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Messages - johan belmans

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 52
Yes, sure, no problem.

Thanks for the the help, the issue is solved. There was a numeric string at the end filename of the different VDBs in the same directory. I added a letter at the end of the file names but still the vdb's were loaded as a sequence in MAX. The easiest solution was one single vdb in a directory.

[Max] I need help! / Volumetric grid: flicker in animation
« on: 2024-11-05, 17:59:53 »
I have an issue when rendering an animation with Corona volume grid objects. They flicker over time in the rendered result. The vdb file does not contain any animation.
I rendered the animation with Path tracing as the primary solver and secondary solver and I rendered it with Path tracing and UHD cache (with a pre-calculated cache (every 5 frames). In both cases it flickers.
The lights Samples Multiplier has a value of 8.0
There is no material assigned to the clouds. The shading settings can be found in the attachment.
Any help would be welcome.

edit: every frame is rendered with 20 passes

Ok, thanks Marcin

Did some more tests and the issue happens only when the render job is saved as CXR rendered with Corona 12 HF1 and send via Deadline (10.3)
The same job saved as EXR gets the suspected outcome as in Corona 11.
For the moment we have solved the issue by activating the "Do Not Save Render Elements Files" within Deadline (Render Submission)

about the renaming of the file extension.

I am aware of the EXR-IO plugin for Photoshop. But no need for me to make use of it. I use the Corona Image editor for post processing the rendered CXR and save the beauty pass as an EXR. I have a script for renaming the render elements I need into the EXR extension. I know about the Save All option in the Corona Image Editor, but the script I use saves me time. In Corona 11 the renamed render elements contains only the render element and after renaming to EXR, you can easily drag them into Photoshop. Attached you can find a screenshot which makes clear that with Corona 12 HF1 the saved render elements contains all passes instead of one, check the file sizes.

We recently installed Corona 12 HF1, before we were still on Corona 11.

With Corona 11 (production rendering) the saved render elements and lightmix elements contains only the specific render elements or light mix pass.
With Corona 12 each of them contain all render elements and light mix passes and the beauty pass. So they all have the same file size as the beauty render, which is killing my hard drive :-)
Secondly I cannot rename the CXR file extension to EXR from the render elements which I need for easy use in Photoshop. Because it will show the beauty render instead of the render element.
I have searched on the forum for related posts, but couldn't find one or looked over it.

EDIT: the issue appears only when rendered via Backburner.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Can't save tone mapping
« on: 2022-05-31, 10:46:29 »

I am experiencing the same issue within Corona Image editor 8 where we load in CXR files. It is still possible to save Config files from the "LightMix" Tab but not from the "Post" Tab.
All settings from the Tone mapping are not saved in the config file (except Photographic exposure values which cannot be edited within CIE). Which was no issue in Corona Image Editor 7.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Advice for 28K rendering issues
« on: 2022-04-13, 22:03:18 »
I would follow Romullus advice.
But If you really want to render at that resolution, you can make use of the Tile or Jigsaw rendering option in Deadline.

Yes :-)

News / Re: Corona + V-Ray + Enscape = awesome!
« on: 2022-01-11, 16:21:47 »

I will keep an eye on: "We'll have more to share with you soon, so stay tuned!" :-)

Hi Edwin,

thanks for your reply in this thread. It would be great if you and your team could keep an eye on the Deadline forum to sort out this kind of issues.
Although I can image it will take a lot of your time browsing to all the posts over there.
But hey I am still a Deadline fan. Keep up the good work!

Merry Christmas

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona DR + deadline problem
« on: 2021-12-21, 09:15:26 »

we use Deadline, but we never make use of Corona DBR. So I cannot help you out on this matter.
But as Algato mentions, you should contact the support team of Deadline.

Just tested the patch were Maru is referring to and I can confirm the issue (I had so far) is solved.

Hi Maru,

just did. ID  #15485

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