Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] General Discussion => Topic started by: dj_buckley on 2024-12-11, 23:49:11

Title: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: dj_buckley on 2024-12-11, 23:49:11
How is everyone feeling about this latest release?  Personally I'm finding it to be a real bottleneck in my workflow.  I can't really pinpoint anything, it just feels sloooooowww.  Renders seem to take a lot longer to actually start.  They seem to take longer to render. Opening files seems to take longer.  IR is pretty much unusable for me right now it grinds my pc to a halt.  Working with 2 instances of Max open is a chore.  Opening dialogue boxes while a render or IR is running takes ages.  It's as if it's hogging absolutely ever available resource my PC has.  Everything just feels really really sluggish, much more than 12 Hotfix 1 ....

My current scene isn't that heavy, I isolated a plane to test the shader on it (a pavement), no displacement, so a simple plane and a hdri, it took IR about 3 minutes to kick into action ...

Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: lupaz on 2024-12-12, 02:58:36
Not happening here...
Everything's working as expected I'd say except for a few bugs, but nothing serious.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: danio1011 on 2024-12-12, 16:51:38
I encountered crazy mouse lag during IR and also when doing anything in SME.  But oddly I experienced (milder) mouse lag even without IR running, even just running the mouse over a complex object in the viewport would cause slight lag.  I downgraded pretty fast back to the July 30 DB which didn't have those problems and then from there to HF 1 which, for me, performs the same as that DB.  I didn't upgrade my nodes or do any major rendering with 12.1 so I can't speak to rendertimes, the lag was a dealbreaker for me and I have deadlines :)

I hope they figure out what's going on with 12.1.  Cheers,
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: pokoy on 2024-12-12, 17:00:42
I'm stuck in the past on both Max and Corona but judging from the posts here I think you should be adding info on which Max versions you are using, too. It looks like Max is not getting the QA that it needs/deserves and there could be issues with Max' internal notification system (there were some in the past) that could interfere with how a renderer accesses the API. For example, a seemingly simple thing like hardware hit testing in the viewports for example could slow down IR quite a lot.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: dj_buckley on 2024-12-12, 17:11:33
I'm stuck in the past on both Max and Corona but judging from the posts here I think you should be adding info on which Max versions you are using, too. It looks like Max is not getting the QA that it needs/deserves and there could be issues with Max' internal notification system (there were some in the past) that could interfere with how a renderer accesses the API. For example, a seemingly simple thing like hardware hit testing in the viewports for example could slow down IR quite a lot.

I'm using Max 2024 (latest update), the only thing that has changed each time is the last few versions of Corona.  So that makes Corona the common denominator?
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: lupaz on 2024-12-12, 17:13:42
I'm stuck in the past on both Max and Corona but judging from the posts here I think you should be adding info on which Max versions you are using, too. It looks like Max is not getting the QA that it needs/deserves and there could be issues with Max' internal notification system (there were some in the past) that could interfere with how a renderer accesses the API. For example, a seemingly simple thing like hardware hit testing in the viewports for example could slow down IR quite a lot.

I use Changsoo's script for GPU hit testing and so far I didn't notice any slowdown.

Max 2025.3, Win 11 24H2, Corona 12 U1.
Ryzen 9950x, GTX 1080ti
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: dj_buckley on 2024-12-12, 17:14:58
I encountered crazy mouse lag during IR and also when doing anything in SME.  But oddly I experienced (milder) mouse lag even without IR running, even just running the mouse over a complex object in the viewport would cause slight lag.  I downgraded pretty fast back to the July 30 DB which didn't have those problems and then from there to HF 1 which, for me, performs the same as that DB.  I didn't upgrade my nodes or do any major rendering with 12.1 so I can't speak to rendertimes, the lag was a dealbreaker for me and I have deadlines :)

I hope they figure out what's going on with 12.1.  Cheers,

Exactly this, I've not used SME since forever, I hate it.  But the lag in this latest Corona is unbearable.  It's the first time I've been tempted to roll back a release.  I think as soon as my current project is over then I will be.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: lupaz on 2024-12-12, 17:15:32
I'm stuck in the past on both Max and Corona but judging from the posts here I think you should be adding info on which Max versions you are using, too. It looks like Max is not getting the QA that it needs/deserves and there could be issues with Max' internal notification system (there were some in the past) that could interfere with how a renderer accesses the API. For example, a seemingly simple thing like hardware hit testing in the viewports for example could slow down IR quite a lot.

