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Messages - Designerman77

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Gallery / Re: life train
« on: 2019-03-17, 17:32:47 »
We need peace, no war, nowadays... :)

Nice render. Bit of a console-game atmosphere...


simply play around with volumetric or subsurface scattering

Hey Artisticpixel, yes, I use C4D.

In the screenshot it shows 3DMax... just by error. It shows it automatically after every failed try to activate the C4D-version.

I did try to activate C4D... not Max.
At least 10 times already... with all different kinds of older versions.

Nope... de-activated.

For the moment, I did´t buy a licence, just used the 45 days-demo.
Simply because with SUCH BUGS, the licence is worse than even the first betas... from years ago.
Not possible to work with them.

I´d gladly pay also 50,- EUR per month... but it should fuckn WORK !

The version in the link from the user "Artisticpixel" cannot be activated.

It shows THIS: (see image)

As mentioned to the customer service since two months already: Core 1.7 worked super well!

Should temporarily be given to us customers until the actual bugs are corrected...

So easy to destroy the programm and SO hard to correct the bugs ? ? ?

Quite disappointing...

And the customer serviece guys somehow keep quiet, only sometimes saying "oh, we have it on schedule, ec..." But nothing really happens.

I tell you guys at Corona: I´ll be waiting one more week and then MOVE TO ARNOLD! AND NEVER COME BACK!

For what to pay 25 bucks per month ???


Since weeks, our output at my office has significantly been screwed up with buggy Corona Core 3.

And the older (well working) Core 1.7 cannot be activated anymore! Corona has shut this down.

The official, realease-version Core 3 is full of serious bugs, such as broken denoising on round corners and bump, as well as displacement working totally unlogical on stacked materials !

Until Corona-development team gets these things fixed, it wouuld be the least to re-open the possibility to activate Core 1.7, which worked perfectly !

So, guys at Corona,

will your programmers finally fix the denoising issue on bump maps and the unlogical behavior of displacement, which got totally weird when applied to poly selections and materials are stacked ???

I started to look at Arnold today... !

Would be sad to be forced to change to another renderer because you guys don't manage to repair these two major issues !

Looks like your quality management doesn't really take the complaints seriously enough.
And I´m not the only one who tells you about those two bugs !

Gallery / Re: The Isleworth Commission
« on: 2019-03-09, 22:04:42 »
Hey Tom, quite nice.

My suggestion: make it a bit less perfect and clean. Reality is never that perfect.
A tiny bit of variations in the gloss of the car paint... just a hint... as if a human had polished it, not a robot... :)

Some variations in the studio background material. Some patina on the blades of the studio spots. Some finger prints on the digicam...
Some reflections from dust in the air, etc...


[Max] I need help! / Re: Weak denoising on bump maps
« on: 2019-03-09, 21:43:19 »
Hey guys!

Yes, this denoising issue is due to the changed (reduced) amount of denoising on bump maps in core 3.

It does less denoising on bumps, in order to maintain more details.

Good intention, but very bad effect on workflow, making quick renders virtually impossible - since the noise on bumps will not be smoothed by the denoiser! Even on value 1    ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Already asked the developer team to reset this function to the state it was in Core 1.7 - which in my opinion - was perfect!

I hope they will manage to fix it as soon as possible. Because with this issue, test renders in Corona have become a horror !

By the way,

any chance to re-activate a Core 1.7 - licence until bump/denoise and displacement on stacked materials are fixed in Core 3 ?



G´day Maru !

Thanks a lot for your update.

That's truly good news. :)

If your team will also manage to fix the displacement behavior on stacked materials ( like it was in Core 1.7 ), Corona will be perfect again!

Have a great day!


One more thought regarding the new "selective" denoising.

When a 3D-artist wants more texture details, one simply lowers the denoise amount and choses a longer render time.
Worked perfectly until core 3.

So why for heaven's sake to introduce an "automatic" amount of less denoising on bump maps ???

