Update before the end of the year,
New winter shots added. Hope you like it! :)
This is our first post and literally first project where we had chance to deal more in depth with Corona, after deciding to give a try last year. It is a personal, non-commercial projected, started as intention to stay away for a while from this "great contemporary white Scandinavian look", which we are all bombarded every day.
Inspiration came from an architectural book, called "Hide and Seek" where our attention was grabbed by this hidden in the woods gem.
It is intended to be ongoing project, and each season an image will be created.
Level of realism, might not be at the desired level, but there is immense amount of effort put into recreating it from photos, and trying to mimic site, vegetation. Will leave to your judgement as artist to give us hints about materials, and look! Will be much appreciated!
Until then - enjoy!
Corona 1.5+3ds Max2015+ForestPack+Railclone