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Messages - Rhodesy

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[Max] Daily Builds / Re: CoronaPattern playground!
« on: 2022-07-26, 15:03:59 »
+1 for all the above.

Also if therfe is anyway for them to support decals that would be great. No doubt very tricky!

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: CoronaPattern playground!
« on: 2022-07-25, 22:55:40 »
Such an awesome feature, been having lots of random fun with this. How much more control are you able to eek out of it?

For example a randomise rotation function, ditto for scale, or being able to use more than one pattern node? Its really close to being a good option for grass and so quick and efficient. Those additional features would really help tip the balance.

Also an auto capping feature?

Odd doodles attached.

[Max] Bug Reporting / IPR only using 50% CPU Corona 8
« on: 2022-04-27, 10:25:35 »
Im working on project with the final Corona 8 release and my IPR maxes out at approx 50% of my Threadripper 3070X. Full render is 100% CPU and new simple test scenes are also 100%, also sometimes a fresh restart will trigger this scene in to 100% IPR usage but it will soon drop back to 50%. Tbh it feels even slower than 50% in use. There are no overrides on threads in the system options they are the default -1. I've not had this before and only noticed it in this first scene I've used with the final v8 version. Anyone else with this?

Plenty of spare RAM and its been happening since there were only a handful of mats in the scene so its not overlaidened.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Saving exposure bracketing
« on: 2022-04-21, 10:59:33 »
Thanks Jpjapers.
I'll be honest I'm not much of a scripter! I was hoping it could be added as a multipass option within corona to save going through CXR. Essentially just an exposure box option asking for a different exposure setting for either the beauty pass or lightmix pass specified by a tick box.

[Max] Feature Requests / Saving exposure bracketing
« on: 2022-04-15, 23:12:25 »
Would it be possible to add saving exposure bracketing like a camera as passes? Sure we have the option for light mix but it could be really useful to set a standard image as we do currently then an over and under exposed image with a tone mapping setting for each to avoid too much blow out. I know we can always save in corona format and adjust with the standalone or save as 32 bit but both those options have their drawbacks.


[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Corona Curvature Map playground!
« on: 2022-04-12, 13:31:11 »
.. While you're here Maru. Can the curvature shader be used with displacement for displacing edges? I can't seem to get it to work..

I don't think so. It's a render-time effect, like AO.
You can do this for example with Corona Distance, because it is evaluated before rendering. But some other effects aren't.
Other than that, even if we would somehow make it work, then how would you apply a curvature map to a displaced surface? :)

Thanks Maru. that's a shame, I was hoping that it wasnt a post effect like AO and could be used as a mask in a layered mat with a displaced material only effecting the edges where a curviture shader is making a mask. Never mind. maybe v9 might find a way! Cheers

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Corona Curvature Map playground!
« on: 2022-04-12, 11:44:27 »
.. While you're here Maru. Can the curvature shader be used with displacement for displacing edges? I can't seem to get it to work..

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Corona Curvature Map playground!
« on: 2022-03-24, 10:37:30 »
Is it possible to use displacement with the curvature shader? I'm after a chipped edge look. I know this wasnt possible with AO but I wondered if curviture worked on different principles. I've tried plugging the curvature shader directly in to the displacement channel and also using it as a mask in a layer shader but nither actually displace the geometry they just create a bit of a fuzzy mess around the edges.

EDIT: on closer inspection of the normal pass the edges are showing the texture but only as a bump. The mesh isnt displaced.

@Niljut thanks so much for making the ignore legacy mats version. Not sure why thats not in the official version.

The old coverter used to be pretty reliable for a quick Vray conversion more often than not but now I find the new one tries to make too many things a metal or high IOR. I think this has been mentioned earlier in the thread. Could there be a way to select convert to legacy material for vray materials? Less to go wrong / fix with that option I reckon.

News / Re: Corona + V-Ray + Enscape = awesome!
« on: 2022-02-21, 11:52:30 »
Interesting. Yeah hardware is a big variable. Definitely a marked difference between architecture and viz in terms of investment and performance there in my experience.

News / Re: Corona + V-Ray + Enscape = awesome!
« on: 2022-02-11, 14:18:34 »
Do you know if it will be corona or vray as the main engine powering Enscape now?

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Chaos Licensing Feedback/Help
« on: 2022-02-10, 16:32:59 »
Thanks for the clarification Tom on the GUI licenses. I see your point about leaving an office PC rendering and not being able to access the same GUI license when I get home. We have 3 max licenses for just two of us anyway so hopefully that wont be a problem.  Or we could make more use out of backburner... but that always throws some issues up one way or another! Have you guys considered a way of just extending corona DR a bit so it could be used as a backburner replacement? I'd pay a bit extra for that!

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Chaos Licensing Feedback/Help
« on: 2022-02-10, 16:12:05 »
Thanks Tom, that's good news. So if I have it right, regardless of location we should be able to sign in OK and not need to worry about connecting to a machine in our office for example to run corona. Each machine can independantly connect to the chaos license server in the cloud? I think I also read before that the licenses are now DCC app agnostic now, so we dont need to have a separate one for our one C4D license we still maintain? And we can keep our rendernodes. Sounds great!

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Chaos Licensing Feedback/Help
« on: 2022-02-10, 15:10:31 »
How will this new license system work for those of us who split work between office and home? We are a company of two and both work in an office and also at our homes. We don’t have any vpn to connect back to the office, just dropbox as a file sharer. Please say this shouldn’t be a problem and we can just run a local ‘server’ on each machine with a company login. The previous system was great for flexible working.


[Max] Daily Builds / Re: CoronaDecals playground!
« on: 2021-11-24, 11:01:16 »
Just to confirm I'm doing it right. The only way currently to get a decal that doesnt have displacement placed on top of a displaced material is to add a solid white map to the displacement channel of the decal? Seems to be the case even when the replace base disp checkbox is ticked. If so is it possible to have Corona do that automatically internally without having to add the map manually? Also means that the light material used in the quick example file must inherit the displacement from the base layer as there is no option to add a displacement map in to the light material.   

Sorry if I've overlooked this in the thread previously.


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