exported as either .3ds or .skp files and imported using the merge function or the 3ds import addon).

Some of them you might have to convert to Morphs to be able to change materials and stuff like that (unless you know how to code in GDL and open the object in the gdl script editor), but for the most part the materials come in mapped correctly and with the right textures.

2020-05-22, 18:39:56
Reply #3


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I saw your pics so I decided to go with mine, maybe someone else could share also so that we can encourage Corona Team to come back and continue work on the plugin so one day we could all spend our money and buy Corona Renderer for Archicad [Commercial V 1.0] :-)

2020-05-22, 18:50:43
Reply #4


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Ah, unfortunately it's not lack of desire on our part - all the encouragement in the world won't solve the issue that we need more good developers :) The never ending search! Send anyone you know who would be interested over to
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us