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Messages - zach

Pages: [1]
Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: [Released] Material Changes
« on: 2017-06-21, 23:14:19 »
converting whole scene at once would be amazing but it is great as it is, obviously some more complex node trees are non-convertible but textures are there so I won't complain, real time saver, thank you blanchg

Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: [Released] Material Changes
« on: 2017-06-19, 19:59:17 »
great work blanchg, many thanks
I've just updated from v5.6, massive update :), so many new, useful features, I wish I would have more time to play ..
one question: what happened to the "convert to corona" btn, it dissapeard after v6.0.6 (I've spend so much time trying to figure out how to convert cycles to corno in 6.0.14 ...) is there other way to access this function in latest version?

no biggie, probably something trivial although sometimes those small devils takes ages to found out

HA! it works in B 2.77a with current corona plugin (5.7.12)

well it doesn't work if it doesn't respond to curve edits like it did at some point. unfortunately I can't remember which version of blender and corona plugin I was using
what do you mean by "NOTE: nothing can be done about it, it's a Blender thingy", it used to work, I used it, OK?

sorry, perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I mean material preview in material tab

Chaos Corona for Blender / Re: Delays
« on: 2017-05-17, 20:59:01 »
sorry for your loss, i know the pain my desktop died last month, and my car, and my camera ...
at least the weather is getting better :)

archived settings, deleted them, made clean install - still no success. oh well ...
anyway thanks for help

true dat, too many blenders in my OS. can't remember which one I used. What combination of blender+corona exporter are you using?

I've kept updating to the last version and at one point found out it stopped working. Now I can't remember last time it worked ok. Already checked all versions back to 5.6.3 without success and got bit tired. So if anybody could help me it would be great.
Theres not much options for manipulating textures exept mix shader and tone mapping (and using it is kinda PITA) so without curve node I am tottally lost.

well I guess I should read the docs before flooding forum with stupid questions ...

plugin v5.6.2
in previous versions slot for controlling amount of operation was available for all modes (although it didn't work for anything but mix operation :)) and now it only appears for mix mode. Is it how it supposed to be?

great news, thanks for answer

Can't link/append material created in node editor, node tree is missing, after appending node tree separately material works fine.
Is it bug or missing function?

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