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Topics - TeoRossi93

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Gallery / Intense - Downhill Mountain Bike
« on: 2023-01-13, 17:41:28 »
Hi guys!
Here's a personal project I worked on in the last weeks.
Done with cinema4d, quixel megascan, photoshop and, of course, the almighty Corona Renderer daily 10.

If you want to see the complete project you can have a look at Behance here:

Cheers :)

Hi guys, is there any way to exclude a light from volume environment?
In the image attached I have the red light set to include the sphere, I would like it not to affect the volume.
I know I could render the scene without volume and then turn the light off and volume on, but everything would be messed.
Cheers guys

Gallery / Porsche GT3RS - Green Hell
« on: 2022-11-27, 15:36:46 »
Hi guys!

Here's a quick studio render of a green Porsche gt3rs.
I used a top softbox and 2 disc lights to light the scene, pretty simple.

[C4D] General Discussion / VDB imported in wrong scale
« on: 2022-07-30, 11:19:50 »
Hi guys!
I'm using turbulencefd to generate some smoke, I'm importing vdb files using corona volume grid but the scale is completely wrong...
The imported volume is so small compared to the original simulation, is there any way to fix this?
In the attached image you can see the simulation vs the imported vdb (pretty small bounding box in the middle)

Gallery / Honda Civic Type Raijin
« on: 2022-07-24, 19:01:35 »
Hey guys! Here's my latest project Honda Civic Type Raijin.
This project has been around for a while so I decided to finish it even leaving some flaws here and there.

Check the full project at Behance

Done in c4d + corona renderer :)

Hi guys!

I was wondering if is there any way to copy the multipass setup (like all render passes, masks and so on) into a new scene; or should I set it up from scratch every time?
I use to work on animations with multiple scenes that have the same masks, it's a bit annoying to setup each scene every time.

Hi guys,

I noticed that I can't add more than 16 render passes, the 17th is not shown.
Is it a normal thing or am I doing something wrong?


Hi guys!
I usually don't work with backplates and I'm finding out some problems with a test I'm working on.
As you can see in the attached images there are many differences between saving a png and composite it in photoshop (the car of course is rendered) and rendering a 3d object straight onto a backplate.
Basically the image on the left has the right amount of shadows while the whole plate is affected by my tone mapping setup (and even reflections/refractions are odd), the image on the right is all good (including reflections and stuff) but the shadow is so dark.
How can I get the shadows that I have on the left even on the right image?

Thank you guys

Hey guys!

I'm attaching an image in which you will see 2 rocks.
Both objects have the same material, top one is a simple fbx while the bottom one is a baked alembic (that is going to break).
As you can see displacement and normal are both working in a weird way, is there any way to fix this thing?

[C4D] I need help! / Weird behaviour of vdb bounding box
« on: 2021-12-17, 15:20:41 »
Hello guys!

I'm working on a simulation involving smoke and I have an issue while rendering it. In the attached video you will see that the bounding box "eats" the other objects in the scene, don't know why this happens. I tried many times to simulate smoke intersecting with other stuff and it wasn't an issue.
I'm attacching even a still frame without smoke to show you how it should look.

p.s. I'm using c4d r25, latest corona daily build (same issue with public release) and simulation was done with xparticles.

Hey guys!

I'm rendering a sequence that I'm going to composite in AE.
I'm having an issue, already had it in the past but I don't remember the workaround. Basically the bloom pass is cut by the alpha channel, all the bloom spreading out the matte image is transparent. I use to save separate passes manually while doing still images but, of course, I can't this thing while rendering exr sequence.

Thank you guys for the help

Hey guys!

Since I Installed the daily build of Corona 8 I have some problems with frames imported into AE (even Premiere).
As you can see the gamma into AE is completely wrong compared to Corona viewport (see attached images).
I'm not sure if the problem is AE or Corona, anyway I didn't have this problem before installing daily 8 (AE version is always the same).

I'm rendering png at 16 bit, AE project is set to 16 bit aswell.

[C4D] General Discussion / Texture in Corona Light
« on: 2021-11-08, 23:22:05 »
Hello guys,

I was wondering if there will ever be the possibility to load textures in the corona light object, like in 3dsmax.
I'm attaching you some renders that were done (by Colorsponge) using 3dmax lights with some .hdr textures in them, resulting in beautiful flare effects.
Is it possibile to achieve such result in c4d right now with some workaround?

Gallery / Lamborghini Aventador Tuono
« on: 2021-11-05, 15:15:09 »
Hello guys!
Here’s a personal project I’ve been working on for a while. The aventador base model is from squir, I did modeling of all the extra parts, texturing, shading, lighting and retouching.
Please check the full project on behance at the following link so you can enjoy all hi res renders and 8k crops😊

Gallery / Pinarello Dogma
« on: 2021-09-22, 13:06:21 »
Hey guys!

Here's an image I did lately, using corona 7 and physical material for all shaders.
Done using c4d :)

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