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Messages - Spike Spigel

Pages: [1] 2 3
Gallery / Re: Residental complex
« on: 2015-01-10, 09:03:05 »
Thanks to all!
The sky was merged in photoshop but you can see corona-sky in reflections. Of course it's without any clouds but pretty close in colors and brightness to photo-sky.
There is almost nothing to say about materials except that is quite simple. There are no any blend materials or something like this... I think than simple is best! If you can do simple material that looks good - you are good artist. Usually good-looking material is not a question of "special settings" or a tons of maps on any material slots. If you take any single object it's pretty simple. But in complete scene with a lot of another simple objects and right lighting and composition it's can looks AWESOME. Or something like that...

Gallery / Residental complex
« on: 2015-01-04, 10:46:33 »
Hi people! Happy New Year for everyone )
I'd like to show my last work. It is complex of small residential buildings.
For render i used combination of sun+sky. Render time is about 2,5 hours/frame on my personal i7-3930. Hope you like it.

Gallery / Re: Small house in Finland
« on: 2014-11-26, 16:46:57 »
And as an experement, here is another mood renders. In this case I used HDRI with overcast sky.

Gallery / Re: Small house in Finland
« on: 2014-11-26, 15:26:01 »
Thanks a lot guys! Some details
Render time is about 2 hours per frame on my i7-3930. The scene eat 27Gb RAM from my 32gb on renderings.
Vegetation was made in GrowFX. I'd like to start selling it on turbosquid, but just not enough time to compose it like set... I'll do it as soon as possible.
I'm started testing foliage materials a few months ago. And recently I had posted here my work that I called "the Forest Way" (,5423.0.html ). This work is new step in my tests with nature and foliage materials. As I wrote before question of realistic foliage materials is a balance between diffuse, translucence and reflection parametrs. In internet you can find A LOT of absolutely different photos with nature and foliage. I took a few that l like (with different moods and lighting) and tried just tried to match my renders to reference photos as close as possible. And here is result of my work.
For lighting in this scene I used combination Sun+Sky. Sun is giving good hard shadows. And sky with colorcorrect map have enough flexibility to simulate almost any variant of daylight.

Best regards

Gallery / Small house in Finland
« on: 2014-11-25, 16:49:48 »
Here is my last project. Generally it was made for practice in exterior renderings. Hope you like it.

Gallery / Re: Forest way
« on: 2014-10-13, 18:39:49 »
Render-time is about 3-4 hours in 1920x1080 (i7-3930) and about 50 passes.

Gallery / Re: Forest way
« on: 2014-10-13, 16:26:33 »
I'm don't use refraction here. It can give you good result by passing more lighting through leaves, but it TERRIBLE increase render time. It's ineresting to try but i think useless in commercial projects.

Gallery / Re: Forest way
« on: 2014-10-13, 03:28:11 »
Thanks guys!

Gallery / Re: WHITE HOUSE
« on: 2014-10-13, 03:27:11 »
Wow! Great work! Well done!

Gallery / Re: Forest way
« on: 2014-10-08, 09:06:42 »
Rendertime is about 3-4 hours on my i7-3930. And scene took about 17Gb RAM for render.

I prepare my own Model-Pack and I'll drop it on turbosquid soon.

Gallery / Re: Forest way
« on: 2014-10-07, 16:35:11 »
I'm very good understand you talking about :). And of course I know about this "problem". In my case I tested both sides. May be later i'll show here another-side render.

Gallery / Re: Forest way
« on: 2014-10-07, 13:04:51 »
Thanks a lot!
The scene is very simple. It's just ground with a road in centre. And a few trees that I have builded in GrowFX. I use Forest pack Pro to scatter trees grass and dead leaves on the ground. For lighting I have used spherical HDRI from VizPeople.
First trick is a Vertex Color map, that used to make diversity of leaf colors. It's great and very useful feature of GrowFX.
Second trick is a tree models. There are no any good trees models in any paks (like Evermotion). So it's only one way - you should make it by yourself. And GrowFX is excellent tool for this.
And finally is good materials. On first look material for vegetation is not so difficult. But here is all about balance between Diffuse, Translucence and Reflection. I spent A LOT OF TIME by testing it. And now you see the result.
In attachments you can see a few screenshots with my scene and trees and base material for leaves. Enjoy :)

PS. There is almost no postwork on those images. Only a little bit color correction, vignette and chromatic aberration.

Gallery / Re: Forest way
« on: 2014-10-07, 06:25:18 »
Thank to all )
After all, I have tried to make autumn variant.

Gallery / Forest way
« on: 2014-10-06, 20:13:37 »
Here is my last try to make f forest way. It's just for test leaf and grass materials. All trees I made with GrowFX.

Gallery / Re: Apartment in Scandinavian style.
« on: 2014-01-27, 06:31:42 »
Very good! I like it )

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