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Messages - Alex Abarca

Pages: 1 ... 25 26 [27] 28 29
[Max] General Discussion / Re: tree Translucency
« on: 2014-02-17, 21:30:42 »
I think it's time to introduce front/back map to you. Right now, sun facing sides of your leaves, have way to much translucency, while back faces looks ok.

Like this, you mean?

[Max] General Discussion / Re: tree Translucency
« on: 2014-02-17, 21:18:14 »
You can save a LOT of time by instancing maps as much as possible in shadertrees and different slots of a single material.

How is that technically? What are the drawbacks of non-instanced but identical bitmap maps? I never really thought about it since I try to instance as much as possible but is each non-instanced bitmap loaded separately into RAM (I can hardly imagine that) or is it just the internal overhead that is produced by multiple bitmap loaders?

Each map is not loaded into RAM separately, but each map is sampled separately if they are not instanced. 3dsmax actually has a caching mechanism implemented that allows reusing the first instance result for all subsequent ones. So instancing single map 4 times can make your shader evaluation 4 times faster.

yep, yep.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: tree Translucency
« on: 2014-02-17, 21:14:02 »
How does this look now? I change the translucency map.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: tree Translucency
« on: 2014-02-17, 20:38:31 »
You're doing this mistake again. Tree leaves doesn't need refraction. By puting map in this slot, you hurting both, material believability and render time. Don't do this.

Edit: btw, if that map structure for translucency slot, you borrowed from my scene, you may want to replace it by something else. I did it in hurry and i don't think it's suitable in this situation. I feel guilty for this :]

You are right bro! Thanks for catching that. It reduced the render time, and it looks good. Ok, I'll replace the map in the translucency.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: tree Translucency
« on: 2014-02-17, 20:17:52 »
Here what I got so far. What do you guys think?

I'm going to go download the free trees and test maru's material worlflow now.

I am missing some parameters, guess I need the dailybuilds.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: tree Translucency
« on: 2014-02-17, 20:11:19 »
Hah, there is no real reason, that's because I was doing it very quickly and dirty. :)

You can save a LOT of time by instancing maps as much as possible in shadertrees and different slots of a single material.

That's Ok, I totally get it. The params are the magic.

Fair enough. I just thought it was an inside joke or something.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: tree Translucency
« on: 2014-02-17, 19:48:49 »
Its look Awsome Maru, just like in the movies

 I am going to try this can you show me your slate view, please.


[Max] General Discussion / Re: overexposure avoidance (WIP)
« on: 2014-02-17, 19:42:19 »
Look it. I used VizPeople HDRI (free) skies and it looks good and its even giving me shadows. By the way this is just a test scene I use at home, these are free models i got from various sites. let me know if you need help.

Its a raw render

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: Autosave render output
« on: 2014-02-17, 19:30:04 »
I've only done renderings right now, so enable is good for me, no problem.

But what happens if you network render, and you have thousands of frames being output from a renderfarm? would there be a problem?

When changing lighting conditions...Let's say from HDRI or sun. You might need to modify your your diffuse color settings based on lit environment. It would be killer if i can adjust all my diffuse channels by certain percentages to compensate for lighting conditions.

Perhaps change Reflection, Refract, AO params as well.

That just means you have done your materials wrong in the first place. So learn to make them right. If you change lighting, and your scene is too dark on bright, then you compensate with exposure adjustments, not materials. That just does not make any sense. If Corona had implemented additional settings to compensate for various wrong workflows of various users, UI would have thousands of buttons.

No, they were done right... what I actually meant is that models might come from purchased repositories, and your lighting workflow might be different from the models you  purchased. Or perhaps a person works in an office where there are several vizzies and you want to correct their reflect, AO, refract.

Anyhow I was just stating possible additions to the software, but maybe I should sushh...:D

Yeah that's what I meant, I remember preparing a script in mental ray to correct these values, but OK. I was just thinking.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: tree Translucency
« on: 2014-02-17, 18:31:46 »
Impressive Maru' thank you for showing, I have to try this. Can you show me your slate view?

[Max] General Discussion / Re: overexposure avoidance (WIP)
« on: 2014-02-17, 12:01:48 »
The towel under that heavy tub looks really weird. Use a hdri in env slot, I think that will help your scene. And about the background, looks too glorious, is that a real perspective view of the design or make believe?

Gallery / Re: Contemporary house
« on: 2014-02-17, 11:45:45 »
Is this hdri environment? If so which are you using. Its not producing subtle shadows.

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