Author Topic: Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D daily build - Changelog  (Read 15507 times)

2020-02-27, 13:12:45


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Changes in Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2020-02-27) (

Edit: Updated with changes and fixes that were included with the switch to the new Corona rendering core.

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed crash in IR, when rendering with soft selection
    • Fixed rendering of projector shader
    • Fixed occasional freezes when dragging connections in material node system
    • Fixed blurring of caustics at the edge of the screen
    • Fixed issue where light mix/postprocessing settings in VFB where not accepting values if mouse was outside of the VFB window
  • Added:
    • Introduced a new way to activate corona - you can set your email & password or a path to the licensing server to environment variable CORONA_ACTIVATION:
      • For email and password, use format “email:password”
      • For licensing server address, use format “LS:address”
    • Added render stamp token %ptg which is replaced with the scene geometry preprocessing time (in milliseconds).
  • Changed
    • Temporarily removed Corona Standalone from the installer. We're currently doing a full rewrite of the Standalone code and it will be much faster if we don't need to maintain full backwards compatibility in every step during the development. The new version of standalone will be ready for v6 release.
« Last Edit: 2020-03-12, 20:00:15 by houska »

2020-05-06, 20:27:14
Reply #1


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Changes in Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2020-05-06) (

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed bug where object base material was being rendered transparently when another material was stacked over it with disabled tiling
    • Fixed environment override not being applied to a fully visible Corona Sky
    • Fixed bug where changing sky material visibility didn't affect the corresponding Corona Sky visibility
    • Corona and C4D sun visibility is correctly handled now, both in IR and in non-IR
    • Fixed bug with incorrect mapping of displacement when last material with no displacement uses different mapping than material with displacement
    • IR now reacts to movement of a keyframed camera
    • Fixed black viewport previews in S22
    • Fixed problem with Ray Switcher material not showing in viewport
  • Added:
    • Added new adaptive environment light sampler based on the one in V-Ray
      • Noise clears up to 2x faster in interior scenes in general; up to 9x faster in certain extreme cases.
      • The new solver is now used as default for all new and old scenes.
      • This solver removes the need for portals.
  • Changed:
    • Removed portal material, because it is no longer needed due to new adaptive environment light sampler

2020-05-29, 19:34:05
Reply #2


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Changes in Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2020-05-29) (

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed intensity multiplier in Corona Sky in shader mode
  • Changed:
    • Corona VFB now shows renders with the same gamma correction as C4D Picture Viewer
    • Saving from VFB now allows setting additional output options (e.g. JPG quality) and uses the same gamma correction as when saving via C4D

2020-06-11, 13:27:29
Reply #3


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Changes in Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2020-06-11) (

Edit: Updated with info about "Blue noise" sampler that was also introduced in this daily build

  • Fixed:
    • Improved performance in Corona VFB when using C4D colorspace
    • Fixed crash when using render regions with caustics solver
    • Fixed problem with licensing window not opening in S22 on MacOS X
  • Added:
    • Implemented new and improved Sun & Sky model
      • Supports sun below horizon
      • Current version does not support turbidity, but it will be added in next iteration of this model
      • Can be selected by using "Improved" sky model in Corona Sky object (this is now the default)
      • Can be selected by unchecking the "Use legacy color" checkbox in Corona Sun (legacy mode is available only in old scenes)
    • Added Improved lens effects
      • These include aperture editor accessible from Corona VFB
    • Added (randomized) tiling support to Uvw Randomizer shader
    • New secondary light solver: 4K cache
    • Added new random sampler "Blue noise"
      • It is the default sampler for new scenes
      • Produces less visually distracting noise in low pass renders
      • Examples: here and here
    • Material dispersion Abbe number now support values lower than 10
« Last Edit: 2020-06-11, 16:15:11 by Ales »

2020-06-30, 22:59:07
Reply #4


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Changes in Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2020-06-30) (

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed crash when using WireColor pass in Multipass
    • Fixed regression when Corona Sky was using previously configured texture/shader even when switched back to Physical mode
  • Added:
    • Added "Viewport resolution" option to Corona Sky in shader mode to allow adjusting preview quality in viewport
  • Changed:
    • Updated text options for Random sampler in Development/experimental settings
    • Allow specification of seed in UVW randomizer in all modes when used for tiles randomization
    • Reworked internals of material node system to improve stability and allow future improvements
      • WARNING: the new node system saves data in a different format; if you use the node system in your scene and save with a daily build that's from Jun 30th onward, it will not load correctly in older daily builds from before that date!
      • Stability improvements (fixes of crashes, materials rendering differently in viewport and VFB, parts of the node system not being updated etc)
      • Materials with shared shaders should now correctly save and load in the content browser
      • Partially fixed frequent nodes reordering when connecting/disconnecting nodes (some more improvements are yet to be done)
      • Empty slot is now removed from the Layer shader when disconnecting shader
      • Fixed problems/crashes when reconnecting shader from closed ports group into the same group once it was opened during mouse drag
      • C4D Texture manager now displays all bitmaps used within the node system

2020-07-16, 20:09:05
Reply #5


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Changes in Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2020-07-16) (

  • Added:
    • Added distance shader
    • Added support for high quality blending in UVW randomizer
    • Added support for masks propagation in Corona Material (replaces masks visibility)
    • Added option to disable caustics adaptivity/optimizations
    • It is now possible to select relevant light objects from LightMix tab in Corona VFB
    • Added support for volumetrics in Components pass
    • Added optional collection of anonymous product usage data
  • Fixed:
    • Fixed problems in Node material editor when duplicating nodes
    • Fixed problem with Node material editor preventing selection of viewport objects
    • Fixed problem with Components pass UI not showing correct values untill values are changed

