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Messages - poluokolotogo

Pages: [1]
Good afternoon, beloved developers!
This feature would be very helpful when creating presentation videos that are not quite physically correct. For example, now I'm presenting models of an architectural exhibition, where buildings fall on the terrain. And at the same time the terrain itself is rotated 360 on its Z axis. So I would like to be able to blur only the falling objects, and the terrain would remain clear and readable. Thank you!

Gallery / Re: Just Another VIPP
« on: 2017-09-27, 15:11:11 »
Well done, man! Few days ago, i saw the "making of" of that house. Good idea.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: The most wanted feature?
« on: 2016-01-12, 18:12:23 »
Render Region in Frame Buffer + Render Region in Interactive mode

Pages: [1]