We always tell you the truth. No, Chaos (we are Chaos too btw, there's no "us and them") did not tell us to stop development. We don't have enough developers to ensure a high standard of quality on our existing versions and create new versions, so the new versions had to be brought to a stop. Why would we not say that, when it's the truth? While we'd love to give you good news, that still applies, there was no sudden change in the number of good developers applying.
Corona renderer for ArchiCAD, it is best that one can only imagine in the world of architecture and design!
You have heard this since the beginning of the development of the plugin for AC.
You just think about how many people will stop jumping from program to program to do their job efficiently, and as a result, how much the whole process will speed up.
I understand that the management of your company is guided by financial indicators, but then it is not clear why the coronarender for AC is still not paid!? I am an architect myself and now I only do my projects in archicad with Corona render. And I am ready to buy a license, just give me the opportunity,
I think 100% of the forum users will agree with me!
(Example) Even now, the plugin covers 90% of what I need and most of my clients are satisfied with the quality of the presentation. I just charge a little less money for my work in this case (but MUCH, I win, in time!!!), and if the client wants the perfect picture quality, then he pays more money. And I'm working on a 3D max + Corona image for him.
You hear quite logical questions from users, such as mauro_lck, and there can be no other thoughts. V-Ray is Chaos, and you are with them for one thing. If not, prove it!
"How do we make users believe in our project? I think they just download the demo version of CoronaRenderer and see everything with their own eyes. " - Your words! (CORONA RENDERER: BEHIND THE SCENES. INTERVIEW)
I decided to write this post, as I hope that from the outside it is more visible ( I speak on behalf of everyone who has already tried coronarender in archicad) and you will appreciate this idea!
Start voting, in the environment of architects and designers working in Archicad, and you will see confirmation of my words and get a boost of energy to continue your work!!!