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Messages - actrask

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10
Not sure if this is more bug fix or feature request, but can you make it so the interactive rendering windows don't have to restart after something like setting 'show material in viewport' from the material editor?

There are a few other instances where this happens. I don't have another specific example off-hand, but they don't seem to have anything to do with affecting what the renderer is doing.

Small thing but it would make the work experience a bit nicer if the IR didn't have to reset so much.

Edit: I just found another one so I'm going to start a list by editing this comment as I find them. By all means tell me if there is absolutely no way to fix it even though the action seems unrelated to the renderer.

-opening the slate material editor
-entering and exiting sub-object mode
-changing an objects wireframe color
-putting an object into another layer in the scene explorer (not moving it in 3d space)
-changing the pivot point of an object
-hiding or unhiding objects when "render hidden geometry" is checked in the common render dialog
-after the scene completes an autosave
-changing the Gizmo size of a light
-when hitting "show material in viewport"
-adding or deleting light sources from the Light Select Render Element

Being able to cycle through the render elements in the interactive IR viewport would be really helpful.

I always find myself needing to stop the viewport IR and launch IR in the VFB just to see what's going on in the reflection pass.

[Max] Feature Requests / CoronaBitmap paths
« on: 2018-08-22, 17:22:07 »
So this is a super small request, but I think it would help make the daily grind a bit less painful.

I love how CoronaBitmap has that little info box with the resolution and full path to the linked bitmap. The only issue is when I want to copy that path I'm always fumbling around trying to get the mouse to select the whole thing or it grabs the resolution info too.

Can you make so just clicking anywhere on the path it copies to your clipboard? Or something like Bitmap classic where you can right-click the node and hit "edit bitmap"?

I feel a bit ridiculous making a post about such a small thing but over thousands of hours, this will help workflow.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: VFB - region activated
« on: 2018-08-22, 17:00:44 »
Yes, great point. I've lost a few hundred hours after checking frames and noticing the scene was sent with region rendering on.

Do whatever makes sense to implement the warning or indicator, it just needs some sort of arm waving.

[Max] Feature Requests / Blur Map Node
« on: 2018-08-16, 21:01:39 »
It would be nice to blur a bitmap independent of the bitmap node. Maybe sneak it somewhere in CoronaColorCorrection?

Gallery / Re: Can Furnet Villa
« on: 2018-08-08, 20:56:42 »
Very nice. My only critique would be the window glass reflections. They seem a little 'hot' and busy for lack of a better word. The last five shots or so are amazing, great job!

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: The most wanted feature?
« on: 2018-08-03, 16:43:06 »
Oh, and stop deleting the history when closing a scene

Oh my god, yes. Please keep my image history, I'll handle the storage.

Edit: And the size-mismatch thing in the VFB history can get a bit annoying. I assume that the intent is for pixel perfect A/Bing, so why not give an option to snap to preset resolutions (or similar)?

But in case of a item with size mismatch, there could be "Resize to this item" or similar. Or a double click could trigger it; text in preview would then be "Size Mismatch [size], double click to fit" - I don't mind.

Yes, perfect, anything like that :)

Sort of like this:

I think this will help with being able to go back and A/B something without all the size-mismatches.

Ok, I can verify that the Corona camera will render a vrayphysicalcamera with only the demo installed on the node.

I need to use the vray camera in Corona as a legacy fix on this one shot, I don't plan on using the vray cam in the future ;)

Thanks for the help guys!

Thanks Maru,

Can you confirm or not the ability to render a vray camera in corona with only the vray demo installed?

Or will I need a vray seat to render a vray camera in corona?

You don't need vray installed for Corona 2.0 to use the VrayPhysicalCamera? I just updated to 2.0 to hopefully fix that but it still brings it in as a 'camera stand-in' object. Is there something you have to do to tell it to see it as a Vray cam?

Thanks for the quick replies. Cecofuli, I had tried that, but it's off a few pixels which is my problem. I need to match the object in blue to match a pre-existing background plate (this cannot be modified).

Sprayer, the corona converter script doesn't seem to convert the camera, only materials and lights. I just tried it, let me know if I'm missing something.

Ok, I have Vray installed and can see through the camera and can render it on my local machine. Now I need to convert this to a 3ds max Physical Camera because the farm doesn't have vray. How do I do that?

[Max] I need help! / Matte Material
« on: 2018-07-18, 18:53:55 »

I can't find any sort of matte material, am I missing it?

I have a scene where I want to have a matte material on the chairs so the chairs are just a black void and everything else renders correctly around them. Is a matte material what I need, or is there a better solution?

Thanks in advance!

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