Author Topic: Corona Mask Manager (2020)  (Read 2084 times)

2020-04-17, 08:48:53


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I'm looking for a method to modify an existing script from the Corona forums that automatically generates mono masks (CMasking_Mask) for every material in a scene. 

The script works very well, but requires some modifications to address edge cases:

watch x1.5 speed

2020-04-17, 23:36:10
Reply #1


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Looking at this briefly, adding this to line 172
Code: [Select]
if obj_list.count == 0 do continueIs enough to fix this issue, I think, making it skip the materials that are not directly assigned to any object.

Complete script:
Code: [Select]
--> by Gabriel Sumner & durandal_1707 (big ThX for the original script structure and wireColor code)
--> timestamp: 23/05/15
-->Version 1.0 Alpha
/*Credits for code snippets (sorry if someone has been forgotten, his / her name shall be added here asap:
 > Dave Wortleys tutorial for the basis idea of adding renderElements:
 > Bobo "select object my material" :

/* known issues:
- only Corona materials are renamed to shorten the naming of the saved renderElement
- only poly geometry is supported: lines need to have an editPoly on top of the stack to be recognized; Groups are not supported
- if the "create mono masks" button is pressed several times the script keeps adding new render elements, no check for existing elements at the moment
- open / close script window is somewhat buggy, needs optimizin'...

/* TODO: planed functions (everyone is welcome to change the script in any way / participate in the development ;) )
- check for existing elements and warn the user to create additional or replace the existing once
- delete all mono mask elements
- set different path for render elements
- set different file format for render elements

--try(destroydialog wireColorByMatRollout)catch()   >> toDo dialog creation

re = maxOps.GetCurRenderElementMgr()

local theMaterials = for m in SceneMaterials collect m

/* Material Names List */
local theNames = for n in theMaterials collect
/*Remove the word "Material" for easier file naming */
for i=1 to theNames.count do
if i != undefined then
theNames[i] = replace theNames[i] (findstring theNames[i] "Material ") 10 ""

local fixedPaletteColors = #
(color 255 0 0), /* 1 - RED */
(color 0 255 0), /* 2 - GREEN */
(color 0 0 255), /* 3 - BLUE */
(color 255 0 255), /* 4 - MAGENTA */
(color 255 255 0), /* 5 - YELLOW */
(color 0 255 255), /* 6 - CYAN */
(color 120 0 0), /* 7- DARK RED */
(color 0 120 0), /* 8 - DARK GREEN */
(color 0 0 120), /* 9 - DARK BLUE */
(color 120 0 120), /* 10 - DARK MAGENTA */
(color 120 120 0), /* 11 - DARK YELLOW */
(color 0 120 120), /* 12 - DARK CYAN */
(color 60 60 60), /* 13 - DARK GRAY */
(color 120 120 120), /* 14 - GRAY */
(color 255 255 255) /* 15 - WHITE */

struct materialWireColor
matRef, matName, wireColor

/* unique scene materials */
local sceneMats = #()
local sceneMatTags = #()

for sceneObject in (objects) do
if sceneObject.material != undefined then
appendIfUnique sceneMats sceneObject.material

/* pre-select wire colors from a fixed palette defined above */
for matIdx = 1 to  sceneMats.count do
local wireColor = (color 128 128 128)
if(matIdx <= fixedPaletteColors.count) then
wireColor = fixedPaletteColors[matIdx]

local matName = undefined
if sceneMats[matIdx].name != undefined then
matName = sceneMats[matIdx].name
matName = "unnamed_material_" + matIdx

append sceneMatTags (materialWireColor sceneMats[matIdx] matName wireColor)

/* Main UI */
global rofWireColors
rollout wireColorByMatRollout "Assign wire colors by material" width:340 height:320
listbox materialListBox "Scene materials" pos:[16,16] width:179 height:9 items:(for matTag in (sceneMatTags) collect
button assignColorsButton "Assign wire colors" pos:[50,160] width:235 height:40
--button createMonoMasksButton "Create mono masks" pos:[50,240] width:235 height:40
colorPicker wireColorPicker "" pos:[208,40] width:112 height:112
label lbl1 "Pick wire color" pos:[216,16] width:72 height:24

on wireColorByMatRollout open do
materialListBox.selection = 1
wireColorPicker.color = sceneMatTags[1].wireColor

