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Messages - GabrielFP

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Gallery / Nuñez Balboa
« on: 2020-10-18, 19:49:59 »
Hello to everyone

I just wanted to share my latest personal project. Comments and criticisms are always welcome.
For reasons of size I do not attach all the images of the project, but you can see them in my profile of behance:
I hope you like it.

Software: 3dsmax, Coronarenderer 6, Photoshop.

Gallery / Re: Bedroom study
« on: 2020-08-13, 15:23:36 »
hi gabriel really nice images,love the mood, where did you put the chromatic aberration it looks great

Hi. I just selected the red channel of the image and with the warping tool I stretched the corners 1 or 2 pixels depending on the size of the image. Then if I want to apply the effect only to certain areas or lower the intensity, I just add a mask.

Gallery / Re: Bedroom study
« on: 2020-07-02, 15:41:11 »
Hi emaru.

Thank you!

In this project I have used fabrics made by me with dabarti capture. I don't have very good equipment, so the resulting textures are not of a great quality. But they are useful in certain situations. The configuration of the material is the normal one for fabrics. A simple fallof and a normal map. On top of that there's a scattergun with some fibres to simulate the hairs on the fabric. And that's all.

I attach the textures of the pillows. In case you find them useful for your project

Gallery / Re: Bedroom study
« on: 2020-07-02, 15:38:55 »
Incredible work!

Would you mind elaborating about the fabrics materials? I currently working in something similar to those pillows!


Hi emaru.

Thank you!

In this project I have used fabrics made by me with dabarti capture. I don't have very good equipment, so the resulting textures are not of a great quality. But they are useful in certain situations. The configuration of the material is the normal one for fabrics. A simple fallof and a normal map. On top of that there's a scattergun with some fibres to simulate the hairs on the fabric. And that's all.

I attach the textures of the pillows. In case you find them useful for your project

Gallery / Bedroom study
« on: 2020-06-26, 15:09:58 »
Hi everyone.

I just wanted to share my latest personal project. It's a relatively simple and straightforward one. The intention from the beginning was to create a space a little more secluded and dark, something that is diferent from the images and mood that are usually commissioned. And also to practice a bit of modeling.

I hope you will find it interesting.

3dsmax, Corona render, Affinity photo

Gallery / Re: House in Cabanyal
« on: 2020-05-04, 17:07:01 »
This wonderful soft lighting again! :)
I very much like the scenes.

Man, the images on your insta are incredible!
That Turkish rock landscape is... I'm speechless.

Do I see correctly that in your lighting setup you don't use a Corona sun but a simple parallel light with that map on it?
I haven't used lights as  sun-"surrogates" since years.

Since some guys (also me) discuss on the topic of color grading here in the forum: how do you get such a fantastic color grading in your pic?
Mainly in the VFB or a lot of post in PS etc?
You have an insanely good eye & instinct for light, contrasts and colors!

jajajaja. Thank you very much. Well, pictures of Turkey are more Turkey's virtue than mine.

Yes. I've used a direct light instead of a Corona sun. The idea is to be able to add a texture and try to maintain the color temperature of the HDRI.  I imagine that with Corona sun you can get similar results and I imagine with more consistency. But, in this case, it seemed to me the fastest and easiest way. It's not a scene with very complex lighting either.

Mostly in the VFB, the postproduction I do is very light. Basically I adjust lights and shadows, add a bit of sharpening, vignette, chromatic aberration and that's it. In some cases I can adjust the color of some elements or the light in certain areas. But that is not the norm.

Gallery / Re: House in Cabanyal
« on: 2020-05-02, 15:24:15 »
That's great and very helpful, thank you so much!
I'm curious about the cameras because I've tried to replicate that same effect; your renders have a slight blurry patina that I've seen in the renders of Bertrand Benoit as well, they just feel more photographic and I can't tell what the difference is. Normally I set up a target object that I use as a focus, and try to set the camera to realistic values, but I don't get that result :/

Hi! sorry for replying so late.

I don't really know why that could be. Maybe it's something from post-production? maybe the contrast, the sharpness in post or  adding a little of chromatic aberration.  Regardless, I'm attaching a screenshot of the camera's setup. Usually the values marked in red are the ones which I usually touch.

Gallery / Re: House in Cabanyal
« on: 2020-04-24, 21:07:42 »

Attached is a screenshot with the light set up and the corona VFX. I hope that this will help you to clear up your doubts.

I usually use HDRI's to illuminate my scenes. In this case, as I wanted the light to enter in a very particular angle I decided to divide the HDR in two. On one side the sky and on the other the sun. This way I get independent control of both. In this scene the HDRI doesn't have much effect as the light only enters from above. In any other scene that you want to use this method I recommend before to erase the sun from the HDRI to avoid double shadows.

