Author Topic: CMD Line Render & Corona Render Settings  (Read 2318 times)

2017-11-16, 10:24:46


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Hi guys

I'm currently setting up simple Command Line rendering in our office. This works quite well so far, I have one master batch file which calls all batch files in a certain Job folder. Those ladder batch files contain the projects to render, one project per file.

Obviously you get a certain amount of control over the Common Render Settings in Max which is great.
But what I was asking myself is whether there was a way to override the Corona Render Settings as well from a batch file? It would be great to set parameters like Pass Limit, Noise Level Limit and Denoise Amount.

I can see that Max' CMD Line Render supports calling Pre and Post Render Scripts which would be a way. But I would love to have those settings available in the batch file and not in a seperate MaxScript file.

And one further thing. I'd like to know if it is possible to save 2 different file types from CMD Line render. Obviously if you render by hand you can use Save Render Output to save e.g. a JPG and then use the VFB to save out a CXR. But since it closes the VFB after being done and reopens a different Max file for rendering, this is not an option.

Thanks for any hints.
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2017-11-16, 11:06:26
Reply #1

Christa Noel

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imho in command line rendering, override any render setting is only possible with running maxScripts.
why don't you just add the run script command? what are the drawbacks?
but I'd love to see any other solution :)

save a CXR file would be like this,
Code: [Select]
coronaRenderer.CoronaFp.dumpVfb cxrFilename[string]
« Last Edit: 2017-11-16, 11:12:16 by Christa Noel »

2017-11-16, 11:11:48
Reply #2


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Thanks for your reply. A drawback I guess is just the fact that I'd have to prepare multiple files for a single job..
Me too ;)
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