A short play to drive unaware through madness into aware state of simply being alive
Uhmmm... for real?
"Do you see a closure?"
"Nope. But there's a hint on which one can assume..."
Well, assumptions, speculations, arrogance... most of the time, they all lead to conflict.
To elevate the matter... a.k.a. The Un-Canny Valley (prequell, an abstract on perception)
Either OP specifically states "Blow you all, I'm out!" or mods/ bots close the thread (it's often automated, after a year of inactivity).
But from the looks I gather there's no auto-bots here working for the community. So with many corpses lying around, it's perfectly natural to expect occasional necromania. Also, inexperinced spirit can easily get confused and mistakenly consider some bodies just being dormant. And it starts occupying its mind.
Note that about such and similar activities there's no general rule or social consensus yet. At least not in school books nor herein forum's guidelines. So it's better not to judge blindly but to prevent future mishaps. Using eye of wisdom by applying knowledge gathered from experience.
If not in past, then after reading this, one can be aware of being experienced. In abstract thought, one travelled the Canny Valley. Just by beleiving, simulating its own flow of CGI produced in brain. Thus noone is dead until its last quant ceases to exist or is simply officially proclaimed & marked as dead.
The End