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Messages - Tok_Tok

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General CG Discussion / Looking for certain models
« on: 2017-08-18, 09:31:35 »

I'm doing an archviz project and the client wants a bit more trending look. This means that lots of furniture and props are made of raw materials like rough driftwood. This for example:

Does anyone know where to find these kinds of models? Would be much appreciated!

- Joep

[Max] I need help! / Re: The color in 3ds max is off
« on: 2017-08-12, 16:24:26 »
Ahh thanks so much! I didn't know this was in there. This helps a lot, it's also got a temp bar and HEX color value input, which I was missing as well!

[Max] I need help! / The color in 3ds max is off
« on: 2017-08-12, 15:11:56 »

I'm struggling with this for a while now. When I pick a color from an image in my browser, for example to match a RAL color, the color is much lighter in 3ds max with the same RGB value's. I've looked this up but could only find that I need to correct my Gamma value in 3ds max. The value is now 2.2 which should be good, but I still get much brighter colors when I enter them. Example:

Can somebody explain to me why this is, and possibly have a solution?

- Joep

Ahh yes that helps, thanks! Juraj as well, I read over it.

Hm oke well then I must be more patient I guess. But still, the interior scene I'm working on only has around 100.000 poly's and is still slow. I kind of expect a still empty scene like this to render butterly smooth.

Yes working with big scenes, interactive rendering is not really useful. It just takes too long to update and when moving through your scene 3ds max stutters. I would be handy though to have a pause button to temporarily pause the IR to move through your scene and change things instead of quiting the IR and starting it up again.

I think you're right, 3ds max is ofter the bottleneck for handeling big scenes.. although they've done some optimization over the last few versions.

Thanks for your reply.


I've upgraded to 1.6 and found that the interactive subsampling is not working as near as fast as in the video that's posted on youtube about the new features. For me in 1.6 the screen refreshes every 1 - 1.5 seconds, which is far from realtime. So how is this possible? I running a dual Xeon E5 2699 V3 at 2.1Ghz, might is be because of low single core speed? I have to add that interactive rendering never worked as fast for me as I see in the corona youtube channel videos.

Off-Topic / Re: Coffee maker model
« on: 2017-04-02, 12:12:10 »
That's it! Thanks for sharing! I can still use it.

That's too bad. But I'm happy it works flawlessly for everything else :D

Off-Topic / Re: Coffee maker model
« on: 2017-03-07, 09:04:30 »
Sorry for the late response, I clicked the subscribe button but didn't get an email.

Anyway, that's not the model I meant, it needs to have condensation on the inside, that gives some extra realism.

But thanks for you post!!

Off-Topic / Coffee maker model
« on: 2017-02-27, 16:07:09 »
Hello everyone,

When I started using corona I was looking for all kinds models which were rendered realistically so I could learn form them. I remember having downloaded a model of a coffee maker which looked very good and was free. But I cannot find the model anymore. I was hoping someone here knows what I'm talking about. The coffee maker looks like this:

I'm also willing to pay for such a model but I has to be a good one. The one I found have realistic material and condensation inside the pot.

Hope somebody know :D


I've been using Backburner to do an animation with Corona 1.5.2 and what I noticed is that you can't change any corona setting in a job that's being rendered in Backburner. For example the sequence I'm rendering now takes 20 min per frame but when I look at the frames they are much sooner without noise, so I want to change the noise level to a high percentage. Unfortunately it's only possible to change native Max settings.

Could this be added in future builds?


All the best,

[Max] I need help! / Re: Send jobs over network
« on: 2016-12-23, 09:11:20 »
Oke I'm going to dive deeper into Backburner. I know DR is using backburner but I've only used it through corona which only let's other computers help with your active rendering. Good to know that it's possible through backburner, now I know where to look.

Thanks guys.

[Max] I need help! / Send jobs over network
« on: 2016-12-22, 11:02:01 »

I want to send individual jobs over the network to another pc. I know Distributive rendering is an option with corona but this function only allows the other PC to help rendering the current scene.

Is there a way to send individual jobs to another pc so I can keep working on my scene? Or do two renders at the same time.

Maybe it's possible but I can find out how to do this.


[Max] General Discussion / Re: Pause interactive render
« on: 2016-07-23, 14:59:24 »
Corona should not work that way... If there is some significant freezing when using Interactive, then report it as bug and provide a scene to reproduce it. The main point of interactive rendering is being interactive. If it requires user to manually keep pausing it, then it's not longer interactive, and is not much different to regular non-interactive F9 key smashing :)
Yea sure that is true but when working with a heavy scene it can still take several seconds to restart the rendering process, when moving the viewport for example. Selecting and moving objects takes a few seconds as well. With lighter scene's this is not the case but interior scene's quickly get into millions of polygons. What I would like see is an option to keep the interactive render window open (in a viewport slot preferably, like I have now) and be able to pause it and to work on my scene fluently and then quicly start the render again. I don't want the window refreshing every time I move something or move the viewport a bit.

The problem now is that it takes 20 sec to start the interactive preview, if I would like to pause it from being less responsive I would have to stop the interactive window and then when I want to quickly start the preview again I would have to wait 20 sec again. This is not a bug, it's just a heavy scene to work with.

I hope this is a clear explanation of what I mean.

[Max] General Discussion / Pause interactive render
« on: 2016-07-23, 11:26:32 »

I'm still a new user to corona and everything has been working great! I love the speed, both for exporting a scene for interactive rendering and the render speed itself. I am now working on a very heavy scene (15 mil+ polygons) and working with interactive rendering can be slow and not responsive in this case. So I want to know if it is possible to pause the rendering so that I can move around in my scene and change stuff without the rendering window constantly refreshing and slowing things down?

I came from Maxwell Render and there is was possible to pause the render, this was a very useful feature so I hope it is possible in Corona as well.


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