By this, renderings visibly fall apart in two areas with different amounts of denoising. Especially when short render times are needed.
Areas with bump look super noisy, while those without bump look smooth - when you combine short render times with high denoise amounts.

AND : do we need super fine texture details on... ROUNDED EDGES - which are also a bump map... ???

I´m counting the days until your team will finally DUMP this totally useless new function, that only destroys the workflow and results!

In the second render, the refraction looks correct.

From the name of the data, it looks to have been rendered in version 4, right?

Hi Tom,

thanks a lot for your quick reply!

I know that the reduced denoise on bump channel has been done from the reason you described (preserving more details in renders).
Your colleague Bengamin already figured this out.

BUT in real daily workflow, the result of this good intention is horrible - leading to extremely noisy test renders.
And test renders cannot take 3-4 minutes. They need to be done in 30-40 seconds, without being so horribly noisy!
In Core 1.7 this was possible without any problem!

Even on fast machines like my 2018 iMac Pro, quick test renders look noisy now. And sorry, a 6000,- EUR machine does have some horse power.

Us users DON´T need microscopic details as the main goal. They anyway appear in a final render with many passes.

We need super quick test renderings - without being super noisy! Because on test renders, 90 % of the project time is spent.
This should sound logical to your programmers.

I stress it out once more: with this reduced denoising and also that weird displacement when materials are stacked,
working in Corona has suddenly become very difficult and nerve consuming.

Especially while finding the look for a scene, the strong noise in test renders destroys all your creativity!

Of course my assumption about "sabotaging" was just a joke - but your team should really take those two issues super seriously, as they literally destroy what makes Corona great: simplicity, fast & beautiful rendering and intuitive use.

I really hope your programmers make it work again, at least like in Core 1.7.

By the way, I started to teach Corona to students at a university and I personally very much promote Corona...
But such messed up basic functions are not the best advertising for your future clients.

Looking forward to your reply.

Cheers, Lucian

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Rounded Edges & Bumps - VERY NOISY !!!
« on: 2019-03-03, 23:36:18 »
Rounded edges and bumps are getting much lesser denoising, causing huge render times.

Already discussed this bug with the support, who promised to fix this issue.

Total crap, when you need quick test renders. And in the daily workflow, this is the most important part, where most time is consumed.

Since no improvement has happened menawhile, I will re-post this again, including screenshots from rounded edges & bumps, properly denoised in Release core 1.7.
And badly denoised in actual core 3 / official release.

Makes the daily project work very annoying, destroying the creative process by super noisy test renders, especially in interior scenes.

Please fix this ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

As well as the weird displacement, when materials are stacked !!!!
Also worked great in core 1.7.
Now it behaves as if someone programmed it who never really used Corona for real project work !

Corona quality management should very carefully watch what the programmers are "improving"...

To me it looks almost like sabotaging the software ! Too big rival for V-Ray ?

With a broken displacement on stacked materials and broken denoising in bumps and rounded edges, Corona ist literally mutilated!

[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Re: Displacement broken
« on: 2019-03-03, 22:59:25 »
Yes, displacement ist totally weird in core 3, when materials are stacked !

In core 1.7 it worked perfectly.

What are the programmers doing at Corona in the last time? Looks like they more and more destroy the program !!!!!!

As mentioned by other users, now the left material is the dominant one in displacement. Fine... BUT: its diffuse gets overridden by the material on the right.
What a crap is this?

Make it work like in core 1.7 again !!!
It was great before!

And despite the displacement problem, now bumps, including rounded edges are rendered SUPER NOISY !!!!
I have discussed this with Corona support, and they confirmed that they are trying to fix it.

Good people at Corona... PLEASE FIX these two issues, and simply make them behave like in CORE 1.7 !!!!

Never change a running system is a motto your programmers should keep in mind.

However, these two mentioned bugs make our work at my office super annoying at the moment...

hurry up with fixing these two issues, since in my oppinion, displacement and round edges are the most important features for realistic renders!

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