I'm using Max 2024 (latest update), the only thing that has changed each time is the last few versions of Corona.  So that makes Corona the common denominator?
What hardware?
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: dj_buckley on 2024-12-12, 17:19:40
i9 13900KS, 192GB DDR5, RTX 4090
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: simtub on 2024-12-13, 07:58:16
I'm getting a slow down in general too, the max viewport just feels sluggish and mouse cursor is sometimes ghosting due to latency. Interactive rendering just seems slow to refresh..

I looked into the task manager. can anyone tell me what this is for (see attachment) and why are there multiple instances of it? It's tied to Corona Renderer.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: pokoy on 2024-12-13, 11:42:57
Guessing based on the process name, when you google it, you'll find it's a Qt-related library ('A QWidget-based Web View Component Integrated with CEF').
Maybe related to the new VFB, or other parts of Corona which uses it for Qt-based UI components.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: Chatchawind on 2024-12-14, 08:47:30
I got sudden memory leak sometimes while using IR rendering. It seems many people get this problem also. Hope they fix it.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: simtub on 2024-12-16, 04:57:44
Our whole team is getting the mouse lag issue too in IR and Viewport. it's really affecting our productivity.

We're running 12900K's and Quadro RTX4000 cards and never had this issue till 12.1

I encountered crazy mouse lag during IR and also when doing anything in SME.  But oddly I experienced (milder) mouse lag even without IR running, even just running the mouse over a complex object in the viewport would cause slight lag.  I downgraded pretty fast back to the July 30 DB which didn't have those problems and then from there to HF 1 which, for me, performs the same as that DB.  I didn't upgrade my nodes or do any major rendering with 12.1 so I can't speak to rendertimes, the lag was a dealbreaker for me and I have deadlines :)

I hope they figure out what's going on with 12.1.  Cheers,
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: Quest on 2024-12-17, 14:52:24
Ryzen 9950x, 96 gb ram, Max 2025.3, Win 11 24H2, Corona 12 U1.
Same here, sudden memory leak sometimes while using IR rendering, mostly happen when render by zone.
Also If enable XMP memory profile in bios FB starts frezz druing IR or producation render, but if disable it everyinng ok.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: ecaterinatache on 2024-12-20, 10:47:16
Weird mouse lag here as well, sometimes it just moves where it wants and I can`t do anything. In IR, in SME, over a more complex object, so all of what has been said above. Everything worked fine until this update.
And the biggest problem is that if I install Corona 12 HF1 the scene won`t start, 3dsmax ( 2024, updated) will crash while loading the scene. And it did that even when the scene was under 9 mil poly which is pretty light for how I work :d
This time updating was such a big mistake
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: romullus on 2024-12-20, 15:15:40
Weird mouse lag here as well, sometimes it just moves where it wants and I can`t do anything. In IR, in SME, over a more complex object, so all of what has been said above. Everything worked fine until this update.
And the biggest problem is that if I install Corona 12 HF1 the scene won`t start, 3dsmax ( 2024, updated) will crash while loading the scene. And it did that even when the scene was under 9 mil poly which is pretty light for how I work :d
This time updating was such a big mistake

Try to install Update 1 again, open the scene, delete all Corona cameras, save the file and try to open in HF1. See if that helps. On the other hand, as it was said many times before - if you update in the middle of the project, always do backups!
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: ecaterinatache on 2024-12-20, 18:56:33
Thanks! I did remove all the cameras ( saw this in another post) and it didn`t work. It did give me a different type of error but the scene would still not open.
I updated before starting this project, just a week even 'smarter'...nothing to backup :)))
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: _fosafosa on 2024-12-22, 20:37:46
Mouse lags when COSMOS browser is OPENED.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: simtub on 2025-01-03, 04:53:30
Is there any news on fixes to this issue? Heading into a massive project at work this month with big scenes. Just want this issue fixed so it doesn't bog down our productivity.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: Frank Puechner on 2025-01-10, 10:53:19
After recieving an official mail from Chaos to take action in term of Licensing (the server certificate will expire on January28, 2025) I followed their instructions to update the chaos products to their latest versions.

