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Messages - LorenzoS

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20
[Max] General Discussion / Re: corona and forest pro
« on: 2017-12-11, 19:07:07 »
32 Gig, is perfectly adequate, apart from use with Corona
Yes, it's the most important corona problem for production use. I hope in version 2 will solved.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Old problem again
« on: 2017-12-07, 14:57:26 »
solved  was a missing plugin, not a corona problem.

Please, please, anyone know how to solve this problem from slave?
Occured after upgrade to 1.7 hotfix2


[Max] I need help! / Re: Scene optimizing
« on: 2017-11-28, 12:52:04 »
Another thing that popped in my mind is that I have a glass with glossy refraction behind the camera, set up like you can see in the screenshot.
Can that be one of the problems?
On my opinion yes, because of the volumetric scattering.

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Daily Builds 1.7
« on: 2017-10-21, 15:57:01 »
Material editor seems to be really slow. Last couple of updates seem to have effected it.
Takes some time to render out the material shader ball.
If you have corona camera in scene, try to delete it and check again. I think the problem is the continuous refresh in the viewport due to a camera bug.

Reverting back to 1.6 working version
On 1.6 for me works well, but i prefer use it on 1.7, obviously.

Corona 1.7 RC5: the problems are always there. Someone knows when they are solved?

The "affect diffuse" checkbox for the lights, very useful for example when i need only extra reflection on material.

Use CoronaLight material with unchecked emit light option - does the same.
Thank you romullus, this is the solution i need.

The "affect diffuse" checkbox for the lights, very useful for example when i need only extra reflection on material.

The  antialiasing works batter in vray then in corona expecially when you need sharp detail
A mitchell  netravali or catmull rom fillers should be welcome

[Max] I need help! / Re: corona shadow catcher material
« on: 2017-08-11, 13:40:04 »
No, the beauty with backplate won't be there as we are using the "for compositing" mode of shadowcatcher.
But you can just drag and drop the backplate in PS or other software, right?
Right, i undestand.

Can you explain or post examples of this problem?
My english is so poor, and mybe i dont undestand well the workflow in shadowcatcher, but in my opinion the best way should be to calculate the alpha mode for compositing in one go togheter the solid or trasparent mode.
But maybe that is not possible.

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Daily Builds 1.7
« on: 2017-08-06, 11:25:18 »
...using 3ds max 2017

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Daily Builds 1.7
« on: 2017-08-06, 11:23:11 »
Hi all,
i notice a strange behavior on corona 1.7 - 2017-08-01 and 2017-08-04, not shure for previous.
On the slave computer it miss one file, but if i try to delete it, again tell the same error for another textures.
Can be my setting error or it's a bug?


[Max] I need help! / Re: corona shadow catcher material
« on: 2017-07-30, 12:28:01 »
Not sure if this is the solution you need, but a CMasking_Mask element will give you a solid mask for your shadowcatcher, in one go:

Yes it's a good solution.
Only when i have glass in scene i suppose it don't work because CMasking_Mask don't support opacity.

[Max] I need help! / Re: corona shadow catcher material
« on: 2017-07-28, 21:33:38 »
sorry, backplate, not backplace

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