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Messages - PastaJackal

Pages: 1 [2] 3
[Max] I need help! / Freeze on Parsing
« on: 2019-09-26, 14:19:23 »
Hi guys, thanks for reading

Our studio has been having a few issues lately with scenes hanging at the parsing stage when sent over backburner (no DR). The only pattern we've observed is that the scenes fail to get past the parsing stage when motion blur is enabled. But this is also a gamble as it isn't always the case. Are there any suggested workarounds or things to look out for with this? Motion blur is needed unfortunately.

Details on the scene: Shopping centre. Heavy use of Xrefs with multiple forestpacks within each. Most assets are proxied. In this case we are also using Anima to produce a timelapse effect with motion blur.

3ds max 2019
Corona 4.1

Thank you!

[Max] I need help! / Re: Preview Proxy Mesh
« on: 2019-04-19, 21:19:12 »
Try putting an Edit Mesh modifier on the proxy object first to convert it to 'live' geo. I need to do this whenever I want to use an Unwrap modifier on a proxy object.

You're a beautiful person. That worked!

[Max] I need help! / [solved] Preview Proxy Mesh
« on: 2019-04-19, 19:46:37 »
Hi, not sure if this should be a feature request or whether there is a workaround or not.

I'm working with Quixel Megascan objects and need to have a quick and visually responsive way to bash objects together but to also use proxies to keep scene file sizes down and optimised. I can use the Substitute modifier to replace the high poly mesh with a lower LOD mesh but this doesn't seem to work for proxies. Is there another way or can something like the preview proxy mesh in Vray be implemented?

Thank you!

[Max] Bug Reporting / Reflection Override Fireflies
« on: 2018-11-06, 16:38:52 »
Hi, I understand this issue was raised a few years ago and am wondering if there was a workaround developed or whether this is still planned to be 'fixed' (as I believe this is all pretty hacky anyway).

Issue being: HDRI map inside Reflection Override creates heavy firefly noise in the image despite low noise level overall and denoising enabled. Image example below

[Max] I need help! / Re: Same scene, different render times
« on: 2018-09-03, 13:48:28 »
Thanks everyone!

Unfortunately due to time constraints on this project, I could only try several of these solutions before moving on. It was still tricky to discern what was causing the blow out in render time. I ended up having to set the noise level to around 8% and relying on denoising to get the animated frames out. I would really love a more comprehensive tool within Corona to analyse what materials might be troublesome, similar to what vray has.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Same scene, different render times
« on: 2018-07-28, 10:49:47 »
Thanks, not a bad idea! Haven't considered using that feature.

Is there any future plans to implement a render pass with samples to better diagnose problematic areas?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Same scene, different render times
« on: 2018-07-26, 16:58:52 »
First of all, what exactly do you mean that "one takes x times longer than the other"?
Does it take x times longer to reach the same noise limit?
Does it take x times longer to reach the same pass limit?
Does it take x times longer to reach similar visual quality?
...or maybe something else?

Hi Maru,

Yes, it took about eight times longer to reach 6% noise level than the other image with same settings. Have been on this again for several hours today - had some success with boosting the lights in the scene but can't get this entry door image below a 50minute render. For reference, the other image takes 20minutes with the same render settings.

I've since optimised the ivy to remove all translucency and enable clipping in the opacity channel. It doesn't bloat render times much on its own, it seems to be a combination of the whole entry facade (glass, neon lights - which are lightmtls with no emission etc)

[Max] I need help! / Same scene, different render times
« on: 2018-07-25, 21:06:06 »
Hi all,

I've been scratching my head over this for the past few hours. Same scene, but the camera which is sitting outside the doorway takes ~8 times longer to render. This is for an animation so really need some suggestions as to why this might be happening.

Tried so far:
-made sure the ivy is not using an alpha (all geo) and has a blur value of 1.0
-glass is using thin refractions without any volumetric colouring

I've tried the sampling focus pass to get more information but it didn't really give clear results.

As for lighting, I have sun and sky for the environment, large filler plane lights along the interior, lots of spot lights without IES, a few sphere lights for pendants, and I'm using CoronaLightMtl with emit light turned off for the inside of the spotlights etc. LightMtl behind the shop logos has emit turned on but that is the only one used.

Any ideas why this is such a drastic difference? Thank you!

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Backplate + Sun causing shadow bug
« on: 2018-03-09, 07:44:40 »
No worries. Thank you for taking the time to look into this maru. Much appreciated :)

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Backplate + Sun causing shadow bug
« on: 2018-03-06, 14:09:41 »
Issue occurs even without glass or other elements present.

In this example, the backplate material was created with a CoronaLightMtl plugged into a CoronaRaySwitchMtl with GI channel left empty (this is to avoid using max's object properties to eliminate shadows and GI contribution).

Have been testing numerous methods like CoronaMtl self-illumination but all fail.

The only real way I can see of getting it to work is by creating a spherical map (not sure how to do that when some backplates are incomplete) and using that in the scene environment overrides.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Backplate + Sun causing shadow bug
« on: 2018-03-06, 13:05:42 »
This has been posted before, but I wanted to see if anyone had a workaround of any sort to deal with it

The issue occurs when a scene backplate using CoronaLightMtl is setup with a CoronaSun (most evident when sun is facing the camera at a low angle), there is a large shadow artefact which appears on surfaces with less than 0.8 glossy reflection. This becomes a huge issue when creating images using drone photography which only wraps around a cylinder correctly rather than a dome or sphere which could be plugged into the environment map channel. So essentially, any shaders with low glossy values are vulnerable to some very ugly jaggy shadows creating a highly unrealistic result.

I'm wondering if any others have found a way to work around this as I understand this bug may be too difficult to completely resolve. Even implementing some kind of cheat in the next version (I'm using 1.7 hotfix 2) solely for these situations would be great.

Thanks for reading!

Hi, having the same issue using 1.7 hotfix 2. Any progress or work arounds on this at all?

We are constantly using backplates for our archviz images with a CoronaLightMtl and run into this issue frequently as a result.


That's perfect! Thank you! :D

As the title suggests, is there a tool out there to convert a folder of .max files to .cgeo? We moved from vray and now need to convert a load of models over to corona proxy for ease of use. Thank you!

Thanks for the reply maru

Seems odd because Vray displays a preview of the render whilst it is being rendered on the computer running a server

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