After that action i am facing very laggy and bad workflow performance, specially: viewport navigation, mouse behaviour, slate material editor, decals not working consistantly, working with cosmos and general responsiveness issues when interactive rendering is active.

-3dsMax 2025, latest update on a fresh installation
-Corona 12 Update 1, latest update on a fresh installation
-new fresh simple and basic scene
-no additional installed plugins

Any ideas or solution how to deal with these issues?

Thanks, Frank
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: danio1011 on 2025-01-10, 23:03:23
After recieving an official mail from Chaos to take action in term of Licensing (the server certificate will expire on January28, 2025) I followed their instructions to update the chaos products to their latest versions.

After that action i am facing very laggy and bad workflow performance, specially: viewport navigation, mouse behaviour, slate material editor, decals not working consistantly, working with cosmos and general responsiveness issues when interactive rendering is active.

-3dsMax 2025, latest update on a fresh installation
-Corona 12 Update 1, latest update on a fresh installation
-new fresh simple and basic scene
-no additional installed plugins

Any ideas or solution how to deal with these issues?

Thanks, Frank

Hi Frank - You may have more luck with Corona 12 HF 1 rather than 'Update 1.' HF 1 was available to download again last I checked.  I rolled back from Update 1 to HF 1 and most of the major lag related bugs were gone.  Word on the street is that Update 1 will get an fix this month.

Also in my experience Max 2025 uses quite a bit more VRam even with empty scenes (probably not even Corona related) so I rolled back to 2024.

Hope that helps, others may have more.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: Aram Avetisyan on 2025-01-11, 13:35:45

There were reproduced lags and responsiveness drops, which have already been tfixed internally.
Be sure to try the next daily build which will be out soon, which should have all of these slowdowns addressed.

The Cosmos being open resulting to lag is/was new, so if it continues to happen with the upcoming daily build, please record a video with some repro steps and send over.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: Frank Puechner on 2025-01-17, 08:38:04
After recieving an official mail from Chaos to take action in term of Licensing (the server certificate will expire on January28, 2025) I followed their instructions to update the chaos products to their latest versions.

After that action i am facing very laggy and bad workflow performance, specially: viewport navigation, mouse behaviour, slate material editor, decals not working consistantly, working with cosmos and general responsiveness issues when interactive rendering is active.

-3dsMax 2025, latest update on a fresh installation
-Corona 12 Update 1, latest update on a fresh installation
-new fresh simple and basic scene
-no additional installed plugins

Any ideas or solution how to deal with these issues?

Thanks, Frank

Hi Frank - You may have more luck with Corona 12 HF 1 rather than 'Update 1.' HF 1 was available to download again last I checked.  I rolled back from Update 1 to HF 1 and most of the major lag related bugs were gone.  Word on the street is that Update 1 will get an fix this month.

Also in my experience Max 2025 uses quite a bit more VRam even with empty scenes (probably not even Corona related) so I rolled back to 2024.

Hope that helps, others may have more.

Hey Daniel,
thanks you for your help.
I followed your instuctions and the issue seems to be solved!
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: Frank Puechner on 2025-01-17, 08:52:01

There were reproduced lags and responsiveness drops, which have already been tfixed internally.
Be sure to try the next daily build which will be out soon, which should have all of these slowdowns addressed.

The Cosmos being open resulting to lag is/was new, so if it continues to happen with the upcoming daily build, please record a video with some repro steps and send over.

Hey Aram,

if you already know about the issues on Update1, please let your users know about it.
In this case i (and other users as well) wasted a lot of time to fix it and i was looking for installation issues and hardware issues on my end.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: Aram Avetisyan on 2025-01-17, 16:05:11
Hey Aram,

if you already know about the issues on Update1, please let your users know about it.
In this case i (and other users as well) wasted a lot of time to fix it and i was looking for installation issues and hardware issues on my end.


