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Topics - JoachimArt

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Hi, I have a very simple scene with a cube that changes height throughout an animation, from being rather flat rectangle and then transforms into a square. Its just a normal Box with the height parameter changed over time. But, I have a edit poly modifier on top that changes its autosmooth on top of this animation. When I play this animation in the viewport it plays fine (!), if I put on a grey material and render with Scanline it renders fine. But with Corona it takes like 5 minutes for every frame, it says "transforming vertices" before it starts rendering. So even though each frame takes about 30 seconds to render, it still takes 5-6 minutes for each frame because Corona isn't able to start the render. If I remove the Edit poly modifier, it renders instantly!. Also I tried adding a smooth modifier instead, it renders faster but still takes a lot of time compared to whats normal.

I tried with the current 1.7 build and the 2.0 RC3 build, same problem with both!

I can send you the scene if that would help pinpoint whats causing this, but its a commissioned job, so I have to send it directly to someone.

I have a problem, whenever I add lightmix to a scene I'm getting the "error creating file output" message, and I have to manually assign each light to the correct folder.
I believe the reason for this is because corona lightmix defaults for a folder that doesn't exists, because I'm using oneDrive as my default documents folder and, and when installing 3ds Max it automatically directs all file paths to OneDrive (which is what I want), but Corona does not.

Where can I change which folder Corona defaults to?

See image:

When adding the Corona output module in its default state between a coronabitmap and Diffuse slot nothing changes, which is the correct behaviour. But when adding the Corona output between a coronaBitmap and Self-illumination slot of the default material the image becomes pale, and looses its details in the dark areas.

For workflow purposes I always felt the show shaded materials/texture button in the Material Editor is too tedious to use (especially with a ton of materials). I wish it was a way to add a keyboard shortcut to turn it on/off on the selected material, but I haven't found it. All the scripts I tried doesn't work with Corona, except in the Corona Converter script, its possible to turn on/off for the selected objects....which is better than what Max has to offer. But this option is so useful IMO that I wish it was a button or shortcut available instantly. So, personally I would have loved for it to be part of the Corona Toolbar which comes with the next release. 

This is probably an impossible feature because of how 3ds Max is built. But I'm gonna ask anyway :D

One of the things that bugs me with the Material Editor in 3ds Max is that you can share maps across multiple materials. But there's no way to share values (as far as I know) - Even though sometimes you would very much like it to do so. Like f.example when using CoronaTriplanar or Corona AO in multiple slots, for gloss, diffuse, bump etc, you sometimes want them to behave the same, and it gets tedious having to apply the same values at multiple locations. Especially when working with a ton of materials and do a lot of tweaking. It would have been awesome with the ability to link a value the same way you can link a color which can be used across multiple slots. So that f.example scaling of Corona triplanar, or the Corona AO distance or directionality etc would share the values across all the parts of the material.
Like this:

This would also be very useful in lets say the materials that comes with corona material library, since you usually have to make rather big changes in the materials if your objects sizes and looks are different from what the materials are intended for (and it can be a bit confusing to make big changes to a material someone else set up)

Just a thought :)

[Max] I need help! / I'm missing Dome Light!
« on: 2018-03-13, 07:12:19 »

I know this has been asked a few times here, and I know Dome Light is not needed in corona, since you can add any HDRI map as an environment light.
But I really liked Dome Light because it was a one click feature to get 1 color environment light, something I often want for more sylized scenes or a scene where I don't really need to load a HDRI map, only a generic envrionment lightwhich should not have sun light or a specific HDRI map.
My solution so far has been creating a half sphere and invert faces and apply Corona Light material, but I find it a bit too tedious to do every time I set up a quick simple scene - which makes me miss the Dome light feature.

Is there a simpler way?
What is the absolute fastest way to achieve a dome light of a specific color which I have full control over the GI color and strenght?

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Scene Presets
« on: 2018-02-03, 22:54:19 »
A feature I think would have been great is a Scene Library, same way as you have made the awesome Material Library. F.example theres a lot of times you would just quickly set up a scene for presenting an model or test a models light, and it takes a few minutes finding a good Environment map, add a few lights and do some tweaking. What if you had a list of something like the most typical studio light setups with corona lights and an environment image added to the scene on a fly as well as a few outdoor, with sky, night, etc ....and also a dull scene that are perfect for tweaking the materials with no over exposed lights and perhaps a scene for rendering the model with a nice grey gradient background - just the classic ones.... I know these are not difficult things to make yourself, but just as with materials it takes time and it is really perfect how you made the Corona Materials to easily pick the most typical ones and then one can do personal tweaking from them. Presets are always a time saver :)

recently Cornoa has been making improved Bitmap module in materials, new camera and other stuff that are more user friendly than what 3DS Max has to offer.
Have you considered improving/making a new Output module in Materials as well? I mean personally I always felts it has a very confuzing interface with the curve editor being really badly implemented with over complex amount of buttons to make the simplest adjustments.

Having a Hue saturation slider, and a curve editor like the one in Corona renderer would have been amazing in my opinion and making it much faster to work with.

Just a suggestion :)

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