on materialListBox selected mlbSelIndex do
wireColorPicker.color = sceneMatTags[mlbSelIndex].wireColor

on wireColorPicker changed newColor do
selMatIndex = materialListBox.selection
if selMatIndex != undefined then
sceneMatTags[selMatIndex].wireColor = newColor

on assignColorsButton pressed do
/*assign wire colors to objects based on their material */
for sceneObject in (objects) do
for sceneMatTag in (sceneMatTags) do
if sceneObject.material == sceneMatTag.matRef then
sceneObject.wireColor = sceneMatTag.wireColor
/* close UI */
closeRolloutFloater rofWireColors
) catch()
rollout monoMasksRollout "Generate Mono Masks for assigned sceneMats" width:340 height:260
button createMonoMasksButton "Create mono masks" pos:[5,10] width:150 height:40
button deleteAllMonoMasksButton "Delete all mono mask passes" pos:[180,10] width:150 height:40 enabled: false
on createMonoMasksButton pressed do
--Materials List
theMaterials = for m in SceneMaterials collect m
--Material Names List
theNames = for n in theMaterials collect
--Remove the word "Material" for easier file naming
for i=1 to theNames.count do
theNames[i] = replace theNames[i] (findstring theNames[i] "Material ") 10 ""

for i=1 to theMaterials.count do
obj_list = (for o in Geometry where o.material == theMaterials[i] collect o)
if obj_list.count == 0 do continue
re.addrenderelement (CMasking_Mask())
theelement = re.getrenderelement (re.numrenderelements() - 1 )
theelement.elementName = ("Matte_" + theNames[i] as string)
theelement.nodesMonoOn = true
theelement.nodesMonoIncludeMod= true
theelement.nodesMono = obj_list;
--maskEls = append maskEls theelement.elementName

/*update  Render Setup Window */
if renderSceneDialog.isOpen()==true do

/*show  Render Setup Window */

/* close UI */
closeRolloutFloater rofWireColors
) catch()

on deleteAllMonoMasksButton pressed do

/* prevent the user from opening more than one dialog at a time */
rollout miscRollout "Toolbox" width:340 height:260
label lbl1 "Select objects by mat" pos:[15,5] width:200 height:16
dropDownList matsDropDownList items:theNames
on matsDropDownList selected itm do
     select (for o in Geometry where o.material == theMaterials[itm] collect o)

label lbl2 "Set different path for render elements" pos:[15,55] width:200 height:16 enabled:false
editText edt1 "" pos:[10,75] width:200 height:25 enabled:false
button btn1 "Change path" pos:[220,75] width:85 height:25

label lbl3 "Set different file format for render elements" pos:[15,110] width:250 height:16 enabled:false
    dropdownList ddl_file_ext "" pos:[12,125] width:110 height:40 items:#(".avi", ".bmp", ".cin", ".eps", ".ps", ".exr", ".fxr", ".hdr", ".pic", ".jpg", ".png", ".rgb", ".rla", ".rpf", ".tga", ".tif", ".dds")enabled:false

rofWireColors = newRolloutFloater "Corona Mask Manager" 350 500
addRollout wireColorByMatRollout rofWireColors
addRollout monoMasksRollout rofWireColors
addRollout miscRollout rofWireColors


2020-04-18, 01:21:51
Reply #2


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@niljut this seems to address the issue exactly, thanks for your help!

Can I add another condition to prevent materials of hidden objects from being collected, something like:

Code: [Select]
for obj in objects where obj.isHidden do
« Last Edit: 2020-04-18, 06:03:34 by cjwidd »

2020-04-18, 09:32:08
Reply #3


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I added a couple more lines (172, 174) that seem to produce the desired result; I have no idea whether it is optimal, sensible, efficient, scalable, etc.

