Your issues come from the values used in the diffuse texture, it's way too bright and a bit too saturated. It's easy to fall for this trap, especially when working with graphic design material which is meant to be seen as-is, without any articular transformation ( except a specific color profile ).
I took a quick look at your scene and brought down the diffuse texture exposure while cranking up the camera exposure :

By the way notice how the version with the darker texture comes lighter than the original image in the render and is much closer to the intended color for the paper.

On top of that, I’m having trouble understanding how the “directionality” parameter for lights works. I’d like to create one light with sharper shadows and another with softer ones, but this parameter is confusing me. I can’t figure out which real-life property it’s supposed to emulate.
Rather than using the directionality parameter, you can play with the light size to get the intended shadow look. I don't know how it's done on film sets but in CGI it's a quick and easy solution ;)
Also, I can’t figure out how to share the project with the textures because every time I move it to another computer, it can’t find the textures. As I mentioned, I don’t have much experience with Cinema 4D, so I’m also attaching a zip file that includes them. (here's the texture, i don't have any other solution if not a wetransfer because they are too heavy https://we.tl/t-m5WO7Nrgfc )
File > Save Project with Assets... to create a folder where C4D will save the scene and all it's textures