The rest of it is quite normal. Nothing extraordinary. Normally, I control all the values from the VFB and from the Coronacamera I only adjust the F-stop depending on the blur effect I want.

Gallery / House in Cabanyal
« on: 2020-04-21, 17:47:51 »
Hi, everyone.

I just wanted to share my latest project.An opportunity to make a house with a patio, something that I had wanted to do for a long time and now I hope I don't come back in a long time. At least, until I improve my computer since the render times have been a nightmare XD.

The initial idea was to make the entire house but the arrival of new work and a little bit of loss in motivation have made me decide to finish it sooner. Nevertheless, I think that some images can be interesting if someone has to do a similar project.

The models are a mix between designconnected, megascans and my own models. The tree in the patio is:

The programs I have used are: 3dsmax, Coronarenderer, affinity photo.

Gallery / Re: Goerlich Apartment
« on: 2020-02-23, 13:45:35 »
What would be benefits of your suggested workflow vs HDRI + Corona sun? I think the latter would be easier to set-up, more flexible and would render faster.

I really don't know. Like I said, I've never tried it. I didn't say to use a corona sun because I never liked the shadow it produces, but maybe it's more practical with corona sun.

Gallery / Re: Goerlich Apartment
« on: 2020-02-22, 21:40:56 »
Hey Gabriel,

I tested your HDRs - according to your screenshot... darkened / strongly lowered exposure.
Gives that nice soft light with neutral colors.
Hmmm... wondering why I have never tried to mess with HDRs like this before?

And one more thing we know now: cropping an HDR, so you have a nice big sun also gives that nice, soft homogenous light, most of us desperately look for.
Even if it´s a PNG in the end. :))))

In another post, some guy asked how to get a super uniform lighting in interiors. I guess this is the way. LOL

One thing I have always wanted to try thoroughly is to use a sunless hdri in enviroment and use a light with the texture of the sun. That way you can control the position of the sun, the intensity and changing the size of the light, the type of shadow. All this without having to modify the HDRi in PS.

I don't know if it would work well, since I imagine someone must have tried it already and we all still use unmodified hdri's, but I'd like to give it a try sometime

Gallery / Re: Goerlich Apartment
« on: 2020-02-15, 12:12:11 »
I've never thought about using anything other than an HDR... old habits

Well me neither. I thought that using a simple bitmap instead of an HDR in Corona 4 would result in a mess...
By mistake I inserted that PNG as a lighting source... and it looks absolutely okay.

Attached, a trivial test scene.
Render time: 30 seconds with some denoising. Can't see any negative difference compared to an HDR.

P.S. Visited your website. Great renders! That red room is crazy cool... among other cool stuff!

The png. format is because it is a screen capture jajajaja. But if it gets you better result maybe you are behind something here jajajaja.

I use only Hdri. I attached 1k versions of the hdri's so you can see the difference between the original and the painted. As you can see the original is pretty bad. All the highlights burned, no detail whatsoever. I blame my shitty camera and that it was my first and last attempt.

I think when you use a sky with a strong difference in exposure between the sky and the sun you will see the difference between hdr and png.

Gallery / Re: Goerlich Apartment
« on: 2020-02-11, 15:17:49 »
May I ask how you get this kind of lighting? Super smooth but nice contrasts, etc.
Corona Sky / Sun or an HDR?

I attached a crop of the hdri. As long as you have a similar gradient in the sun you will obtain smooth lighting. The contrast is more post processing than the hdri in itself

Gallery / Re: Goerlich Apartment
« on: 2020-02-07, 16:47:29 »
beautiful renders!
how did you get the "broken edges" on the sandstone rock? i try getting this result for a long time. never came close...
i hope you can give some insight?

Just sculpting in zbrush and the displacement of the base texture did the rest

Gallery / Re: Goerlich Apartment
« on: 2020-02-07, 16:44:21 »
Very nice, may I ask you why did you choose Affinity for postproduction and what was your workflow there?

Many thanks

I'm been trying to make affinity photo may main post process program just for the ability to edit 32-bit images and clone in different layers at the same time (If I am honest I'm still more comfortable in photoshop). In this project there is no special need to use affinity. The same can be achived with photoshop as every image is saved from corona as a tiff 16 bits file.
My main workflow is very simple, just adjust highlight and shadows, play with curves and saturation, add some sharpening and vignetting and I am done.  The goal of the postproduction is to highlight the most important element of the image, so you can compare

Here you can see some images taken directly from the corona frame buffer.

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