Code: [Select]
for i=1 to theMaterials.count do
obj_list = (for o in Geometry where o.material == theMaterials[i] collect o)
obj_list_vis = (for o in obj_list where not o.isHidden collect o)
if obj_list.count == 0 do continue
if obj_list_vis.count == 0 do continue
re.addrenderelement (CMasking_Mask())
theelement = re.getrenderelement (re.numrenderelements() - 1 )
theelement.elementName = ("alpha_" + theNames[i] as string)
theelement.nodesMonoOn = true
theelement.nodesMonoIncludeMod= true
theelement.nodesMono = obj_list;
--maskEls = append maskEls theelement.elementName

Complete script:

Code: [Select]

--> by Gabriel Sumner & durandal_1707 (big ThX for the original script structure and wireColor code)
--> timestamp: 23/05/15
-->Version 1.0 Alpha
/*Credits for code snippets (sorry if someone has been forgotten, his / her name shall be added here asap:
 > Dave Wortleys tutorial for the basis idea of adding renderElements:
 > Bobo "select object my material" :

/* known issues:
- only Corona materials are renamed to shorten the naming of the saved renderElement
- only poly geometry is supported: lines need to have an editPoly on top of the stack to be recognized; Groups are not supported
- if the "create mono masks" button is pressed several times the script keeps adding new render elements, no check for existing elements at the moment
- open / close script window is somewhat buggy, needs optimizin'...

/* TODO: planed functions (everyone is welcome to change the script in any way / participate in the development ;) )
- check for existing elements and warn the user to create additional or replace the existing once
- delete all mono mask elements
- set different path for render elements
- set different file format for render elements

--try(destroydialog wireColorByMatRollout)catch()   >> toDo dialog creation

re = maxOps.GetCurRenderElementMgr()

local theMaterials = for m in SceneMaterials collect m

/* Material Names List */
local theNames = for n in theMaterials collect
/*Remove the word "Material" for easier file naming */
for i=1 to theNames.count do
if i != undefined then
theNames[i] = replace theNames[i] (findstring theNames[i] "Material ") 10 ""

local fixedPaletteColors = #
(color 255 0 0), /* 1 - RED */
(color 0 255 0), /* 2 - GREEN */
(color 0 0 255), /* 3 - BLUE */
(color 255 0 255), /* 4 - MAGENTA */
(color 255 255 0), /* 5 - YELLOW */
(color 0 255 255), /* 6 - CYAN */
(color 120 0 0), /* 7- DARK RED */
(color 0 120 0), /* 8 - DARK GREEN */
(color 0 0 120), /* 9 - DARK BLUE */
(color 120 0 120), /* 10 - DARK MAGENTA */
(color 120 120 0), /* 11 - DARK YELLOW */
(color 0 120 120), /* 12 - DARK CYAN */
(color 60 60 60), /* 13 - DARK GRAY */
(color 120 120 120), /* 14 - GRAY */
(color 255 255 255) /* 15 - WHITE */

struct materialWireColor
matRef, matName, wireColor

/* unique scene materials */
local sceneMats = #()
local sceneMatTags = #()

for sceneObject in (objects) do
if sceneObject.material != undefined then
appendIfUnique sceneMats sceneObject.material

/* pre-select wire colors from a fixed palette defined above */
for matIdx = 1 to  sceneMats.count do
local wireColor = (color 128 128 128)
if(matIdx <= fixedPaletteColors.count) then
wireColor = fixedPaletteColors[matIdx]

local matName = undefined
if sceneMats[matIdx].name != undefined then
matName = sceneMats[matIdx].name
matName = "unnamed_material_" + matIdx

append sceneMatTags (materialWireColor sceneMats[matIdx] matName wireColor)

/* Main UI */
global rofWireColors
rollout wireColorByMatRollout "Assign wire colors by material" width:340 height:320
listbox materialListBox "Scene materials" pos:[16,16] width:179 height:9 items:(for matTag in (sceneMatTags) collect
button assignColorsButton "Assign wire colors" pos:[50,160] width:235 height:40
--button createMonoMasksButton "Create mono masks" pos:[50,240] width:235 height:40
colorPicker wireColorPicker "" pos:[208,40] width:112 height:112
label lbl1 "Pick wire color" pos:[216,16] width:72 height:24

on wireColorByMatRollout open do
materialListBox.selection = 1
wireColorPicker.color = sceneMatTags[1].wireColor

on materialListBox selected mlbSelIndex do
wireColorPicker.color = sceneMatTags[mlbSelIndex].wireColor

on wireColorPicker changed newColor do
selMatIndex = materialListBox.selection
if selMatIndex != undefined then
sceneMatTags[selMatIndex].wireColor = newColor

