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Messages - John_Do

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 14
[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Re: Corona Bitmap + Mapping Randomizer
« on: 2025-01-31, 18:06:56 »
Thanks for checking, it is now working as expected.

I didn't know it was fixed, where can I find release notes with the list of bug fixes?

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona Bitmap + Triplanar
« on: 2025-01-17, 13:09:26 »

The bug still occurs in the latest dailybuild ( v13 from December, 9), Triplanar is ignored when the input is a Corona Bitmap.

Also the bump seems to be incorrectly oriented with the Triplanar mapping, but I don't know if it is expected or not.

C4D 2025.1.2
Corona v13 9/12/24
Scene file is attached.


Thanks for the support !

I've never tested the plugin on R26, so I can't assure you it works on there. But if you don't see any error in the console log, it should work.

- Which version of Bridge do you use ?
- Have you updated Bridge after installing the plugin ?
- Have you checked that the active render engine is Corona ( in a new non-custom .c4d scene file it's not ) ?
- Can you copy-paste the content of the Python section of the  console after importing an asset, if there is any ? Open it with Extension > Console

I'll try to get my hand on a R26 setup during the weekend and will do some tests.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona Color Correct
« on: 2024-12-10, 09:56:58 »
IIRC, this one's ancient (also, when using Layers) - note, I haven't checked it in a long time.

Yep, this one and the others I've posted at the same time have been here forever. Don't know why the team keeps on not fixing these ones since they've been reported numerous times before.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona Bitmap + Triplanar
« on: 2024-12-04, 19:11:24 »
The bump channel highlight the issue : when plugged (indirectly here ) to the bump channel, the Triplanar is bypassed and the bitmap use the object UVs, thus making the Triplanar useless with the bump.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Corona Bitmap + Triplanar
« on: 2024-12-04, 18:45:07 »

Another weird bug with the Corona Bitmap shader and the Triplanar shader. Native Bitmap gives the expected result regardless of the setup, but Corona Bitmap seems to rely on UVs if the object has a UVW tag, thus delivering weird result.

EDIT : nice demo of the IR going south at the end

Me again !

Level parameter doesn't work when the Mixture Shader is plugged into bump channel, see below :

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona Color Correct
« on: 2024-12-04, 16:38:28 »
Curves, Contrast and Gamma don't work when the Color Correct shader is plugged into the bump channel.

Filter is not an option since it doesn't work in the bump channel TOO. So we're pretty f**** here.

Hi!Jhon!thank you very much for those excellent scripts! I have also been experimenting with scripting for Corona recently, but I couldn’t find a way to get the selected shader nodes in the C4D SDK. (At the moment, I can only obtain the node by using special same name for all the needed nodes, but this method is very cumbersome.) Not to mention that Corona does not seem to provide any SDK.However, I noticed that your script has an operation to obtain the selected nodes. I would like to ask how this is achieved, and I hope to get some tips.
Again, thanks so much!


Ales ( Corona C4D dev ) showed me how to access the nodal editor, nodes are stored under each node editor view, in a dedicated scene hook.

Code: [Select]
# Access the Corona Node Material Scene Hook
nh = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument().FindSceneHook(1040750)

# Get the branches containing the nodes
branches = nh.GetBranchInfo(0)

# Get the CNodeSystemViews node that contains the node editor views
for i in branches :
            if i.get('id') == 1040910:
                view = i.get('head')
                views = view.GetChildren()
                return views
        return None

# Then you can navigate in views and node widgets like with any object based on c4d.GeListNode.

# Rename the first view
views[0].SetName("First View")

# Get the first node

All node widgets are stored under a view. Shaders are either parented to a material if inserted into one, or under the scene hook if free from any parent in the node editor.

Some general instructions like the ones above would be nice to find in the documentation, but IMO a SDK is not necessary since the Corona devs followed as much as possible the "native implementation" described by the C4D SDK. If you know your way around the C4D API, you know how to deal with most things.

Hope it helps


Your issues come from the values used in the diffuse texture, it's way too bright and a bit too saturated. It's easy to fall for this trap, especially when working with graphic design material which is meant to be seen as-is, without any articular transformation ( except a specific color profile ).

I took a quick look at your scene and brought down the diffuse texture exposure while cranking up the camera exposure :

By the way notice how the version with the darker texture comes lighter than the original image in the render and is much closer to the intended color for the paper.

On top of that, I’m having trouble understanding how the “directionality” parameter for lights works. I’d like to create one light with sharper shadows and another with softer ones, but this parameter is confusing me. I can’t figure out which real-life property it’s supposed to emulate.

Rather than using the directionality parameter, you can play with the light size to get the intended shadow look. I don't know how it's done on film sets but in CGI it's a quick and easy solution ;)

Also, I can’t figure out how to share the project with the textures because every time I move it to another computer, it can’t find the textures. As I mentioned, I don’t have much experience with Cinema 4D, so I’m also attaching a zip file that includes them. (here's the texture, i don't have any other solution if not a wetransfer because they are too heavy )

File > Save Project with Assets... to create a folder where C4D will save the scene and all it's textures

[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Corona Bitmap + Mapping Randomizer
« on: 2024-11-27, 18:44:04 »
They STILL don't work together on 12H2, could you fix it at some point ?

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona Color Correct
« on: 2024-11-26, 16:36:57 »

And now it's purple with an AO, weirf. Next I'm hoping for a beautiful rainbow 💩

It happens with Corona Curvature too sometimes

+1, bring back the old behavior.

The LUTs dropdown is working the same as before, so it should be possible.

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