Author Topic: polyget - we are live! :-)  (Read 12929 times)

2017-11-27, 17:47:38


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*EDIT* REPLY 2017-12-12 at 19:43:55

Hi all! :-)

We will be doing a series of alternative showcase animations.

The first one is a short walk down a familiar scene, we call it "Let's go for a walk"

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Plants used: Lodgepole Pine tree, Ash tree and one of the grass variations.

We have now made a FREE SAMPLE available. You can download it here:

Throw us a like on Facebook,  :-)


*EDIT* REPLY 2017-11-30, 13:53:04.
"Dear all,

We have received a lot of feedback, not only here, but in private messages as well.
Like in this thread, the main concern was the price.

We based the price on the bucket of sweat next to our desk, after 4 months of hard work. So pricing the products was based on assumptions, rather than research.
We have come to realize that our assumptions was way off. We are proud of our products, but we would rather like for all of you to have the satisfaction to work with these models, than being stubborn with a "We're right you're wrong"-sign in our hands :-)

We have adjusted the prices on our website, and hope you all will welcome them better. They have been adjusted to follow the already established market.

If any of you have gotten the impression that, with our prices or replies to this thread, we came out as arrogant we sincerely apologize for this, this was not our intention what so ever.

People who have already purchased will receive an email with an offer of compensation.

Thank you all for your feedback's, and participation in this thread. We deeply hope that you will still follow our journey from here on out. :-)

Best regards,
Daniel & Niklas


It's been a looooong trip, full of troubleshooting, creative thinking, compromises, long nights (Really LONG nights!) and then in the end, satisfaction! :D

We have finished 75 unique 3d models, all with photoscanned leaf and bark textures.  We are really happy with the result, and now we hope to see them used in a lot of images and animation. A few have already gotten either the bundle or collection, if any one of you are here on the corona forum, please do share your image or animation with us, as well as your first impression. We would LOVE to see how you use them, as well as your dissatisfaction :-)

We will publish 3 scenes, the ones we used to test and tweak the models in, in the following weeks, should anyone here be interested in a complete ready to render setup :-)

Drop a like on facebook, as we will keep posting regularly, if you would like to follow our journey here on out, We would love to have you all on-board :-)

A few close ups and one maybe familiar images from the WIP forum :-)

« Last Edit: 2017-12-12, 19:46:00 by polyget »

2017-11-27, 19:21:50
Reply #1


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They look great but what I don't like at all is the licenses (personal and commercial) paying €27 for personal and 54 that for commercial is very high. Besides, I think people use their own commercial libraries for personal projects...Having these two licenses is a mistake in my opinion for 3d models.

2017-11-27, 20:34:37
Reply #2


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Hi qbic-ft! :-)

Of cause if you(a company) buys the commercial license, you(or the employees) can use that for personal project as well.
The reason we created the personal license, was so students and other hobbyists, who don't do commercial projects, didn't have to put up the amount a commercial license costs, if they just want to play around, or improve their skills.

We wouldn't say the price too high, given the amount of time spend creating all the textures, models and materials from scratch, thats alot of hours. Based on that we think the price is fair. We wouldn't never be able to compete with other $6 per model- 3d site. But our quality should justify why we charge a bit more. Not to mention you get loopable animated plants.

polyget :-)

2017-11-27, 23:45:38
Reply #3


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I get your point but the price compared to other packages online is heavy. I like the way you offer students discount but despite the long hours it took (and I can see that by the quality) I think you should reconsider the long term value here. Perhaps it would be more likely to sell more at lower prices than fewer with higher prices concluding less profit.

2017-11-28, 00:30:51
Reply #4


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    • Joe Vallard
Polyget Grasses--8 Variations--€32.50/$38.67
Vizpark Real Grass--15 Variations--€69/$82
iCube iGrass--15 Variations--€100.00/$119
Maxtree Plant Models Vol. 1--10 Variations--€105(€147 GrowFX)/$125($175 GrowFX

I currently have the last 3 grass packs and I can tell you that the materials are going to require you to remake. Some only use a gradient ramp for the grass textures. Majority of the textures are under 1k resolution as well. I'm assuming if Polyget did photogrammetry to get their textures the resolution may be higher?

As far as price point goes for the grasses, your get half the model variations at half the prices, which means they are pretty much even in price with the other packs.

Does the grass pack include the Forest Pack setup?

2017-11-28, 01:42:54
Reply #5


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@Fellazb, If we were in it for the money we would have become stock brokers, jokes aside ;-)  I see your point, and respect your opinion. But to us, it's not about selling out and compete with some of the other webshops out there, that in our opinion undervalue their products. We have set the price of our products, to what we feel a bundle or collection with this quality, size and possibilities should be worth. Selling products for less than they are actually worth will in the end create so much competition/low margins, that it's simply not worth to even bother create good quality products, for others to use :-)

@JoeVallard, A small cutout of our grass textures, for you to see the details. There is 8 different variants of grass straws, all with Diffuse, normal, opacity, translucency color and glossiness textures All 4800 px. tall  :-) And yes, the Forestpack setup is included for every variant.

« Last Edit: 2017-11-28, 01:50:13 by polyget »

2017-11-28, 06:36:29
Reply #6


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I would have one price maybe something in between the two licenses that you have per model but I would have a lower price for bundles or packs... I hardly ever buy individual models, I would prefer to expend more money for collections because of the miss-match of qualities. I don't think students and hobbyists would pay €27 for one model just for fun when you can use Corona for one month for that price.

again, your models look great and I would consider buying them when you have collections.

