Author Topic: Vault / Shorgun / Ftrack  (Read 1274 times)

2016-08-24, 14:15:50

johan belmans

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Hi there,

lately we are experiencing some issues (long waiting) with opening / saving large Max and PS files over our network (1GB). Mainly due to the fact that we have more Polygons in our Max scene and bigger resolution in our Ps files.
According to our hardware supplier this "waiting" could be reduced by or switching to a 10GB network environment (this will implement a new file server and switch) or by making use of software packages like Autodesk Vault, Shotgun or Ftrack.
Of course the latter is cheaper then upgrading hardware.

Has anyone experience with those software packages?

Or other packages which just cache files to a local harddisk and saves it back to the network when you close a file?

So, after some deeper investigation I figured out that Shotgun or Ftrack is not what I am looking for. Too much stuff I do not need.
Someone put me in the direction of Subversion. So basically versioning software. Someone uses this kind of software?


« Last Edit: 2016-08-25, 11:48:41 by belly »