Hi guys, this is my very first script. named CoronaTools, actually the original idea is coronatweak by headoff.
https://forum.corona-renderer.com/index.php/topic,6827.msg46080.html#msg46080 again, thanx headoff.
but the UI is different, if you remember the corona pre1.0 rendersetup UI and yes it looks like that (i like that kind of UI).
- duplicated most common corona rendersetup (not everything)
- each cameras has it's own rendersetup
- customizable outputsize preset
- button to do Interactive Rendering in PathTracing when you in UHDmode without changing it first (it will be unusable soon when ondra finish the improvemet of UHDcache calculation in IR)
- you can make autoback always disabled when IR running, return to enable when IR stop.
- some useful mini tools in "tools" rollout.
please backup your scene first, this script isn't fully tested.
if you find there is some codes is badly written or not optimized (I believe you will), you can help me by share the optimized codes here.