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Messages - aaouviz

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 65
I'm not defending this, by any means, but I am genuinely curious;

My understanding is that your auto-renew already probably gives you a significant discount? My current subscription is the same price, but if I ever stop or cancel it, I believe it will increase. This is a sort of carrot that was offered to existing yearly subscribers when Chaos increased the Corona prices a year or so ago.

So, I'm wondering if you were to try to take advantage of the black Friday discount, perhaps your subscription price would have increased (by cancelling it) enough anyway that any discount would have been negligable?

Just theorizing, nothing here is researched or accusational :)

So, turns out the answer to my original query was known already.

Thanks to RenderRam for pointing it out in a recent video.

Damn, I either completely forgot this, or have never noticed.

I can only assume it has, indeed, unknowingly caused me issues through the years.

Either way; this should be high on the priority list to fix.


I believe it is the camera tone mapping overrides which need a restart to get updated for IR, just like camera object visibility.
You can try doing batch rendering of few cameras which have different tone mapping. They should all come out with expected tone mapping overrides.

Has that always been the case?

I don't recall such behavior...


Currently on daily build 2024-11-04 I'm getting odd behavior with my lighting in IR - essentially the lighting is all wrong between camera switches, a restart is necessary each time. Never seen this before.

I have an env override on and some varied camera tonemapping overrides, but nothing else is special.

Please see video and attachments. Thanks.


I found this script that adds simple note objects, but unfortunately they have to be linked to the base object.

The simplest would maybe be to just put the note in the name :)

Thanks, will check it out.

I also found this which seems to do a pretty good job from a quick test:

If you don't need it to be visible in the viewport and text is very short, then you could use custom attributes for that with dummy attribute that does nothing.

Actually, it being visible in the viewport is the main need here :)

Thanks though.


I did think about that - it is possibly the solution, the only thing holding me back is that I will eventually export this as a low-poly mesh, which will mean removing the mesh as an extra step before export.

But I do suppose any solution will require a similar step anyway, so this might have to be it unless I get a better suggestion.

Thanks again.

General CG Discussion / 3dsmax - add a note to an object?
« on: 2024-11-29, 10:15:35 »
I'm wondering if any of you smart folk out there know a good way to add some sort of note or helper to an object?

Ideally, it should be a little keyword, or arrow, or symbol that is always 'attached' to a mesh. I don't want it to be grouped, as this gets messy quickly, and I don't want to link it to the object, as that's a separate object entirely and won't copy across when I duplicate said main object.

I guess in an ideal world it would be some splines that are a separate element within the object, but as far as I know, it isn't possible to have curves/splines within a mesh or poly object.

Any tips out there? I'm modelling a big apartment building with a set of standard window sizes and want them to be labelled (for my own internal 3dsmax use only - so it doesnt have to be pretty).


General CG Discussion / Re: 3dsmax invert
« on: 2024-11-27, 12:32:22 »
Thanks again for clarifying.

It seems my long-used hotkeys file is overwriting them.

Using the max default hotkeys fixes it. So I'll dig through my overrides and figure it out


Thanks again, James.

General CG Discussion / Re: 3dsmax invert
« on: 2024-11-27, 09:19:23 »
Hmm, good to know. Thanks for the reply James.

I'm currently on 2025, but this has always plagued me across all versions (as far as I can remember).

General CG Discussion / 3dsmax invert
« on: 2024-11-27, 08:26:46 »
**Not corona related**

In 3dsmax...

I can do ctrl + i on an edit poly modifier to invert the selection, but I can't do the same when in edit mesh mode. Why?

It seems I can't set this hotkey to the edit mesh either. Why?

Any help much appreciated :)

I would suggest uninstalling Scatter (it is listed in the Windows "Programs and Features") and then running the newest Corona installer again.

Ok, this worked. Thanks.

So my first, earlier, query was relevant and this was the answer I was looking for.

Thanks again.

Glad to hear that.
Nevertheless, if you have simply downloaded the dailies and installed them, the newer version should have been installed, it is strange that the scatter version was left at 07-30 DB.

Did you do some custom installation or so (multiloaders e.g., with just Corona version, without specifying scatter version)?
Did you have or installed VRay in between the daily builds of Corona?

No custom install. And no vray installed.

This same issue has plagued me (and I know others) for at least a year... so it's on-going.

I would suggest uninstalling Scatter (it is listed in the Windows "Programs and Features") and then running the newest Corona installer again.

Ok, this worked. Thanks.

So my first, earlier, query was relevant and this was the answer I was looking for.

Thanks again.

If by "around the place" you mean VRay 7, then again it may not be the case, as builds vary for Corona and VRay too.
But if you have access to VRay 7, it should come with a newer version of scatter and it should be installed with VRay, and you can give it a try.

Oh! I must've misunderstood that the new distribution scattering maps were available for Corona already. Apologies!

Ok, I'll continue to wait :)

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