on assignColorsButton pressed do
/*assign wire colors to objects based on their material */
for sceneObject in (objects) do
for sceneMatTag in (sceneMatTags) do
if sceneObject.material == sceneMatTag.matRef then
sceneObject.wireColor = sceneMatTag.wireColor
/* close UI */
closeRolloutFloater rofWireColors
) catch()
rollout monoMasksRollout "Generate Mono Masks for assigned sceneMats" width:340 height:260
button createMonoMasksButton "Create mono masks" pos:[5,10] width:150 height:40
button deleteAllMonoMasksButton "Delete all mono mask passes" pos:[180,10] width:150 height:40 enabled: false
on createMonoMasksButton pressed do
--Materials List
theMaterials = for m in SceneMaterials collect m
--Material Names List
theNames = for n in theMaterials collect
--Remove the word "Material" for easier file naming
for i=1 to theNames.count do
theNames[i] = replace theNames[i] (findstring theNames[i] "Material ") 10 ""

for i=1 to theMaterials.count do
obj_list = (for o in Geometry where o.material == theMaterials[i] collect o)
obj_list_vis = (for o in obj_list where not o.isHidden collect o)
if obj_list.count == 0 do continue
if obj_list_vis.count == 0 do continue
re.addrenderelement (CMasking_Mask())
theelement = re.getrenderelement (re.numrenderelements() - 1 )
theelement.elementName = ("alpha_" + theNames[i] as string)
theelement.nodesMonoOn = true
theelement.nodesMonoIncludeMod= true
theelement.nodesMono = obj_list;
--maskEls = append maskEls theelement.elementName

/*update  Render Setup Window */
if renderSceneDialog.isOpen()==true do

/*show  Render Setup Window */

/* close UI */
closeRolloutFloater rofWireColors
) catch()

on deleteAllMonoMasksButton pressed do

/* prevent the user from opening more than one dialog at a time */
rollout miscRollout "Toolbox" width:340 height:260
label lbl1 "Select objects by mat" pos:[15,5] width:200 height:16
dropDownList matsDropDownList items:theNames
on matsDropDownList selected itm do
     select (for o in Geometry where o.material == theMaterials[itm] collect o)

label lbl2 "Set different path for render elements" pos:[15,55] width:200 height:16 enabled:false
editText edt1 "" pos:[10,75] width:200 height:25 enabled:false
button btn1 "Change path" pos:[220,75] width:85 height:25

label lbl3 "Set different file format for render elements" pos:[15,110] width:250 height:16 enabled:false
    dropdownList ddl_file_ext "" pos:[12,125] width:110 height:40 items:#(".avi", ".bmp", ".cin", ".eps", ".ps", ".exr", ".fxr", ".hdr", ".pic", ".jpg", ".png", ".rgb", ".rla", ".rpf", ".tga", ".tif", ".dds")enabled:false

rofWireColors = newRolloutFloater "Corona Mask Manager" 350 500
addRollout wireColorByMatRollout rofWireColors
addRollout monoMasksRollout rofWireColors
addRollout miscRollout rofWireColors


« Last Edit: 2020-04-18, 13:17:39 by cjwidd »

2020-04-18, 13:33:32
Reply #4


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And what is the result?
Architectural Visualizations / Deep work practitioner

2020-04-18, 15:03:03
Reply #5


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There are almost always numerous ways to improve scripts, but as long as it works as intended and is not unreasonably slow it's usually best to let it be. I was almost tempted to rewrite the entire script, but it wouldn't actually accomplish anything meaningful. :-)

If you're curious about optimizing the part you added, all you really need to check for is if there is at least one non hidden item with the material. Something like this:

Code: [Select]
for i=1 to theMaterials.count do
obj_list = (for o in Geometry where o.material == theMaterials[i] collect o)

if obj_list.count == 0 do continue

local hidden = true
for obj in obj_list while hidden == true do hidden = obj.isHidden
if hidden == true do continue

re.addrenderelement (CMasking_Mask())
theelement = re.getrenderelement (re.numrenderelements() - 1 )
theelement.elementName = ("alpha_" + theNames[i] as string)
theelement.nodesMonoOn = true
theelement.nodesMonoIncludeMod= true
theelement.nodesMono = obj_list;
--maskEls = append maskEls theelement.elementName

causes it to break out of the for loop the moment it finds a visible item with the material.