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Messages - Alex Abarca

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I came across a similar situation. I had to model a bunch cookie cutter type houses for a background scene. It was literally thousands of houses. I modeled about 20 types of configurations to the lowest polygon count possible. As you can see in the explainer video I didn't even bother to do thickness on the walls, Finally I applied material randomizers on the roof and walls. I used railclone as you can see in the video it automatically degrades to point cloud when it reaches a high threshold.

Once I modeled the whole scene modeled I didn't open for the rest of the project since it was an xref and the master file was parked in the render manager/backburner. Whenever I needed to render an update I just reactivated the job and it picked up the xref automatically. I do these little short clips for myself to remind me of the dumb stuff I do. :D

[Max] I need help! / Add CoronaRaySwitch to 500 materials
« on: 2022-09-01, 05:06:40 »
I have a photogrammetry of a city and I would like to add a CoronaRaySwitch in white for Global Illumation slot. Does anyone out there know how to do this on 500 materials?

@nik With this tool can I add a CoronaRaySwitch color 190,190,190 on 500 individual materials?

It's for a photogrammetry model of a city.

Yes it has internet connection, it just gets stuck there.

Why is the installation of Corona 8 Hotfix 2 get stuck at Installing Cosmos Service.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona DR + deadline problem
« on: 2022-01-18, 22:05:35 »
Hi Maru,

I emailed Deadline and some of the issues they say are coming from the latest versions of Corona and I think the same can be said for the deadline. Deadline is an awesome renderer and if it functions correctly its able to handle on-premises rendering, cloud rendering, and DR, and above all that It can handle most 3d platform traffic.

The question I have is...Can the latest version of Corona and deadline work? Is the Corona team conducting tests on compatibility?

Thanks, Alex

Gallery / Re: Ananya
« on: 2022-01-13, 20:34:10 »
Feedback? Its incredible! Amazing work, a true eye catcher even for archvizers, I cant imagine clients reactions.

Hi Corona Team,

As you may know in some instances it's almost impossible to go inspect every material in the scene, and in reality, there are some things we need to let go to push forward, like materializing every object. I know you can convert these materials, but I want to keep my Corona Legacy on my library material for now.

So I am proposing to make Corona better is to keep the red/white glowy message on IR and in render it should render gray flat gray with no light bounces.

Thank you for pointing me to that. Thats what I needed.

Hi Corona team,

Can you add a function in the modify panel properties that will enable the user to set values/parameters for the "visible directly" option?

In reality, a person can look directly into the light source and see the components of a bulb, for example, the housing, filament, gas, and led chips. For the most part, renderings burn out the light source, and all we see is a burned circle in the image, which takes away from human-based realism.

I know there are methods to doing this like using two lights sources 1. One light to light up your scene and 2. Light up the light housing or the source either through a Coronalight or CoronaLightMtl with less intensity values.

But what if all the properties are encapsulated in one light under it's properties.

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Fog that's zdepth based
« on: 2021-09-24, 20:11:10 »
Hi Mr. Ondra,
Can you consider a function to add fog based on a gradient map method (like Z-depth)? I think CoronaVolume material is great, but it's too realistic. I would like to see more Hollywood-type fog.

I know I can do this in post, but I would like the option to have it baked in the output.

Hi Johan,
Not yet, but I will downgrade if the problem persists. I am testing a lot of scenarios at the moment, for example, I'm testing a file where I am slowing appending items like geometry, then camera, then render params, etc.

One of the nice things about Deadline is that it's really zippy/snappy and getting access to cloud rendering in conjunction with local machines is crucial. 

Hi Alex...
Yeah, Pulze is nice! But my only drawback is that it only works with 3dsmax. I need Blender in the pipeline.
I'm trying some things and hopefully, I'll get to the root of the problem.

Johan, that's great to hear! Hopefully, I can get my problem resolved, I would like to know what's causing it. I'm not sure if it's coming from 3dsmax, corona, or deadline.

Just saw this.
I'm having the same issue with Deadline + Corona 7
Is this the error you're getting?
Error: FailRenderException : RenderTask: Unexpected exception (Exception caught in 3ds max: -- Syntax error: at keyword parameter, expected <factor>

Thanks Guys!

What Tom stated is exactly what I was aiming for, sorry for the slang I should been more clear.

Thanks Juraj and Johan, that helps in understanding where problems may arise when it goes past 128gb. Personally I haven't passed the 128gb threshold, but I can tell you for sure that in my working files 64gb is not enough anymore, Thanks guys!


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