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Messages - Dmitriy Yemelianenko

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Gallery / Re: Danish design interior - Lighting Study
« on: 2015-04-01, 16:44:06 »
This work is amazing. Can you please share how the lightning was done and some postproduction tips. This is exactly the result I'm looking for, but can not archive:)
Great job.

Gallery / Re: Living room
« on: 2015-03-18, 16:10:57 »
Yep, exactly from this one.
I took Calligaris catalogue and chose several shots as references, mostly for composition and furniture layout. Did'nt want to spent much time on modelling exactly the same interiors.  But in terms of light, my variant looks much worse, I still can not achive the result I want. Any suggestions? or the answer is in postproduction? I'm still don't feel comfortable with PS, don't know why, I just don't like tweaking levels and curves.

Gallery / Re: Living room
« on: 2015-03-17, 21:38:39 »
Thank you. Yes the second image definitely need something in the background, but its already done so, maybe next time:)
I used Peter Guthrie's HDRI.

Gallery / Living room
« on: 2015-03-17, 21:09:22 »
Here is my latest personal project.
Hope you like it. Any critique or comments are welcome.

Gallery / Re: Motorcycle
« on: 2015-03-16, 15:03:00 »
wow! so beautiful!

Gallery / Re: AR Apartment
« on: 2015-03-16, 14:59:54 »
Your work is amazing. But the problem is in the background, did you notice tha everything is falling down....just wrong perspective.

News / Re: New website is out
« on: 2015-01-26, 15:02:19 »
Amazing website. And the gallery section looks so inspirational! Well done.

Gallery / Re: Cozy Bedroom
« on: 2015-01-23, 21:35:47 »
One more time, thank you guys very much.
Reflection was really my problem in these projects.
It seems to me that the wood looks more natural in this one, still far from perfect, but better than it was,6620.0.html
Right now, watching some tutorials about cloth material, so, hope that next time it would be ok.
I'm working on a new personal project, I guess i'll will finish it on weekends. I wrote down all my usual mistakes, and will try not to repeat them.
I really appreciate your help, critique and comments.

Gallery / Re: House in the wood
« on: 2015-01-20, 12:23:59 »
So detailed reply, thank you very much.
Seems like a lot of things to learn.
I guess, I should create WIP theme, and to try some stuff, maybe on a less complex scenes, so I could concentrate  on some smaller details, try lightning, shading and post.
I really appreciate your help, thank you.

Gallery / Re: House in the wood
« on: 2015-01-20, 10:44:13 »
The scene light is Peter Guthrie's HDRI and Corona light (sphere) in the lamp. Never tried 32 exr, always saved in TIFF 16bit. :)
Are there any advantages with exr? sorry for such amateurish question.
I used default camera settings, and corona's post processing.
Thank you.

« on: 2015-01-18, 11:33:08 »
Great work. For me, the second  image looks much better.

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: furry rugs tests
« on: 2015-01-17, 23:09:35 »
Breakdown is really good idea:) The carpet is extremely realistic.

Gallery / Re: BMW X5
« on: 2015-01-17, 23:05:37 »
As already said, car paint is amazing!

Gallery / Re: bedroom
« on: 2015-01-17, 21:59:41 »
Nice work, but I think that natural light will add more realism and will look more interesting. Though I worked at a studio some time ago and there was a rule that all interior light should be turned on, never understand that:)

Gallery / House in the wood
« on: 2015-01-17, 21:48:03 »
One more personal project. Looks pretty dark, don't know, the original idea was light and lite, but somehow, I tried another way and let it go:) Hope you will like it.
Seems like I need to watch some tutorials, cause all latest projects look pretty much the same. Maybe some UV mapping or post-production. As always, any advices or critique, even the hardest:) are welcome.
I'm trying to pay attention to all your words, so there is no to much post, the wood is less reflective and camera angles are not to wide, but I'm still not happy with the result, need more attention for details.

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