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Messages - Vlad_the_rant

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Вам не хватает библиотек Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015. Их можно скачать здесь:
Также удостоверьтесь, что у Вас Windows обновлена до последней версии.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Corona scatter freeze
« on: 2019-12-18, 13:39:27 »
The problem seems to stem from the non-native Normal Bump map. This map, although generally compatible with Corona, is actually not fully, 100% compatible and should be avoided (that's the reason it cannot be selected for use if Corona is the active renderer).
Replacing that map with a CoronaNormal map should resolve the issue.

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Hard Caustics
« on: 2019-12-13, 17:55:56 »
Try making the scattering color in the water material lighter than black. If it's black, there will be no scattering and therefore no result. It's the scattering which lets you control the intensity of the caustics over distance. Just like in real life, really...

[Max] I need help! / Re: Interactive refresh
« on: 2019-10-01, 15:43:56 »

Could you please archive the scene with all textures and assets and upload it to our other uploader that can take large files? We suspect the lack of any textures could affect the result.

You don't have to upload the scene with textures if you have tried the scene without the textures and the issue was still present.


The uploader: [size=78%][/size]

[Max] I need help! / Re: Triplanar mapping troubles
« on: 2019-09-30, 17:14:55 »
The way Triplanar mapping works is by projecting the texture onto the surface of the object. This way, each side of the cube actually has its own texture. You can confirm this by using a texture with text and you will see that the text will not be inverted on the other side of the object. What you were expecting is the behavior of planar mapping which will mirror the texture on the other side of the object since it's being projected from the side under the UVW planar map.

The ability to include and exclude objects entirely from caustics is currently not possible to implement with the caustics solver the way it is.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Caustics take too long to clear
« on: 2019-08-23, 12:11:56 »
Activating caustics per-object is currently not planned for implementation due to the way the caustics solver currently works.

Sorry to be the bringer of bad news but that's the latest from the devs.

Corona proxies DO NOT save RAM! Their only purpose is speeding up viewport performance, not RAM usage reduction. Therefore lots of proxies are, at best, the same as no proxies at all and at worst detrimental in very large scenes (since they all need to be loaded into RAM before rendering starts). If they are stored on a slow drive or on a network path, loading them will take time. Can you try removing temporarily at least the largest proxies or half the proxies to see whether that speeds up the pre-render preparation? Thanks!

Latest info on FumeFX compatibility:

Unfortunately, FumeFX 5.0 and above are still not 100% compatible with Corona and we are working on it. In the meantime, consult this helpdesk article for step-by-step instructions on how to export VDB files from FumeFX and use them with Corona Volume Grid:

Latest info on FumeFX compatibility:

Unfortunately, FumeFX 5.0 and above are still not 100% compatible with Corona and we are working on it. In the meantime, consult this helpdesk article for step-by-step instructions on how to export VDB files from FumeFX and use them with Corona Volume Grid:

Let's try a different approach: try renaming the C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\[Max version]\ENU folder and starting Max again.

It is not enough to change the region. You need to change the locale to United States.


You can capture a minidump even if it's just hanging by following the instructions here:

It would also be helpful if you could upload the scene this bloom and glare issue is happening in, to us:


Can you please submit a ticket to support and upload a scene that's behaving differently in V2 and V3 to our uploader?

To submit a ticket:

Our uploader is here:

Note that there is a separate Dropbox-based uploader that can accept files up to 10GB in size, available here: (it's also linked in the general uploader at the bottom of the page)

Please make sure you also mention the name of the uploaded file in the ticket.


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