Changes in Corona Renderer for ArchiCAD Alpha 4 (Daily Build 2019-10-07) (
- Added
- Added new caustics
- Support of selecting multiple lights via marquee or by picking one by one for the Light Select render element
- Added Include rest the Light Select render element
- Added fisheye camera
- Added spherical camera
- Added cylindrical camera
- Added cubemap camera
- Added VR camera
- Added bokeh to camera (circular, polygonal, custom)
- Added lens distortion (cubic or defined by bitmap)
- Added fresnel effect
- Changed
- Updated and improved camera panel
- Fixed
- Fixed crash when re-selecting material from Surface Painter
- Fixed crash when trying to add more than one light at once in the Render Element Shading/Light Select dialog
- Fixed missing icon for the uninstaller
- Fixed missing render elements in the VFB window
- Improved the overall reliability of the VFB window
- Fixed issue that allows the opening more than one file dialog window via the Select button in the Surface editor
- Render Elements dialog will not crash when you are selecting a texture for the Texture render element
- Include sun and Include Environment are now updated to the latest Corona core and are working as expected
- Improved the behavior of the dialogs (mainly if the Texture dialog was open)
- Fixed region rendering in the VFB window
- Fixed units for tweaking DOF settings
- Minor UI tweaks