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Messages - Malor

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Well, from my personal experience, i would say speed. I had design projects with really picky clients, where i had to pump out about 15 renders every morning, for a week or two, with small changes in every iteration. and going through the usual workflow with aeron soon became a very tedious process, taking about 1.5 hours every day to process all the images. having built in tools in frame buffer itself would've been much faster. and generally speaking interiors usually only require lens effects and some curves adjustment. so why not have them built in the engine with an additional degree of physical consistency (corona folks do those things really well)

Gallery / Re: 3D architect gallery
« on: 2016-04-01, 16:14:21 »
And many clients also think its magic, when they see buildings placed in photos:)

This is just silly. Why would Mercedes people render cars, if they can simply take photos. To augment reality. Same goes here. Most of 3d stuff needs a little something that pushes it beyond "real". And that little something usually requires inspiration. i mean look at MIR portfolio. Do you think they worry about real time tech? Ok, even if hypothetically all the real time things suddenly become "must have" for the client, how does it really chane things? I mean i'm pretty sure that PBR will stay BPR no matter what. so we all just quickly requalify from sort of "photographers" to sort of "directors".

I have to add, that it's still worth investing in Rail Clone. I personally run into small things like this all the time and while there is always a script or to that can help, RC has a lot of those tiny useful functions in one piece of software.

Gallery / Re: Restaurant in Riga
« on: 2015-08-24, 12:33:53 »
Looks pretty good. Not overdone, nice job. But brass hoops around tables are acting strangely. they have weird fireflies on them.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Windows 10 - Corona Renderer
« on: 2015-08-18, 21:15:16 »
Anyone using 3DS Max 2014, Railclone and Forest Pack Pro on Windows 10?
Max 16 seems to be working fine with those 2. Dont know if it helps:)

General CG Discussion / Re: [Useful Scripts\Tools]
« on: 2015-08-18, 12:06:11 »
It's not a script, but this little program is so damn good and useful that it would be real shame not to spread a word about it. PureRef - excellent ref management software. Simply must have!

And please, support author (-s).
I sign under it. Thanks for the tip romullus, this little thing is amazing. Give these people some money everyone.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Displacement
« on: 2015-08-16, 21:26:10 »
Displacement can take a long time to calculate. 2 minutes is nothing. Just let it finish man. if you have a very big wall and you camera is far from it, bump is muuuuch better. Also, if you need your camera close to the wall, dont use displace on the whole thing, just dispace a piece of the wall closer to the camera and use bump on other parts. Don't forget to check
and related articles too.

I wonder how to keep consistency with past model though and scenes. Should have been done from get-go.

People are offering to implement another legacy tickbox already.

Just from a lowly user's standpoint. I will happily rework all my glossiness maps on all my assets, if it will mean, that there's one industry standart for a roughness curve, and i don't have to tweak any downloaded mats anymore ever. Gotta admit, "industry standart"sounds great, heh?:) Not having to fake fabric falloff, sells the whole idea rather well i must say. Kudos dubcat.

General CG Discussion / Re: Firerender for 3ds max
« on: 2015-08-13, 20:56:20 »
Juraj, up top.

[Max] Tutorials & Guides / Re: Bercon Wood Map Examples
« on: 2015-08-12, 00:39:09 »
Thanks alot. This workflow can be amazing for rare sorts of wood.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Windows 10 - Corona Renderer
« on: 2015-08-11, 19:15:28 »
Can someone tell us, how's max behaving with Win10? I mean new windows is still not supported officially by autodesk and i'm cautious about switching to 10.

[Max] Tutorials & Guides / Re: Bercon Wood Map Examples
« on: 2015-08-11, 16:20:02 »
Oh wow! This is pretty awesome. How time consuming is this workflow? Is it worth it, to construct wood this way when on a job?

Gallery / Re: Nordic Pack
« on: 2015-08-09, 04:43:01 »
Tbh, i think Evermotion kinda got lazy over the years. Like, lots of their stuff only looks good in previews. Change the lighting and it's gone. And about 3dSky, when the whole sharing thing works and is not abused, it's actually wonderful. I think it's much cooler than 50$ sofas on turbosquid. And the fact that painstakingly crafted assets are not just used once and then stowed away, but are helping someone else is quite pleasing too. But this whole nugget digging routine gets quite tedious after a while. I think they should moderate just a tiny bit harsher. I once downloaded a 6 mil poly lantern. I think it was approved just based on preview.

Gallery / Re: Nordic Pack
« on: 2015-08-08, 16:08:08 »
3DSky often uses commercial textures (Arroway/Evermotion,etc..). Some of the models shouldn't be uploaded or sold but hey....Russians. Then the model happens to get into another commercial package, multiplying this resourceful effect, re-selling someones-else stuff for second time. I guess it might continue..

Well, to be fair 3dSky admins started cleaning out models with non-transferable assets used, even banned some accounts. Intellectual property concept is very young in Russia.

It's actually a very funny story. 3dSky was started initially as a sharing resource for pros, with a tiny bit of income on the side. You upload 15 pro models per year, you get a pro account with unlimited free downloads for everything. A beautiful idea. Little did they know. Russian designers, who can't be bothered with modeling scenes properly, or paying someone else to do it, started hiring modelers to get them pro accounts and endless flow of free assets. Hired modelers were too lazy to actually model something, so they started to reiterate on older 3dSky assets(!), using ffd or different textures or just uploading 5 cushions, that take 20 minutes in MD. And the library is so big now, that it's nearly impossible to detect a duplicate. Now they have a shitfest thread on their forums a billion pages long, consisting of mutual accusations from artists, copyright violation claims, pointing at 3rd party assets, and admins reporting bans. It's a fascinating reading.

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