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Messages - kceb noraa

Pages: [1]
oh it would be grate maru ! and thank you about Debris Maker script nice tool :)

Thank you guys for your help i really appreciated :D Peace

i've tried to use corona scatter to spread the pebble but is very hard to manipulate and achieve a well and realistic orgonized pebble by the scatter method... this is why i've turned to arroway methode, but i'll try another time as you told me to do thanks for your advises ;)

Yes arroway gravel :) i just wanted to be sure that 32go is the only way as a solution to this problem before putting my money :D and if i don't use proxy my scene would reach 50M polys something like that so...thank for your response

Hi guys, please i want some advices to this problem: i want to achieve realistic pebble in the garden so i've used 3d pebble models, i've converted them to corona proxy and the scene is only 2M polys, but i've tried to render my image and it has taken to much time to start the first pass (between 20-25 min), when i open my file is too heavy (only 250Mo), when i want to cancel the render is too heavy too.when i've removed the pebbles as proxies object (50M polys witout proxy :D) from my scene everything is okay.

i tried to use textures with displacement but it's not realistic at all, So i think i have two choices 1)waiting too much time each time i render an image 2)add new ram slot (i have 16) to increase the speed of rendering.

I don't know, if there is an other way please tell me (by the way i've seen 3d scanned texture i'll attach a photo here,nice solution but not in the market yet i think).

Thank you

[Max] I need help! / Re: compositing in photoshop
« on: 2015-08-30, 03:14:33 »
98% worked just a result a little bit brighter

[Max] I need help! / Re: compositing in photoshop
« on: 2015-08-29, 16:37:26 »
Hi, i overrided gamma to 1 i think as i read that in the forum, but i will to try to do some other trial...
Thank you

ok thank you for your response :) i installed the commercial version 3 months ago i think, but i wasn't focus in it unfortunately, so i lost that 45 days trial :s But i think i would buy the official version soon...

Hi, i did some test with albedo pass and i've found it really useful, i've fixed some material by putting either 180 or 0,7 level...
My question is about the refractive material like glass or transparant plastic, in my albedo pass is always too red, should i agnore that because it's normal or should i fix something ? i found the only way to decrease the red level (albedo pass) is to decrease refraction level but it is not a solution...
can someone help me with my questions ? thanks :)

[Max] I need help! / compositing in photoshop
« on: 2015-08-29, 02:33:17 »
Hi i work with the alpha 6 version and tried to use essential elements to build my beauty image.i've followed videos instructions and some topics here in the forum, but it worked only with .TIF 32 bits.i tried to do it with .EXR always overexposed image, tried with .png same result. can someone explain me why?, my purpose is to have the same beauty result with .EXR.
(in my trial i put highlight compression and contast to 1)(i use 3ds max 2013 and photoshop CC)
Thank you

[Max] I need help! / Corona passes tutorial please
« on: 2015-01-09, 02:43:25 »
is there a tutorial about corona passes ? a little introduction for beginners

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