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Messages - ricardobjerke

Pages: [1] 2
Gallery / Re: Eplehuset 360° panoramas
« on: 2016-12-06, 15:20:41 »
Great tips, Romullus! Thanks for sharing! ;)

Gallery / Re: Eplehuset 360° panoramas
« on: 2016-12-06, 14:18:49 »
This is crazy! I think that the easiest way would be what Romullus wrote - rendering to cube maps. Or converting the spherical render to cube maps, and then back to spherical. But that's interesting nonetheless. How about some tiny making-of? :)

Right? That could be cool. We do have more "making of" material lying around. Maybe we should try and arrange some time to do it? Stay tuned. ;)

Gallery / Re: Eplehuset 360° panoramas
« on: 2016-12-06, 14:16:38 »
Not really, equirectangular to rectilinear conversion gives you 6 distortion free images with 90 degree FOV each. It's basically the same if you'd setup 6 cameras facing top, bottom, front, back, left and right render all them and make spherical pano from this six images. Before Corona that was how i used to render panoramas :]

Aha! You mean cube maps! That could be another way to do it. As long as the models don't fall out on top of a cube edge, this could be indeed very interesting. But I have no idea on how to convert a cube map panorama into a equirectangular one though. Can Photoshop do that?

Gallery / Re: Eplehuset 360° panoramas
« on: 2016-12-06, 14:13:51 »
The way you add those people in to the scene, looks quite nice. I must say that its easly the best 360 people I have seen so far.

That's the hell of a compliment! :)

Gallery / Re: Eplehuset 360° panoramas
« on: 2016-12-06, 12:27:16 »
That's pretty crazy :] 2D elements integration is really well executed, but wouldn't it be easier to convert equirectangular projection to rectilinear, do integration and convert back to equirectangular?

We haven't tried that. We figured out that the distortion wasn't too bad to recreate in most of the pictures so we stopped researching when we found a solution that we could have full control over it..

But, with this solution you mentioned, you'd still get a lot of distortion, right? I mean, it is virtually impossible to flat out a 360 panorama without getting distortion somewhere, isn't it?

Gallery / Re: Eplehuset 360° panoramas
« on: 2016-12-06, 10:54:42 »
Could you give us a slight inside in this particular workflow?

I'm glad you liked it. :)

During the photo shoot we were always double checking the model's pictures in PS, to make sure that the light and perspective were matching. You spend some time to make this quick tests on set, but you save tons of time in post production later.

Comparing to a standard workflow (not 360º illustration) the only thing that was different was the distortion we had to add to the models. We did it using the Warp function in PS, no big deal, but the 1 million dollars question was: how much distortion should we make and how should it look like?

We needed a real distorted picture from a 360º camera that was roughly at the same distance and position from the models. Since we had all the scenes under 3D development, we posed some bipeds roughly in the same position the models would be and rendered it out.
We also took a 360º camera to the photoshoot (Theta S) and clicked a panorama there as well.
In the end, we had two very good distortion references that guided our warp distortion post afterwards.

The only person that needed more work was the little girl, cause she is very close to the camera and her legs are very close to the bottom of the image, adding a good amount of distortion to it. There we needed to use a second picture of her, from a higher point of view and with the camera pointing down, so that we could get more "legs" to work with in post. So, the picture you see is actually made of two pictures, one from the waist up and othe from the waist down.

I attached some reference pictures of the process, hope it helps to understand it. ;)

Gallery / Eplehuset 360° panoramas
« on: 2016-12-06, 08:36:21 »
Guys, I´m very excited to show the latest work we did at FireGrader!

We´ve just delivered four full 3D 360° panoramas for Eplehuset, one of Norway´s biggest Apple products reseller. How cool is that? :)
But let´s cut to the chase and see the results:

Eplehuset 360° panoramas

All the environments are 3D, except for the backgrounds and the people, which were post produced in place afterwards. The most scary picture was the car, because the people would have to be very close to the camera and to the top and bottom edges, which left us with a lot of distortion to deal with in Photoshop. But in the end, after a lot of trial and error, everything worked out just fine. ;)

Last but not least, a huge thank you to Ondra and the whole Corona Renderer team for introducing this feature in our favourite render engine. Keep rocking!

We hope you like it. Critics are always welcome.

Element denoising is not possible yet, but it is planned for 1.5.

Corona 1.5 RC2 is out now and I see that all my passes/elements are still saved without the denoiser. :(
Any plans for that in the near future? Not much use in post-production for so noisy elements... :/

Gallery / Re: JETs Toilets
« on: 2016-05-19, 20:39:02 »
That volume light in port_jets_hytte_02.jpg ... finding the grail :)
I guess that it means that God will give its blessing if you use it? :)

Gallery / Re: JETs Toilets
« on: 2016-05-19, 20:37:34 »
Really love the mood in the pictures. You even have the toilet paper roll turned the right way!
Important to keep it always nice and tidy. You never when you will have a visitor... :)

Gallery / JETs Toilets
« on: 2016-05-19, 15:47:38 »
Diversed internal and external illustrations we at FireGrader did for JETs catalog. They have a broad range of toillets that can be installed in buildings, houses, boats, summer houses, etc. It was a lot of fun making these, specially the external ones.
All rendered in Corona and post produced in Photoshop.

Critics are super welcomed! Cheers. :)

Gallery / Re: Stressless Reno Paris
« on: 2016-04-22, 14:34:36 »
Hello, zchen

I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the super nice comments. :)

The carpet was done using displacement.

I do have a personal portfolio but these illustrations are a creation of FireGrader's team. You can check out our work at

Gallery / Stressless Reno Paris
« on: 2016-04-22, 13:53:07 »
This is a internal project we did for the super awesome Stressless Reno chair, designed and produced by Ekornes.

For this in house project we've tried to get away from the typical scandinavian design we usually do in our illustrations and aimed for a little smaller room, with more objects populating the scene.
That was super fun to make and yet again Corona helped us achieving the results we wanted.

Hope you guys like it! Comments are super welcome! :)

[Max] I need help! / Re: 12k render dont working
« on: 2016-02-19, 15:12:00 »
Any thoughts? Maru?

[Max] I need help! / Re: 12k render dont working
« on: 2016-02-19, 11:07:12 »
And the CANCEL didn't work. The funny thing is that when I forced quit the scene via Task Manager, 3ds max asked me if I wanted to save the file (?). Weird.

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