Hi all,
I have my own "wish list" too, about functionality of node system ;p
some of my suggestions were mentioned before:
1. ctrl+RBM -> Drag and copy, material or shader inside node editor
2. node structure should be saved inside each seperate material (right now if i drag material to new "view", position of each node will reset and stack one on top of other)
3. Right now we can't save material made in node editor in Content Browser, textures and some of shader aremissing. It pointless to use node editor if we can't save or move materials between scenes.
4. rectange selection of multiple shaders/materials inside node editor.
5. on left side of node editor there should be list of shaders (similar to redshift or arnold) just to drag and drop to create new nodes
6. If there is material selected in material list it should be highlighted in node editor too,
also by pressing "S" we should be able to frame this material in node edtitor.
also, is there any possibility to rework material view to be more compact, dense? (probably i will be hated for that by anyway, more like in 3DS ;p)
I konw it all take time, I wish the best for Corona and Corona Team!