Author Topic: ZDepth - Use Camera Focal Distance  (Read 3808 times)

2017-02-22, 19:45:45


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So far we have Value, Target Object, Whole Scene, and Camera Clipping as options for ZDepth values.

It'd be great if you could have "camera focal distance" that auto updates as you switch between cameras.

2020-04-02, 22:59:06
Reply #2


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So far we have Value, Target Object, Whole Scene, and Camera Clipping as options for ZDepth values.

It'd be great if you could have "camera focal distance" that auto updates as you switch between cameras.

Indeed, that would be pretty sweet.
Especially since it's much faster, more practical and comes natural to a photographer to simply switch cameras as pleased and just click-click around on locations to get the wanted focal length. Then, if need be, use that other camera again. Compared, all other options feel better suited for animations or are plain cumbersome to set/use.

BTW @brankonovakovic
Ahm... ok, how do you see that (DOF user guide) relevant to expanding Zdepth's pass feature proposal?