Good luck with your products

2017-11-28, 09:43:38
Reply #7


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@Fellazb, If we were in it for the money we would have become stock brokers, jokes aside ;-)  I see your point, and respect your opinion. But to us, it's not about selling out and compete with some of the other webshops out there, that in our opinion undervalue their products. We have set the price of our products, to what we feel a bundle or collection with this quality, size and possibilities should be worth. Selling products for less than they are actually worth will in the end create so much competition/low margins, that it's simply not worth to even bother create good quality products, for others to use :-)

True, but:

Can you explain a little more about the variations of the individual models, especially when they are GrowFX compatible? Wouldn't it be easy to make your own variations based on that plugin? I don't really see the benefit of all your premade variations when you can do it by yourself if you have GrowFX

I never make animations so I don't need that option. To me it would seem that I have to pay for it since it is intergrated anyway.

The quality of the grasses and ferns are excellent as well is the shading on all the models. A lot of the tree models and UV's however lack a nice flow of how the branches are connected to the trunk and making it a bit unrealistic.

I'm surely interested in your models and I'm very glad that you step up and providing high end vegetation since it is still hard to find decent collections on the web, but the above written still makes me doubt a little bit. Hopefully you can anwser these for me.

Keep it up!

2017-11-29, 09:23:41
Reply #8


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Hi guys, a great work!  but I see on the first image that there is always the same leaf? you did not create different pictures of leaves?
even for the trees i seem to see no difference in color and variety of leaves.

2017-11-29, 15:32:04
Reply #9


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Thanks everyone, for all your feedback ! it is greatly appreciated.

We have acknowledged your request about the purchase options of our product.
This will give those who dont need everything, a much more appealing price.

This is what we have done. We have made 3 purchase options for you to chose from
You can now chose the following options :

Static + Animated
Static + Animated + GrowFx


So the Complete foilage collection now have the following price.

Personal license :

Static = 150 €
Static + Animated = 225 €
Static + Animated + GrowFx = 300 €

Remember there is 35% discount on top of all prices untill Friday evening.


@qbic-ft We dont sell individual models. If you for example buy the willow trees, you will get 5 diffrent Variations.

@fellazb If you have GrowFx you can of cause make your own versions of the trees. But as many other things, this is not "just" to do so. GrowFx is an extremly flexible plugin. You cannot simply increase the hieght of the trunk and expect everything to be perfect. Alot of factors come in play here. If we only had one size of a specific tree you would have make a new size and variation and then bake a new animation. Here we have made all of this ready for you.  We felt that this approach gave you the "most bang for your buck".
About the trunks and branches not being connceted. In GrowFx you can actually use a mesh type named Metamesh. This will "melt" the branches together very nicely, But will make some crazy UV seams. We would rather have the correct mapping than bad seams. The guys from GrowFx are working on improving this feature.

@fabio81 If you look at the close-up you should be able to see some texture variation. We took alot of photos of diffrent leaves. We settled for one or two good base textures, and made one color variation out of one of them. We used alot of time testing diffrent colors and methodts for the leaves. If we had too many diffrent color variations all of the trees would more or less have the same color if you looked at them at a distance. On top of that we have applied a corona multimap texture for an overall color variation. If you make an aerial render, we guarantee you will notice this! With a few clicks you can easily make more variations, if you would prefer that better. :)

We dont say that there is no room for improvement, because there definitely is! We will keep improving and make, what we feel, are some of the best products in the business.   

In the end, we are very proud of our product and what we have acomplished. We hope some of you feel the same, and will support our endeavour.

Once again, thank you all for your comments. It means alot to us ! :)

Best regards
Daniel and Niklas

2017-11-29, 17:39:46
Reply #10

johan belmans

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Hi Daniel and Niklas,

It is a good idea to reconsider your prices, but IMHO you are still charging too much.
you only mention prices for personal license.
But most of the users here will use your product in commercial jobs.
And 700 euro for the whole library ...... guys this is way too much.
I share the ideas of fellazb. Charge a lower price and you will sell more entities.



2017-11-29, 21:08:17
Reply #11


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Stop telling other people what to charge for their products, work and fatigue men! This is non sense... just don't buy if you think is pricey.
Quality stuff costs. What are you going to do next? Tell MIR not to charge XXX for a render? That's why we live in an open market! Go to the competition if cheaper for same quality.
My 2 cents, no offense to anyone in particular....

2017-11-29, 21:36:40
Reply #12

johan belmans

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Hi Erald

I am not offended :-)
When I first saw their product, I was pleased. The quality of the models the Grow FX presets made me interested in buying.
As soon I discovered the price they have lost my attention.
Somehow I would like to support the guys by sharing my thoughts and IMHO they have chosen the wrong business model.



2017-11-29, 21:57:50
Reply #13


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Glad you got my point Johan. Also, I see they are only a 2 person team, not Evermotion....who knows how much time and sweat took them to do those models.
They will eventually see how sales go, and adjust accordingly. But, I am surprised how quickly everyone has smth to say about the price, instead of giving advice on the product itself.  Right?
« Last Edit: 2017-11-30, 00:08:53 by Erald »

2017-11-29, 23:56:03
Reply #14


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Highly appreciated that you took time to listen to our comments. Breaking it up makes way more sense. Would like to know if there's a pricetag to mix static+GrowFX without animation too though.