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Messages - Tom

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
[Max] I need help! / Re: Help with parameter
« on: 2024-12-10, 23:15:08 »

-100 and +100: for what parameter?

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Licence renewal
« on: 2024-11-20, 12:10:30 »
Thanks Tom, done 🙏🏻

[Max] General Discussion / Licence renewal
« on: 2024-11-20, 04:22:38 »

My Corona licence is due to renewal in 8 days.
I want to make changes as I don't have any need for Phoenix and Chaos Player, so I want to downgrade to Corona Solo instead of Corona Premium.

I don't see any link to do that. And I didn't see any email address to write to, hence I'm posting my quesion here.
Plus I read the following message on "My products" page:

"Need to make changes? You can do so 30 days before renewal for yearly plans, and 14 days for monthly ones."

I don't need all the features of Corona Premium, but are you telling me I have to pay for it for another addtional year?

Thanks for your support and clarification,

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona IR- number of cores
« on: 2024-11-16, 03:13:06 »
This feature works well with IR with Corona 10HF2 for me, but is there a way to get rid of the annoying message "The system has 128 cores, but Corona is configured to use only xxx ..."?
As it constantly shows up every time I start 3ds Max.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Animation Flickering
« on: 2024-11-16, 03:03:02 »

While I can understand you're using UHD cache to save precomputation time, the fact is it ends up with flickering.
Did you try Path tracing for both solvers?

I suggest for the Corona Team to create a public poll in this forum to gather basic feedback. Questions could include:
Is Corona generally stable?
Does it often crash during rendering?
Is it slow when connecting Corona materials in the Slate Material Editor?

This would help gather valuable insights to incorporate in the next update.

That's a great idea.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Look issues with Beauty vs Lightmix
« on: 2024-11-06, 03:16:37 »

It looks like you forgot to upload the Lightmix pass.

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Juraj's Renderings thread
« on: 2024-10-03, 07:37:49 »
Hi Majeranek,

Juraj will confirm, but I think it's a scan.

Hey James,

Thanks for the explanations 👍🏻

Hi James,

Another script that sounds exciting, thanks for your awesome work.

Can you explain a bit what glTF is all about? I have no idea what it is. I've read a bit about it here but it's still mysterious to me.

Also what is your script intended for? Is it for converting VRay (or Corona) materials to real time engines materials?


PS: I run 3ds Max 2023 and I don't have access to GLTF materials visibly. I guess it comes with 2024 or 2025.

Gallery / Brazier
« on: 2024-08-14, 02:39:19 »

A screenshot of a short animation I've done recently.

Watch it here:

Hope you like it.



General CG Discussion / Re: Scene Scale for Archviz
« on: 2024-07-26, 10:17:07 »
To prevent any unit, orientation & color issues make yourself an intermittent 'I/O scene' (kind of a 'triage') set to your own standard.

That looks interesting but I don't get 100% what you mean. Can you explain a bit?


I think this is normal. Multimap can not be viewed in the viewport but only at render time.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Distributed rendering (LAN)
« on: 2024-07-14, 09:26:07 »
I love Pulze Render Manager too. I wouldn't see myself doing without it now that I'm using it. It's so flexible, and simple to use.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona 12 Major Memory Leak
« on: 2024-07-11, 05:34:10 »
Have you tried using scripts like Stock Model Fixer, SiNi Forensic and Prune Scene?
I always run these 3 scripts everytime after merging any third party model, as I have experienced weird behaviors in the past with 3rd party models (max file size increasing, unusualy long loading time etc...)

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