[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Chaos Corona 13 for 3ds Max - Daily Builds Discussion
« on: 2024-11-01, 08:27:08 »To be honest, I'm getting kinda sick of having this problem and asking this question, but here we go again:
How do I ensure the latest scatter is installed when I use the latest daily? It doesn't seem to install + update as expected.
From memory there is a manual install, but I cannot find the steps I must follow...
I can't even find information on which is the latest scatter release (to check if I have the latest installed or not, I only know do to lack of released features)
Please advise. Thanks!
A new (daily) build of Corona does not necessarily mean a new build of Scatter.
In any case, the installer automatically "sees" if the Scatter version needs updating (if it comes with the installer) and does so. If not, the previous version is kept.
It used to be like this for quite long.
Please tell which version of Corona you are using and what is the reported version of scatter in 3ds Max > Scatter object > info menu, so we can check.
Hi, I'm using latest daily of Corona; Oct 23 - Scatter installed is: 6.0.27947+daily-2024-07-30, build timestamp: Jul 30 2024 08:30:15
Is this correct? I only ask as I'd like to use the new scattering options I've seen promoted around the place.