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Topics - 3dkobi

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Hi guys,
I'm about to start an animation project with realflow -I want to export the meshes of the water & foam from realflow to c4d via VDB or alembic. How does corona for c4d handles those files ?

[C4D] General Discussion / Stage Object & How to save CXR
« on: 2019-01-13, 13:19:49 »
Hi guys,
I'm new to corona, so I'll probably have some silly questions in the near future...
When I have to render a few shots of the same project I put several cameras in the scene and than use the Stage object to animate the cameras, so camera 1 is frame 1, camera 2 is frame 2 ect.
Is there a way to maintain this process and save the files as CXR ? Or let the VFB keep the renderings like c4d native picture viewer (when a new rendering start the old one is deleted from the VFB) ?
The only way I see to save a CXR file is through the VFB...

Even when I untick "Clear VFB inbetween renders", the VFB still getting cleared...


[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Weird rendering & cam bug
« on: 2019-01-09, 11:29:35 »
Hi guys,
I downloaded Corona V3 and installed as a demo. I'm on C4d r17 prime, Win10.
I'm trying it on a new scene I'm starting and i'm having some problems:
1. When changing cam settings (iso ect.) the ipr shows the rendering exactly the same instead of brighter\darker.
2. When the ipr starts rendering the first passes looks grainy, like it should, and than it convert to a weird look like i'm using an old IR\LC method from vray - lots of splotches...

All settings for corona sky\sun\camera are at default.


[C4D] General Discussion / Corona & Team render
« on: 2019-01-07, 12:23:35 »
I'm in the proccess of moving from vray to corona, and was wandering about team render & corona - I saw on the roadmap that corona V4 will have "team render stability improvments" - does that mean that it has issues now ?


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