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Topics - gabrielefx

Pages: 1 [2]
Work in Progress/Tests / Super Tall
« on: 2014-02-23, 14:18:49 »
Hi all,
this is not a finished project.
I started it with Octane for Max then when I knew Corona I said: why not?
The scene is huge, 800Mb.
I don't know if Corona supports proxies but definitively it needs this feature enabled.
I'm very surprised about Corona. Being it in an alpha stage is already a productive tool to render masterplans.

I found an issue with Forest Pack Pro using my cutout people: because to create the opacity map I used the CoronaMapOutput and set it to grey, loading the scene Forest Pack doesn't refresh this node and I have to manually check it and refresh it for each multi material slot.

Every image is rendered for 1h, default setting (alpha 5)
The tree forests produced sometime some hot pixels. I deleted them using Dust and Scratches in PS.


[Max] General Discussion / VrayHDRI
« on: 2014-02-22, 18:27:33 »
Hi all,
I don't know what's the best tool to use HDRI maps within Corona.
I used VrayHDRI material and it works great.


[Max] Resolved Bugs / Mix tiny and big emitters
« on: 2014-02-21, 19:30:44 »
Hi all,
I would like to know how to mix tiny and large emitters inside a scene.

I have a scene with hundreds of rectangular lights 1x1m and a very large mesh emitter 50x50m

If I turn off the big emitter Corona renders smooth the scene otherwise the render progress is extremely slow and noisy.

How to avoid this?

thank you.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Funny Bug
« on: 2014-02-20, 22:01:31 »
Corona 5 alpha
Max 2014
dual Xeons E5 2660 2.2GHz
empty scene with a plane
corona sky in Corona environment
W=1300, H=2000 pixels: the scene is rendered
W=1125, H=2000 pixels: Max 2014 hangs (Max 2012 crashes)


[Max] General Discussion / Corona VS Octane
« on: 2014-02-20, 13:09:35 »
Hi all,
I'm testing a scene that I've created in Max and rendered with Octane.
Not all materials were translated with exactly the same parameters because the two engines are pretty different and I have to learn Corona.
The scenes were cooked 8 hours with Corona and about 4 with Octane
The resolutions were different:
4 hours - 2000x1415 Octane for Max render (4xTitans) - PMC kernel 12 bounces
8 hours - 3507x2480 Corona (2xXeons E5-2660 2.2Ghz) - Progressive PT-PT 12 bounces (raydepth and pt samples)

I can say that Corona produces fine renders using pure PT+PT
With 2 fast workstations with the latest Xeons we can have the same power of 4 Titans.

My conclusions are:
don't buy anymore gpus to do renders except you have to create fast animations using Direct Lightng + Ambient occlusion.
This kernel (DL+AO) is blazing fast on gpus but most of the time we create interiors where the light has to do a lot of bounces.
I hope to see this option in Corona too.
PMC and PT on gpus produces more noise than the one generated by the Embree kernel.
HD Cache sometime produces artefacts similar to the Vray Light cache, for me it's better to use pure path tracing for perfect results and fine details equal to the ones produced by gpus.
As regards the glass material I personally don't like it the one computed by Corona, I don't know if it's physical accurate or not.
In Corona we have displacement, hair and fur support, motion blur, Max procedurals, distributed rendering and many features not available now in gpu based renderers.

Corona is a professional tool.


[Max] General Discussion / 2 minutes of caustics
« on: 2014-02-19, 19:38:24 »
Hi all,

I did a simple scene to test caustics in Corona (alpha 5) with various kernels.

The same test was used with gpus and various gpu based software.

I attached the scene.


[Max] General Discussion / rt animation questions
« on: 2014-02-16, 09:51:10 »
I would like to know if the rt feature will support every material or mesh transformations:
Will be possible to preview vertex animations of mesh instances?


[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / per light sampling
« on: 2014-02-15, 21:32:17 »
I noticed that if I put in a scene a mix of big and tiny emitters the last ones generate a lot of noise, they aren't sampled well.
If I delete the large emitters the tiny emitters spread the light very well.
Would be nice to control the sampling for each light.

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / sun size
« on: 2014-02-15, 21:22:38 »
I donno if it was already requested:

sun size to have soft shadows

[Max] General Discussion / what's the true?
« on: 2014-02-15, 21:14:04 »
I don't understand why some programmers say that the gpus are faster than cpus and viceversa.
Why don't use both?
Some render engines are great and optimized for cpus but in certain situations sometime is better to use the gpus.
I don't think that the cpus are slower than the gpus.
Corona is an example and if it used the gpus with its code could create the best rendering engine on the planet.
Its magic is in the code no matter what's the processor.


Gallery / first try
« on: 2014-02-15, 12:09:34 »
Hi all,
I modified some materials and played with lights

Render resolution now is 2560x1440 rescaled to reduce the noise.

2 hours is the render time.

I noticed some fireflies on the curtains and some strange effects on the wall panels caused by the bump.


[Max] General Discussion / my impressions
« on: 2014-02-14, 15:10:12 »
Hi Corona team,

I never posted anything here because mostly I use Vray and Octane, two different worlds to do renders.
I own Thea and Arion license too but it is impossible to use every tool and study it in the deep or because it not really interesting.
I tested Keyshot too and I said: It's fast...but limited.

Now I'm testing Corona and I say that my 12 gpus are useless compared the results that produces this rendering engine with one single cpu.
I watched some renders in this forum, they are incredible.

You did a great job and I hope you will continue to develop this software. Why is it not commercial?
I read that it lacks some features that I sometime use in Octane: dispersion, sss and mix material. Distribute and interactive render would be nice too.

My question is: how to blend two materials using a mask?
I will check some tutorial to understand this baby.
Soon I will post some render.

best regards

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