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Messages - chilombiano

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[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Zdepth extra options
« on: 2013-10-28, 12:54:55 »
 I imagine keymaster is quite busy but if you find the time some day two useful things for this render element:

--Being able to recognize max or camera clipping values as the depth values. Saves a lot of time when you work with it daily ( my goal with corona in a near future! :)

-Height depth option ( using Y which in max is z ). Really handy for low fog post effects and the sort.   


[Max] General Discussion / Re: Render Elements reordering
« on: 2013-10-27, 21:06:07 »
In the subject of render elements now knowing they are being organized
Would it possible to ask Keymaster for a couple more controls in the z depth pass?( world and camera ):

-Being able to recognize max or camera clipping values as the depth values. Saves a lot of time when you work with it daily ( my goal with corona in a near future! :) )

-Height depth option ( using Y which in max is z ). Really handy for low fog effects and the sort.

Sorry Guys if Maybe this is not the right thread but it sounded pertinent. Should i instead take these to the feature request section?

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: Velocity pass
« on: 2013-10-24, 17:44:57 »

Of course it does. Nothing wrong with max there but the way you are understanding the issue.
Max per object motion blur is not anything close to motion blur but a trick to improve the look of the mb of a fast moving object.
From the max help doc:
"(Another option, object motion blur, is not meant to simulate a camera, but to improve the rendered appearance of fast-moving objects.)..."

"Object motion blur works by rendering multiple copies of the object in between frames and then rendering them together. It is not affected by camera movement.

Being said is not surprise it ended being part of any pass out of their old scanline renderer.

Now.. When you mention the motion vector pass i guess you mean the one that comes out of MR, right? Cos i can't remember max had one ( but is being a long time i use max scanline so maybe im wrong ). If you are talking about MR then it would simply be an error easy to fix by no using object mb at all.. There is just no point using that if your goal is to make your  mb in post.. That's why you are outputting a vector motion pass in the first place.

So. Having that definition of object motion blur as a feature in corona render just doesn't makes sense too much. As captain obvious said you get all motion data ( well, not exactly * ) from your velocity pass and if you mix that with z depth in nuke you'll get a fairly acceptable mb ( vector mb what they call )

It would be more interesting and much more important  as an addition in corona to implement EXR 2.0. Now that's something you can play with for your post mb!. And maybe p-ref data for experimenting with it though i'm not yet so familiar of how to use it.

Sorry for the long post guys :)

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: Velocity pass
« on: 2013-10-19, 15:26:39 »
are you asking if it is possible to produce a motion vector pass that includes Z motion in order to get something similar to 3d motion blur? Humm .. It supposedly doable but calculating the 2d motion blur can be as or slower than proper mb.
Here is a good read about it from the nuke side. I don't think they got a perfect solution as we still use simple vector blur today. Maybe keymaster can check it out and give it some thought:

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: Maya porting ?
« on: 2013-10-12, 15:57:20 »
Great to know that is coming.

Haggi.  Coding i know nothing but count me in at least as a tester :)

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: Maya porting ?
« on: 2013-10-07, 12:02:54 »
I second these opinions again.
I've took some time in an older post about the good commercial reasons for Keymaster to seriously consider this but this time i'm really saying it out of pure frustration.  There is no Max at work and Maya is pretty much the tool in my industry and if i could use corona i would not only enjoy rendering again but will have the chance to slap in the face certain render technology that makes our days so bitter. Most of my colleagues don't believe how enjoyable is Corona // it would spread like fire this tool once in Maya!

Great feature! Thanks keymaster

I vote maya. Not because i use maya (I'm completely agnostic when it comes to software) but because it would open a huge market/user base for Corona meaning better business which will translate in a better renderer. Maya is still the most widely used tool in film and tv broadcast and that is not changing just yet. Autodesk seem to be focusing energy into Maya first, max barely and xsi .. Xsi has a dark future ahead. Modo by itself was not doing too well but the fact that now joined forces with nuke will probably make it a bigger name in the film industry. A version of corona for modo ( hey, even for nuke! ) could be very interesting as well. It just sounds better business to focus on these platforms  first..just my opinion.

Octane is an interesting case as a renderer ( whoever said it is slow should consider a decent gpu ). It has a plugin for most 3d apps but it's functionality is really poor. It might be a good model to be everywhere and develop the tool later but it feels like neglecting a bit the core of it.

Arnold is completely the opposite. Their focus, as stated on their site, is to give the best possible support to few clients ( hence the licensing exclusivity ) first in order to grow the tool in a solid manner. And they only support xsi and maya.. These guys are aiming to film industry use mainly
Btw.. Whoever said arnold is slow for interiors should really try it more before saying that. There is more to rendering than just speed. ( arnold is damn fast overall )

I do think Corona could easily fit a bigger role than in architectural rendering or advertisement ( with all due respect to those fields ) . In the little time i've used it i found it scary close to what Arnold offers and that is a lot of ground for an alpha. If things like pmedia and exr2 ( deep data multi view ) get implemented Corona could become a really solid player in film/tv

Heck! I would even invest on it! :)

My two cents 



Off-Topic / Re: Corona Popularity - Introduce your self
« on: 2013-07-09, 15:09:25 »
It all sounds a bit like a AA meeting: ..i used to consume 10 hrs of vray for the last five years until i found Corona!.. But not far from the truth actually:).. The problem is who's going to save me from Corona now?

Hello guys. I stumbled across this site by absolute accident as i was looking into some news into sky model implementations. First thing that catch my eye was keymaster's last line in the faq about not having time for a hip website design ..which somehow... defines Corona. I have spent no more than 1/2 day playing with it and found myself actually really happy enjoying rendering again. Looked into the whole forum and noticed this is actually a very cool small and engaged community where we the users can make a difference through  keymaster's amazing drive to make corona an awesome tool.

Anyways. I have been working with images analog or digital for the last 13 years. Eight of those exclusively doing vfx for the film industry and i hope i can collaborate with some feedback, dialogue and images ( although there is never enough time ) in this forum. I'm really impressed by this tool and the people behind.

 I would say Corona sits with Arnold in a category on their own but ..hmm, i better leave this for another post.

To sleep now.


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