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Messages - kevinalter

Pages: [1]
Yes, I understand this.... But.... Going into all 20 material slots in a multi-mat to turn off the alpha is pretty sucky for something like a tree mat that has 20 mats in it. It would be better to also have an option to remove from mask/alpha BY OBJECT!

[Max] General Discussion / Limit Reflection Distance
« on: 2022-04-08, 21:44:30 »
Can you limit the distance of reflection? Its not an issue of speed or resources but of realism. Specifically with chrome material. I get these reflections from all the way across a room and it is highly unrealistic. The best workaround I have found is checking the visible to reflections in the 3ds Max object properties dialogue. There has to be a better way to deal with highly reflect metal materials? Low resolution examples attached.

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