Author Topic: Corona training  (Read 8548 times)

2018-05-02, 09:48:48


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So im well aware that you guys have no plans to make an online course for corona for whatever reason despite the want from the user base.
Does anyone know if there are any training materials out there other than the youtube tuts?
I really want to learn more about advanced corona techniques but theres no way i can afford the 2 day course or to fly to prague which is a huge issue for me personally.
Given the size of the corona user base i would have expected a third party to do something by now.
Pluralsight courses maybe or or even just a grant warwick style series. If theres anything out there please let me know.

2018-05-02, 10:19:19
Reply #1

Philip kelly

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I would second that.
Going to training is not an option at the moment for me.
Custom Built PC, 4090, 128

2018-05-02, 10:32:41
Reply #2


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Well, the main purpose of Corona Academy is to train Corona instructors since we don't have the capacity to make a training courses for all end users.

You can check upcoming courses from Corona Academy certified instructors here. Alternatively you can just try contacting any of the certified instructors to make some arrangements for your training

2018-05-02, 14:47:25
Reply #3


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Well, the main purpose of Corona Academy is to train Corona instructors since we don't have the capacity to make a training courses for all end users.

You can check upcoming courses from Corona Academy certified instructors here. Alternatively you can just try contacting any of the certified instructors to make some arrangements for your training

The problem is your certified instructor system relies on the people who attend your course wanting to learn to teach others and not just learn to use the techniques themselves. Just because someone has learnt the skills doesnt make them a good teacher?
I get you guys dont have the resource due to the size of the team which is a shame but surely offering a way to skype into courses or even just recording the course you give to the instructors is enough. Like if youre giving the same course over and over again surely just recording it would save time and make it more accessible for your entire user base.
« Last Edit: 2018-05-02, 14:55:16 by jpjapers »

2018-05-02, 15:28:36
Reply #4


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Like if youre giving the same course over and over again surely just recording it would save time and make it more accessible for your entire user base.

It's never the same course, as Corona has always got new features added from at very least the Daily Builds, if not final releases :) The Academy content is always expanding.
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2018-05-02, 15:34:42
Reply #5


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Like if youre giving the same course over and over again surely just recording it would save time and make it more accessible for your entire user base.

It's never the same course, as Corona has always got new features added from at very least the Daily Builds, if not final releases :) The Academy content is always expanding.

Then perhaps recording the course for each major release, say for 2.0
I just find it a little irritating that for a piece of software im using day in day out for work i have to rely on youtube tutorials instead of official training materials as im sure many others do.
But thats not the point im trying to make really. Its the fact that unless the people attending the course are doing it so they can teach others, not use the skills for their own work, then theres virtually no advanced training materials for anyone else out there that doesnt have thousands to spend on a trip to prague.
« Last Edit: 2018-05-02, 16:12:19 by jpjapers »

2018-05-02, 17:07:32
Reply #6


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Recording these classes would be a wonderful product that you could charge for, for those of us that can't go, but could perhaps discourage some people from actually going then? Hopefully the networking and opportunities to ask questions etc make it all worth it even if recordings were made available.

2018-05-02, 17:40:21
Reply #7


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What are you really expecting from the courses? None of the tutorials or Master classes will ever make you an artist. It is all learning by mistakes. And besides, I will doubt that for now it is a real demand for Corona masterclass, as no one knows what will happen with further development. At least for a year, I suppose. So be patient and learn from You tube, btw there are a bunch of nice tutorials there
"We get up in the morning. We do our best. Nothing else matters! "

2018-05-02, 18:49:02
Reply #8


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What are you really expecting from the courses? None of the tutorials or Master classes will ever make you an artist. It is all learning by mistakes. And besides, I will doubt that for now it is a real demand for Corona masterclass, as no one knows what will happen with further development. At least for a year, I suppose. So be patient and learn from You tube, btw there are a bunch of nice tutorials there

Im expecting some tutorials around the powerful shader trees and features available through corona. Things like using corona AO and various other maps to do interesting procedurals and the like for archviz as well as good ways of working and new ideas.

I dont have the time in my day job to be experimenting when theres daily deadlines so ideally id love for a set of masterclass tutorials to take the guesswork out of it. Of course a masterclass isnt going to make me an artist,my own creativity and the work I did at university did that. But when youre obviously in the real world and dont have years to study full time you dont have the capacity to be able to experiment daily. The courses at the HQ obviously exist for a reason so there must be more out there than is available on youtube.