It was actually users, and only some of them, that let us know about UI lags. Internally, we did not see consistent responsiveness drops, which led us to think that this may be hardware specific. The whole discussion has been here in the forums, which was the only place to give and receive info on this topic. Can you please let us know what hardware specs you have?
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: zaar on 2025-01-22, 08:04:50

There were reproduced lags and responsiveness drops, which have already been tfixed internally.
Be sure to try the next daily build which will be out soon, which should have all of these slowdowns addressed.

The Cosmos being open resulting to lag is/was new, so if it continues to happen with the upcoming daily build, please record a video with some repro steps and send over.

How soon can we see a hotfix to 12.1? I'm on 12 hotfix 1 and it looks like I'm being forced to update because of licensing. Will 12 hotfix 1 still work on the 28th?

Oh, I see there is now a hot fix to the update!
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: TomG on 2025-01-22, 15:51:12
Yes, Corona 12 Update 1 is the first version to feature the new licensing, any older version (including Corona 12) will stop working on Jan 28th. Yes, there is now a Hotfix for Corona 12 Update 1 :) Also, you can update the licensing server manually if you don't want to update your Corona version, there is a detailed guide at . Hope this helps!
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: JG_monomiru on 2025-01-22, 19:43:52
is this for real? i mean corona 12.update 1 just came out and introduced a lot of pain for many - and you stating here that everything before corona 12u1 will stopp working after 28th of January?

will there be an official information to every license-holder? I mean Tom you're kind of official - but that doesn't mean someone need to accidental read this info in this forum.

what if i have a running project and don't want to change corona versions inbetween?

or are we talking just about the license-server?
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: TomG on 2025-01-22, 23:49:47
We're just talking the license server. The easiest and recommended way to update that is to update to 12 Update 1 (Hotfix 1), but if you don't want to change Corona version you can just manually update the license server as mentioned in my last post here.

Info was posted here in the News on the 5th December last year (always worth following as it has all our releases in it) at, there's a big banner on the website, there's a banner in Cosmos, emails were sent out (and there will be a reminder email too), and I posted a reminder note in the Daily Builds discussion forums for both Max and C4D, so we haven't just relied on folks reading the News on the forum. The link here to the original News posting has the full details, including the link to the page describing how to manually update the licenser server ( if you want to go straight there).
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: JG_monomiru on 2025-01-23, 08:27:23
Well regarding the E-mail notification in December - no such email under the mail i got my corona license registered.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: dj_buckley on 2025-01-23, 14:19:41
Well regarding the E-mail notification in December - no such email under the mail i got my corona license registered.

Same, which is weird because I do get emails from Chaos, but that's two now I've not had.  No license renewal upcoming reminder, no license server update reminder.

Thankfully I do use the forums regularly because I don't use the website - no need unless downloading the latest version, and I don't use Cosmos.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: pokoy on 2025-01-23, 14:34:10
There's a hardly a reason to visit the website. The info could've been displayed on the forums main page, as it was the case on the Chaos forums where it was displayed prominently on top.
No e-mail in December here, only one a few days ago saying one week left to update.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: TomG on 2025-01-23, 16:31:58
The Chaos forums offers functionality for banner displays that the aging old forum here does not :( But that's one of the reasons we want to move to a new forum solution sometime this year, fingers crossed! For those that feel you may be missing emails, after the usual checking of spam or filter rules in case anything is being blocked, do raise a ticket so that the backend system can be checked and ensure there are no problems. As it is, we are doing everything we can by every channel we have access to, to let folks know (I just posted it a bunch of times over various Facebook groups as an additional extra, for example).
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: dj_buckley on 2025-01-23, 17:42:11
Just testing Update 1 Hotfix 1 and the performance is drastically improved for me.  Thanks for rolling that out
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: TomG on 2025-01-23, 18:35:28
Good to hear! You are welcome, and ty for checking it helps with the issues and reporting back in, much appreciated!
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: zaar on 2025-01-24, 14:12:02
installed 12.1 hotfix one, and was pleasently surprised to see that corona camera now shows near and far DOF! Also huge thanks for the start IR button! The dropdown was driving everyone crazy! The problem with it not being possible to stop IR (from starting again), if you have a max amount of passes for IR set still remains though. Was hoping to see that adressed at the same time as the dedicated IR button.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: Chatchawind on 2025-01-24, 16:32:02
version 12 update1 hotfix1

