Author Topic: [Maybe a Bug?] Anisotropic reflection on capped cylinders  (Read 22574 times)

2016-02-26, 16:47:18
Reply #15


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And vray too.
Marcin Miodek |
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2016-02-26, 18:35:50
Reply #16


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Since you mentioned chamfered cylinder, i decided to take a look if it's not related with smoothing groups. And indeed, it's smoothing groups - once you sort it out, anisotropy rotation works like it should. So, at least in 3ds max there's no strange mysteries about Corona's anisotropy.
I'm not Corona Team member. Everything i say, is my personal opinion only.
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2016-02-29, 15:58:42
Reply #17


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This is because the anisotropy direction is not well-defined on Z-parallel planes when using object (Z) axis, and there is an abrupt change in its direction at some point. It may get improved in the future, but it is a core issue (same thing happens in 3ds Max)
Rendering is magic.How to get minidumps for crashed/frozen 3ds Max | Sorry for short replies, brief responses = more time to develop Corona ;)

2016-03-01, 08:08:21
Reply #18


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This is because the anisotropy direction is not well-defined on Z-parallel planes when using object (Z) axis, and there is an abrupt change in its direction at some point. It may get improved in the future, but it is a core issue (same thing happens in 3ds Max)

Okay thank you for clearing this up! We'll have to work around it for now then and hope it maybe will be resolved somewhen in the future.
Windows 10, Cinema4D R21.207, Corona 6.0

2016-04-08, 02:13:28
Reply #19


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just been testing this last night.. trying to understand how corona deals with anisotopy. I end up doin some tests with the most used object, a cooking pot.

ill explain a bit of my workaround.

-I started by trying to understand what value Id need to have straight angles on my anisotropy glare. I end up finding out that for radial you use a value of 0.4 and for planar 0.6. take in count that there must be some glossiness, else you dont get the desired effect.

-then iv separated my polygon faces, according to the type of reflection I wanted to achieve (radial/planar)

-the next step was to apply both textures with the selection tags, using a gradient(planar) and a spiral gradient(radial) assigned to the diffuse channel, so I culd check in the viewport, how the reflection would react. I end up by having a planar projection for the radial, and a cylindrical projection to the planar.

-the next step, iv set up my metal texture, to finally add the "blurry lines". Iv made my lines on photoshop. and applied them to the glossiness texture on both textures.

here is the end up result:

hope this can help someone.

Tiago Saraiva

2016-04-08, 08:15:03
Reply #20


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just been testing this last night.. trying to understand how corona deals with anisotopy. I end up doin some tests with the most used object, a cooking pot.

ill explain a bit of my workaround.

-I started by trying to understand what value Id need to have straight angles on my anisotropy glare. I end up finding out that for radial you use a value of 0.4 and for planar 0.6. take in count that there must be some glossiness, else you dont get the desired effect.

-then iv separated my polygon faces, according to the type of reflection I wanted to achieve (radial/planar)

-the next step was to apply both textures with the selection tags, using a gradient(planar) and a spiral gradient(radial) assigned to the diffuse channel, so I culd check in the viewport, how the reflection would react. I end up by having a planar projection for the radial, and a cylindrical projection to the planar.

-the next step, iv set up my metal texture, to finally add the "blurry lines". Iv made my lines on photoshop. and applied them to the glossiness texture on both textures.

hope this can help someone.

Tiago Saraiva

Thanks Tiago!
I'll try your workaround next time I run into this problem.

Windows 10, Cinema4D R21.207, Corona 6.0