I have a character in 3 different poses, 1 of them instanced couple of hundred times. The scene consists of nothing else than these proxies.
Now one character has 6 737 664 polys. 3x this number makes unique primitives of 20 212 992 (this number is corona showing properly)
However if I have total of 321 objects(proxy) from which I have 3 unique I should get:
2 162 790 144 polys however corona is showing both in the stamp and rendering dialogue 18 446 744 071 577 374 464 primitives/polys.
To get to this number of polys I would need to have 2 737 854 554 869.07249515559102 objects with 6 737 664 polys instead of 321
But if I delete one instance so that I have 320 objects each of 6 737 664 polys corona does the math right and shows 2 156 052 480 primitives, both in rendering dialogue window and rendering stamp in the framebuffer.
so 2 156 052 480 - shows ok but 2 162 790 144 - shows incorrect: 18 446 744 071 577 374 464