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Topics - Christa Noel

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[Max] I need help! / upload file in mantis always failed
« on: 2017-01-27, 02:28:48 »
hi coronateam,
I always got "APPLICATION ERROR #500 File upload failed. This is likely because the filesize was larger than is currently allowed by this PHP installation." after several minutes uploading an attachment in mantis. my file size is just as big as 14MB and the filetype is 7z.
how big is the maximum size allowed? or, is anything wrong there?

I used 3 version of 3dsmax. 2015 for doing a job when need plugin compatibility, 2016 for daily main usage, 2017 for compatibility with some friends.
DRserver has behavior to pre-run the latest max versioin but I need it use max 2016 as default. I don't want to always switch to max 2016 each time I need DR.
or maybe make it simply remember the last version used.

Hi all,
this is a script I made based on this thread,13700.0.html
I didn't create new conversion methods, it is pure from coronaconverter.  by DeadClown or Martin Geupel. so, you must have corona converter to run this script.
note: if you run this script but never run coronaconverter before, you may see coronaconverter appear and disappear vastly. this is okay because this script need coronaconverter struct to be defined first before conversion run.
cheers :)

Hi guys,
I remember that some days ago I see a report that load new scene when IR is running will cause max crash. and I see that is true.
so, here i share a script that do what the title has explained :)
it doesn't do complex job but just does stop render and start IR on max file load and max reset events.
grab the attached file and place it to maxroot>script>startup before 3dsmax start.
I hope it will be useful, cheers!!

General CG Discussion / looking for wall cover texture
« on: 2016-09-03, 14:53:34 »
Hi guys,
Shortly, Where can i buy cheap wall cover textures? :)

sorry, I'm not familiar with this feature, but it highly needed reminding it is there to replace the old internal resolution.
the new updated documentation is good and I think I need to understand it a little bit more.
the spinner has ultra high maximum value, so is there cases that makes the render need higher value than 8 (50or100or1000) which is introduced in documentation as best value? or when will the render need super low value (1or2or3)? I mean if that too low or too high value is unusable or able to hurt the render, so imho it shouldn't be exposed or touchable by user, doesn't it?
it would be nice if there is a fix best value for most common scenes or is it what 8 means in documentation? :)

or.. maybe in future, if it is possible :D corona will have ability to detect if the render has bright contrast color and has jagged edges then internally highlight clamping will set to the best needed value or when the render is fine and no jagged edges then highlight clamping will turned off internally. but of course a checkbox to turn on/off this is exposed in devel/debug rollout.
or maybe I understanding it in a bad wrong way.

cheers :D

Hi guys,
this maxscript does automatically disable renderselection right on just before render started when renderselection mode is viewport selection but nothing selected or renderselection mode is inc/exc hide list but in include mode and the list contains no objects or object g-buffer ID but there is no object in scene has the ID specified.

1.copy "DionchStudio - preRender" to 3dsmax installation root folder\Scripts\startup
Or like this: ( C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\scripts\startup )
2.Start 3dsmax
3.Go to customize user interface > toolbar tab > category: DionchStudio >
4.Drag "Autodisable Renderselection" to the desired toolbar

to use it, click/check the button and it will do the detection and uncheck it to stop the detection.
note: i don't know how to make it work only on the max regular render and not on IR. i have post a thread asking for this but :( got no response :( :(
maxscript, callback interactive-rendering notification

is there any trick to use callback with interactive-rendering notification? it detects corona IR only, not usual render.
if it is possible and ondra currently doesn't create its script name yet, then this post should be moved to feature request. :D

Hi guys,
this is a script for having a different rendersetup on our each cameras.
the same presetoncams in my bad old crntools script but much better and stable.
it features:
- different object list to hide on each camera, listed in a custom include/exclude list.
- common corona rendersetup controls.
I've been done a lot of test with some lightweight scene, and it is 99% works for me.
but reminding that I'm just not a professional programmer/scripter (autodidact), then I'm sure that you'll find many codes isn't written with optimal methods.
and... i cant find any words to describe what the script does but trust me it is worth to try :)

12-5-16, script updated (fixed stupid bugs)
21-6-16, PresetOnCams v0.2 (new feature: simple BatchRendering, some data storing rewrite). note: delete old presetoncams-startup file first in 3dsmax\scripts\startup

nothing important but just curious, as the title said, do you guys notice the difference in result quality/performance between both kind of DOF?

Hi guys, this is my very first script. named CoronaTools, actually the original idea is coronatweak by headoff.,6827.msg46080.html#msg46080 again, thanx headoff.
but the UI is different, if you remember the corona pre1.0 rendersetup UI and yes it looks like that (i like that kind of UI).
- duplicated most common corona rendersetup (not everything)
- each cameras has it's own rendersetup
- customizable outputsize preset
- button to do Interactive Rendering in PathTracing when you in UHDmode without changing it first (it will be unusable soon when ondra finish the improvemet of UHDcache calculation in IR)
- you can make autoback always disabled when IR running, return to enable when IR stop.
- some useful mini tools in "tools" rollout.

please backup your scene first, this script isn't fully tested.
if you find there is some codes is badly written or not optimized (I believe you will), you can help me by share the optimized codes here.

Hi all,
as the title said, when i call exclusionListDlg() it always opened in empty array / object list as the default. is there anyway to include some array when call exclusionListDlg().
this code i tried doesn't help at all.
Code: [Select]
for i in (for o in renderers.current.renderSelected_list do appendifunique (exclusionListDlg()) o ) do appendifunique renderers.current.renderSelected_list i
Code: [Select]
( incexc = exclusionListDlg()
for o in renderers.current.renderSelected_list do appendifunique incexc o
for i in incexc do appendifunique renderers.current.renderSelected_list i
although there not enough info about exclusionListDlg() in mxshelp file remembering that i need its properties too.. (just like exclude or include mode).
googling it just gives me zero, except this looks like something useful but i cant fully understand the codes inside to fulfill my need.
(but i think I'm not alone here, i see 3dwannab somewhere out there trying to find this :) )


-update: i know i can append the result of exclusionlistdlg() to renderSelected_list but what i need is to call exclusionlistdlg() with including the item of renderers.current.renderSelected_list first, and then i add or remove the items or change the radiobutton include/exclude then append the result to renderers.current.renderSelected_list. or in short way, i try to duplicate the exclusionlistdlg() in renderselected and mat.override.

[Max] I need help! / coronamtl properties name for maxscript
« on: 2015-12-14, 08:24:27 »
hi guys, where can I find documentation of coronamtl properties name for maxscript?
I can apply coronamtl to an object with (node.material=coronamtl), but I cannot apply with its properties (node.material=coronamtl diffuse:black reflection:0) just like in vray.

hi guys, these days trying on basic max script learning ;). I want to make a button to activate IR in extended viewport but I don't know what is the script name for IR in extendedviewport.

Hi guys, i found that crop is interactively ignored by IR. must stop and start the IR again to see the result. but it only occurred when i used the same instanced map in diffuse and displacement.
filtering blur is completely ignored by displacement, even in IR or in final rendering.
i think crop problem isn't crucial thing but filtering blur i guess most user need it.

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