2020-07-29, 11:28:43
Reply #6


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Changes in Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D (Release Candidate 1) (

  • Added:
    • Added hue, gamma, temperature and green-magenta tint parameters to ColorCorrect shader
    • Added support for %ptg token in render stamp
  • Changed:
    • UVW Randomizer now defaults to objects mode
  • Fixed:
    • Fixed problem with Corona plugin not loading on MacOS X Mojave
    • Fixed typo in UVW Randomizer
    • Distance shader now show simplified preview in viewport instead of error message
    • Distance shader now doesn't render error message in cases where added objects don't contain any geometry
    • Fixed inconsistency between IR and final render when there is an empty or invalid material tag on an object
    • Changing "Use Cinema 4D color space" now correctly refreshes Corona VFB
    • Fixed several crashes and hangs in IR when updating materials and shaders
    • Fixed custom render stamp format not working in TR
    • Fixed "Batch load textures" button on macOS that didn't allow a user to choose any file previously
    • Corona Shared shader no longer appears in options in Node material editor (shaders sharing is fully handled by editor itself, so creating Shared shader doesn't make sense there and only caused problems)

This is our first release candidate, from now on we will be mainly focused on fixing bugs before releasing final version 6.

2020-08-05, 00:22:00
Reply #7


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Changes in Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D (Release Candidate 2) (

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed crash when dragging connection in node editor that is same as already existing one
    • Fixed crashes when using Triplanar or UVW randomizer along another Corona shaders within single C4D shader (e.g. Layer)
    • Fixed node editor previously allowed to create recursive connections with "Add existing..." menu, resulting in crashes
    • Fixed bug with Distance shader with only non-geometry objects (e.g. Null object) rendering error text after reloading document
    • Performance improvements in 4K cache
    • When the environment is visible through a reflection or refraction during mask propagation, the result is now a black color instead of the mask of the reflecting/refracting object

2020-08-14, 17:37:20
Reply #8


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Changes in Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D (Release Candidate 3) (

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed loading of post processing preset in Corona VFB
    • Optimized Corona VFB refresh when using C4D color space
    • Fixed bug with Corona Bitmap rendering rotated HDRI image when used in environment
    • Fixed problems with NaNs in render caused by using textures containing NaNs in their file
    • Fixed crashes in node system when disconnecting nodes with multiple connections within more complex shaders hierarchy
    • Fixed problem with occassional duplication of shader when disconnected in node system
    • Fixed crash in some cases when deleting shader node in complex hierarchy via node system
    • Fixed duplication of Layer shader in node system (i.e. ctrl+drag of Layer shader)
    • Fixed problem with material preview and its IR render not updating when deleting its shaders via node system
    • Fixed problem with non-collapsible tree with presets in multipass dialog
    • Fixed problem with Bloom and Glare not refreshing in Corona VFB without moving mouse over VFB area
    • Fixed random crashes when updating Sun/lights in IR
  • Added:
    • Dissolve with previous image added to Development/Experimental Stuff section of render settings, for future development

2020-08-18, 14:19:55
Reply #9


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Changes in Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D (Release Candidate 4) (

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed crash when rendering Corona proxy without geometry
    • Fixed problems and crashes with updates of Corona Sky in HDRI mode in IR when C4D shaders are used under Corona ones
    • Fixed crash when editing Vertex Map tag linked to Vertex Map shader used inside another C4D shader in IR
    • Fixed updates of Corona Distance shader used inside another C4D shader when modifying linked geometry in IR
    • Fixed crash when objects with normal map were added in subsequent frames in IR
    • Changing postprocessing on active camera now won't restart IR
    • Fixed problem with remaining entry in Windows Apps & Features after running uninstall

2020-08-26, 13:01:14
Reply #10


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Changes in Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D final (

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed problem with camera offset not working correctly in viewport render and viewport IR
    • Fixed crash in some cases when switching between cameras in IR
    • Fixed bug in node system where shaders could not be connected to Layered material and Shadow Catcher material
    • Fixed masks propagation for Mask and WireColor passes in Multi-pass
    • Fixed problem with non-working deletion of separate render history entries in Corona VFB on MacOS
    • Fixed occasional crash when repeatedly editing some specific more complex shader hierarchies in IR
    • Fixed loading of curves in Corona VFB
  • Changed:
    • Marked 4K cache as experimental
    • Renamed "Always without scattering" to "Invisible in masks" in masks propagation
    • Corona compositing tag can now preserve masks propagation set in material

2020-10-08, 16:48:52
Reply #11


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Changes in Corona Renderer 6 for Cinema 4D Hotfix 1 (

  • Added:
    • Added support for R23
    • Added experimental support for R23 Scene Nodes
  • Fixed:
    • Creating Corona proxy file using "Pick from scene" used incorrect path when canceled
    • Fixed problem with connections between nodes being misplaced if part of the editor is outside the screen
    • Fixed crash when selecting shader from empty shared shader
    • Fixed problem with Corona proxy in Full mesh mode not showing in viewport when its center is outside the viewport
    • Fixed occasional crashes in Corona Bitmap in multi-tiling mode
    • Fixed problem with incorrect photographic exposure when using Team Render
    • Fixed problem with camera name not shown in render stamp when using Team Render
    • Fixed occassional crashes in scenes with Distance shader (usually reproducible in animations)
    • Fixed crashes happening when parsing hair for render

NOTE: Changes were backported from the latest daily build, see Corona Renderer 7 for Cinema 4D daily build - Changelog