Author Topic: CXR Alpha from Corona VFB in Max: OK - Alpha from Corona Image Editor - Not OK  (Read 1024 times)

2017-09-15, 16:10:19


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To my surprise, on top of a deadline, after playing about a bit with the Corona Image Editor, I decided to give CXR a shot to export and do some slight post of my Corona output and everything was working fine until all of a sudden there's no more alpha in CXR files Photoshop won't see the Alpha if I rename the CXR to EXR - Won't see it because apparently CXR keeps no alpha as it cannot be seen from the Corona Image Editor App.

- how can I access the alpha from saved CXR files? Would like to be able to not have to re-render and go back to using traditional EXRs.


PS: Edit, found it in the Largest EXR of them all - Sorted.
« Last Edit: 2017-09-15, 16:21:28 by rombo »