Great to hear the SKM Lib method will work Ithil! Thanks for mentioning that. I was just about to test.
This is a little off topic - but its in line with the Material Converter question and the SKM library. I'm a little confused about what I want from CoronaSKP.
Initially I was thinking that it should be a really light weight engine with the basic material properties that now been added - supported by an excellent live link feature to the other Corona environments (3DS for me) or the standalone so that work can start in SketchUp and then be taken further in a specialist environment. Interoperability would take some of the pressure of CoronaSKP development and maintenance (heard calls for node based material editor for instance - to me that sounds like a lot of work to design and implement...?). If Corona materials from the SketchUp file were equivalent to those in the 3DS environment (actually the SAME material just displayed "Lite" in SKP and full functioned in 3DS) they one could use materials interchangeably, share them with 3DS Corona users etc.
But, the downside is obviously that each user would would need to purchase a program like 3DSmax to access the full feature set. Does this cut down the market too much?
I don't think the Corona Team is approaching it that way. Sounds like the plan is to add all features over time... If its possible, I'm in... Just saying, I'm also in if its Lite but seamlessly connected to Corona 3DS - which in turn adds DR, better animation controls, Slate editor, etc etc.
Great tests everyone by the way.