If that were the case corona wouldnt have made the course and would have just left it to the youtube creators so theres always more to learn direct from the team. As for development. Well if we follow the trello we can see the dev pipeline and im sure the team have some interesting epics in the pipeline for post V2

2018-05-03, 12:37:27
Reply #9


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Santi does 1on1 online Corona training over Skype w. screensharing etc. He is an amazing artist and a good teacher. You can try contacting him over FB:
My small 3D model shop:
My arch viz blog:

2018-05-03, 14:11:58
Reply #10


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Im expecting some tutorials around the powerful shader trees and features available through corona. Things like using corona AO and various other maps to do interesting procedurals and the like for archviz as well as good ways of working and new ideas.

I think this kind of tutorials aren't bound to Corona, but more generally to 3dsmax. So you can pretty easily find advanced tutorials from Grand Warwick or VisCorbel just to name a few, that will show you principles you'll easily apply to Corona.

My 2 cents :P
Nicolas Caplat
CG supervisor / teacher / artist

2018-05-04, 23:41:34
Reply #11


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I think this kind of tutorials aren't bound to Corona, but more generally to 3dsmax. So you can pretty easily find advanced tutorials from Grand Warwick or VisCorbel just to name a few, that will show you principles you'll easily apply to Corona.

My 2 cents :P

Yeah but if this was the case then why would the corona course at the HQ exist?
You see what im saying. There MUST be content specific to corona if people are paying in excess of £1000+ to take the course. Hence my apprehension to just use blanket tutorials that give general overviews of 3d concepts. My pipeline is built around corona and as such i want to use the official training materials that unfortunately the team dont have the capacity or dont feel there is enough demand to supply.
« Last Edit: 2018-05-05, 00:39:28 by jpjapers »

2018-05-23, 14:19:41
Reply #12


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Guessing this is a pretty hard and relatively ridiculous 'No' on this then.

2018-05-23, 15:00:42
Reply #13


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Sorry you feel the no is ridiculous, but there are good reasons for it. There are good reasons for Academy being in person only, it really is interactive and all about face-to-face, both so that the people can learn better and in depth, and so we can check they have learned it :)

As for other, non-Academy style tutorials, making video tutorials takes a lot of time, and that's not something we always have a lot of, with all that is always going on :) We would love to be doing more on YouTube etc. but time has simply not allowed at the moment. It's always on the to-do list though, so when opportunity allows, there will be more tutorials! We'll keep in mind the kinds of subjects you have suggested here too, as well as our usual delves into specific tools that we've done in the past.

On the pricing, do note that the Corona Academy price includes a 2 year license of Corona - that's a large part of the course price right there (pricing, btw, is 999 Euro not British pounds, it's a little less than 880 in GBP). And of course those who attend the Academy directly are mostly looking to start teaching, so that also means the price is just an investment and they get more than that back (for those not looking to teach, attending a course run by any of the Primary Certified or Certified Instructors is a viable option, often with less travel so less expense).

Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2018-05-23, 16:43:58
Reply #14


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Sorry you feel the no is ridiculous, but there are good reasons for it. There are good reasons for Academy being in person only, it really is interactive and all about face-to-face, both so that the people can learn better and in depth, and so we can check they have learned it :)


And of course those who attend the Academy directly are mostly looking to start teaching, so that also means the price is just an investment and they get more than that back (for those not looking to teach, attending a course run by any of the Primary Certified or Certified Instructors is a viable option, often with less travel so less expense).


I understand your reasoning behind keeping the academy face to face for those looking to teach, i really do , and i think its fantastic.

However the bit i take issue with is the fact that there seems to be no good reason to alienate those who dont want to teach and dont necessarily NEED to you check they have learnt it in an in depth enough manner to teach to others.
Youre already teaching the academy on location so i dont understand why you couldnt release a video tutorial set covering the same content for major releases but its good to know youre keeping more free tutorials in mind.
Sure learning off someone who has had the training would be great but you have zero guarantee that they are teaching it correctly or fully once they leave your training right? Again i reiterate just because they learnt, doesnt mean they become good teachers.

The included license is great too but we already have multiple licenses with you on a subscription basis so i wouldnt benefit from it as a single user really. The majority of your user base are surely smaller studios and individuals who dont need to know how to teach but simply need a video tutorial to be able to refer to if they want to understand a feature better or a method or understand how to achieve a certain look.

Its not going to stop me using corona by any means but i just think its kind of crazy that youre willing to teach people on location but not have similar paid content available through video for major releases because in the real world that incredibly restrictive on who can attend. Id bet that if you polled the community on this a large portion would feel the same.

« Last Edit: 2018-05-23, 16:53:34 by jpjapers »