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Messages - Mohammadreza Mohseni

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Thank you so much. I thought that there was no support from quixel to 3ds max 2022. You helped me so much. Do you know by any chance how to make it so that when I import material from bridge, its bump value is not 99 but 1?
you are welcome.

easy. they set it up this way. you may change this behaviour by just change one line of the setting file for corona vray or etc.
simply open "" using a text editor. (I am using notepad++)
then find "MAT_NODE_NAME.mapamountBump" and change the value to whatever you may need. save the file and close it. open the 3ds max and bridge and use megascans.

in the file, I have mentioned there are some settings you may change to your desired values.

I recently installed the 3ds Max 2022 which is super awesome but I found some strange problem with the bridge 3dsMax plugin. so I fix it. Hope it useful for somebody.

the zip file contains 3 files and a pdf as a guide. read it before doing anything.

Hotfix for:

bridge issue with 3ds Max 2022 (issue caused by calling the wrong function for creating toolbar in 3ds Max – fixed by Mohammadreza Mohseni with adding one simple line of code in py)

Corona displacement issue (fixed by Quixel team - shared on Corona Renderer forum)

here is the link to files you may need:

  • Make sure 3ds Max is closed then Download the 3ds Max plugin using Quixel Bridge
    Copy and replace both two file in “fix” Folder provided < and > form below link to:
    < [ Quixel Bridge Library Address ]\support\plugins\max\5.0\MSLiveLink >
  • Open < > with notepad and replace [Library Path] with the actual bridge library path.
    For example: python.ExecuteFile @"G:\Megascans\support\plugins\max\5.0\MSLiveLink\"
  • Copy < > file to startup user script folder which is usually:
    < %localappdata%\Autodesk\3dsMax\2022 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\startup >
  • Start the 3ds Max and use bridge like always.

just downloaded and tested around with it, its amazing, thanks. The only thing I am stuck on is there a way to add fog to the background? as to fake Arial perceptive?
thanks for the kind words.
And, yes it is possible to add fake aerial using 3ds Max native fog (not quite as good though). or using corona volume fog which is slow compared to aerial perspective. the other option would be using a custom shader for this which may take a while for me to write it (I know OSL and can write the shader, it is not that complicated but it not my specialty so I am a little slow in it)

Thanks mohamadreza
great Script
Thanks Omid.

Wow thanks a lot !!

EDIT: I made a little donation afterwards, I forgot to do it at first download ;)

Thanks, Nicolas, it is kind of you. appreciate it.

🔰This script has been updated to version 1.30

🟠 more info and download link:

also, the first post has been updated with the download link.

## Version 1.30
- 04/06/2021

### Added

- Compatibility with Corona Renderer 7, 6, and 5.
- Tested on 3dsMax 2022 and 2021.
- New Setup using MZP package file.

### Fixed

- Converting long path to short path for config files. (the issue that causes error and compatibility issue with corona 5 and above)

### Updated

- Now no need to define a config file. You may add 2,1 or even no config file.

### Note

- In previous versions, you need to define both LightMix or Post Process config files even if those were the same.

I have edited the script and now is fully functional with newer versions of Corna (up until the recent corona 7 daily builds).
the issue was very simple, the corona image editor cmd does not accept long names with space in it for the config file. you can set output and input files without issue but the config file would not accept the normal file paths. which is really weird and messed up, especially it is not easy to convert a long path to 8.3 dos format for a short path using maxscript or even .Net API. I do not know why the Corona team does change these. it would be very inconvenient for users even in a command-line environment to convert the path every single time that want to use the corona image editor command-line tool.

Why change something that works to something with lots of issues?

anyway, I will upload the newer version of the script today on my website and share it here too.

[Max] Daily Builds / Bucket Rendering
« on: 2021-03-31, 09:17:12 »
I saw in the changelog of the two latest daily builds that the way of bucket rendering is applied has been changed. can you elaborate more and shed some light on this matter?
so in the newest 30/03/2021 release, we always use a bucket of 32*32 to render after 5 passes of progressive render?
will this add room to improve the caustic solver speed?
Are not we get an option to change the bucket size to improve the rendering speed in different scenes? or any other option to change? even if not exposed in UI it would be great to have the option to set using maxscript.

and something not relevant to this topic but may not worth a new topic:
what "geometry min Instance Saving" does exactly? it has the default value of 50000. I could guess something but not sure so it would be better to ask.

Thanks in advance.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Exterior windows OSL shader
« on: 2021-03-14, 16:38:34 »
a little play with it. I will have so much fun with it.

Gallery / Re: Concrete Villa
« on: 2021-03-14, 16:23:15 »
such amazing shots.

Hello :)

Any chance to get a similar tool for next Corona release, please ?
I don't seem to find this one anywhere, and anyway, I suspect it wouldn't be compatible anymore with latest Corona version ...

Thanks a lot.


I have offered the simple source code of this tool to the Corona Team for free to bundle it with corona or alter it in any way they want back in 2018. but because some part of the UI has been written with .NET controls, the script has not been considered as something to bundle with corona. 
I do hope we will see a way better tool for this purpose in Corona soon.

I am currently working on my website in my free time to put my script in it I will share the script there when it is ready and notify you here.

Gallery / Villa
« on: 2021-03-07, 16:13:15 »
a 3d rendering visualization project for "Corona College" online course in the Persian language

tools: corona 7 daily build, 3dsmax, quixel megascans

corona_college_villa_01 by Mohammadreza Mohseni, on Flickr

corona_college_villa_02 by Mohammadreza Mohseni, on Flickr

corona_college_villa_04 by Mohammadreza Mohseni, on Flickr

the development indeed has been slowed down compared to other engines. corona seems to left behind intentionally for whatever reason. or simply just not enough resources in development to get the things done in less time.
I love corona but it sure feels that way.

Gallery / Re: A- Puff
« on: 2021-02-23, 16:39:13 »
fantastic renders 😍

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: New UVW Randomizer playground!
« on: 2021-01-19, 11:33:31 »
I have just tried it (but very quickly) and here is the UI.
It definitely looks less user-friendly than Corona's version, but I have no idea about the usability. It would be great to test it thoroughly at some point.
One advantage is that it can be previewed in the viewport.

one of the 3dsmax OSL versions of this UV its strong points would be the ability to load UDIM without adding extra nodes which makes it a little tidier.
I have always wonder why corona bitmap does not add native UDIM support? it would be way simpler to get a workaround by 3dsmax multi-tile or uber bitmap.

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