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Messages - Hardleft121

Pages: [1]
I was trying to ask about using Corona in the new max... if anyone has tried to install Corona.  Sorry for my badly worded question.  - hardleft121

So... any news on a new update for Corona to work with Max 2024?

Corona install on Max 2024?  Anyone try?

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: CoronaPattern playground!
« on: 2022-07-16, 16:35:06 »
Jaw dropping feature.  Nice job devs!

long live Corona.

Not this Corona Renderer bashing, again.  They release feature after feature, rapidly, on an incredible product, for an extremely reasonable price.  Long live Corona Renderer and the talented, dedicated people who make it possible.  - Hardleft121

I use Corona all day, every day, since 1.7.  I love it, it is incredible.  So fast, and so easy to use, and so greatly priced.  It is a gift from above in my workflow that I am grateful for every day.  Thank you all for your hard work, perseverance and openness.

What is going on here is disgusting.  The Corona team has our experience with their rendering engine at the forefront, and it is easy to see.  Questioning their decisions and priorities and staffing are misguided emotions to be pouring on these hardworking, earnest people.

Long live the memory of Jaroslav.  Thank you for moving the product forward through so many challenges in the last many many months.  Thank you for everything that everyone on the team does.  As a single artist in Dallas, Texas, I love you guys... and your incredible product.  Thank you.


[Max] General Discussion / Re: Max 2021 install soon?
« on: 2020-03-26, 15:39:03 »
Fantastic, that is what I was thinking and thank you!  Excited about v6 and keep up the great work and long live the memory of Jaroslav.



[Max] General Discussion / Max 2021 install soon?
« on: 2020-03-25, 20:23:44 »
Max 2021 install soon?  Thanks! - Greg

Any information regarding this?  I love Corona but the backward progress on using FumeFX with Corona is disappointing.

I switched to 2 mid-project and experienced zero problems, with nearly identical renders between 1.7 and 2.  You should be good to go, in my opinion.

- Hardleft121

[Max] General Discussion / Manuals?
« on: 2018-04-17, 22:38:43 »
Hi.  The help resources page says "It contains links to manuals, tutorials, models, render farms, material libraries, plugins, and more."

But... where are the manuals?  Am I missing it?

Thank you,


Pages: [1]