When turn off the modifier stacking tap especially “Turbosmooth” with some object or surface used by chaos scatter 3ds max crashes. I need to turn off chaos scatter first then go to modify the model.
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: Aram Avetisyan on 2025-01-24, 17:24:17
version 12 update1 hotfix1

When turn off the modifier stacking tap especially “Turbosmooth” with some object or surface used by chaos scatter 3ds max crashes. I need to turn off chaos scatter first then go to modifier the model.

Not quite daily build related, but please get a short recording and a reproduction (or simplified down version) scene and send it over to:
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: Helio on 2025-01-27, 08:38:28
Yes, Corona 12 Update 1 is the first version to feature the new licensing, any older version (including Corona 12) will stop working on Jan 28th. Yes, there is now a Hotfix for Corona 12 Update 1 :) Also, you can update the licensing server manually if you don't want to update your Corona version, there is a detailed guide at . Hope this helps!

does this include corona 10/11, which will stop working? Or was this only related to all minor corona 12 versions?
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: zaar on 2025-01-27, 12:02:56
Should've gone with just updating the license server. Pulze render manager doesn't want to regocognise 12.11 or something, so now my renders won't start, Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.................

EDIT: actually you can manually downgrade the version requirement on every submitted scene, but it's a lot of clicking. This is why you don't upgrade mid-project.

Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: maru on 2025-01-27, 13:00:16
Yes, Corona 12 Update 1 is the first version to feature the new licensing, any older version (including Corona 12) will stop working on Jan 28th. Yes, there is now a Hotfix for Corona 12 Update 1 :) Also, you can update the licensing server manually if you don't want to update your Corona version, there is a detailed guide at . Hope this helps!

does this include corona 10/11, which will stop working? Or was this only related to all minor corona 12 versions?

As explained in the link Tom shared, you can also update the Chaos License Server only (without updating Corona or other software).
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: TomG on 2025-01-27, 13:13:42
Any older version including Corona 12 - so Corona 12, 11, 10, 9, etc. If you aren't on Corona 12 Update 1, the License Server needs updating either by installing Corona 12 Update 1 (Hotfix 1) or by manually updating the License Server.

Yes, Corona 12 Update 1 is the first version to feature the new licensing, any older version (including Corona 12) will stop working on Jan 28th. Yes, there is now a Hotfix for Corona 12 Update 1 :) Also, you can update the licensing server manually if you don't want to update your Corona version, there is a detailed guide at . Hope this helps!

does this include corona 10/11, which will stop working? Or was this only related to all minor corona 12 versions?
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: Helio on 2025-01-28, 09:00:14
Any older version including Corona 12 - so Corona 12, 11, 10, 9, etc. If you aren't on Corona 12 Update 1, the License Server needs updating either by installing Corona 12 Update 1 (Hotfix 1) or by manually updating the License Server.

Yes, Corona 12 Update 1 is the first version to feature the new licensing, any older version (including Corona 12) will stop working on Jan 28th. Yes, there is now a Hotfix for Corona 12 Update 1 :) Also, you can update the licensing server manually if you don't want to update your Corona version, there is a detailed guide at . Hope this helps!

Thanks for the clarification!
does this include corona 10/11, which will stop working? Or was this only related to all minor corona 12 versions?
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: maru on 2025-01-28, 10:08:09
Any older version than Corona 12 Update 1 (including Corona 12 non-update, Corona 11, 10, 9...).
You can still use those versions if you update the Chaos License Server. You can get it here:

I highly recommend reading this article:
Title: Re: Corona 12 Update 1
Post by: gmh_2001 on 2025-03-07, 07:26:49
Should've gone with just updating the license server. Pulze render manager doesn't want to regocognise 12.11 or something, so now my renders won't start, Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.................

EDIT: actually you can manually downgrade the version requirement on every submitted scene, but it's a lot of clicking. This is why you don't upgrade mid-project.

I'm using Corona 12.11 with Pulze RM and SM (latest versions) and it's fine so far.